Author Topic: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?  (Read 6219 times)

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Offline joshnickerson

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Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« on: October 22, 2004, 03:50:37 PM »
I was nosing around my local Blockbuster when I saw they had the new Ninja Turtles game on the rental wall. I picked it up and opened it up to see if the manual was inside so I could take a look. It wasn't in there, but I was surprised to see that it was in a 2-disc style case. I checked the other copy and it was the same. Now, I know it's possible that Blockbuster could have simply switched the case with something else, but why would they bother on a game that just came out? I shook the rental case (it was white plastic, so I couldn't see inside) and it did indeed sound like there were two discs inside.
I guess I could have simply rented it to find out, but I don't get paid until Monday
Is it a two disc game, or does the second disc hold the Arcade game? Just curious is all.

Offline Jdub03

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2004, 06:55:22 PM »
My cousin has this game and he told me that the arcade game came with it.  Im guessing they did just like mortal kombat deception and put it on a separate disc.  It might have some extras on it also, like concept art and behind the scenes.  Im not entirely sure.
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Offline Rancid Planet

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2004, 09:57:03 PM »
I just fail to see why the need for two disks ever came up. I don't believe for a second that all the info from either the MK or TMNT bonus disks wouldn't fit on just the one disk. I think that this is just a cheap ploy to make you think you are getting more free stuff than you actually are.


Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2004, 10:09:32 PM »
Videos aren't that small and the GC disks aren't exactly huge. Even if they went just 100-200MB over the limit that's already too much.

Either way, which arcade game would that be? The original TMNT Coin-op or a later one? I remember TMHT (yes, european version) as the first game I bought boxed.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2004, 10:45:53 PM »
I believe it's the original TMNT arcade game.  I don't see why they didn't include an arcade perfect port of Turtles in Time or some of the console exclusive games as well.  Judging from the largely negitive reviews both recent TMNT games have received I doubt they're going to be able to fool everyone long enough for there to be enough sequels to bother re-releasing the classics at such a slow rate.  Personally I would have paid for just the two arcade games on one disc.  In fact I would prefer that to buying these crappy new games.

However I believe the arcade game isn't arcade perfect.  Konami only has the rights to the new show.  Since the music from the old arcade game is from the original show they had to change the music for this port.  LAME.  It's a shame that a classic arcade game may never be released for home consoles as it was original intended due to legal technicalities.  Guess there's no way I'll ever get The Simpsons or X-Men arcade games.

Offline joshnickerson

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2004, 05:35:32 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
However I believe the arcade game isn't arcade perfect.  Konami only has the rights to the new show.  Since the music from the old arcade game is from the original show they had to change the music for this port.  LAME.  It's a shame that a classic arcade game may never be released for home consoles as it was original intended due to legal technicalities.  Guess there's no way I'll ever get The Simpsons or X-Men arcade games.

Really? Man, I'd heard that the voices had been changed, but I didn't know about the music. Damn, that game had the best Konami had to offer during the 90s. That kinda sucks. I guess I'll only be renting it then. I wonder if it's available right off the bat or do you have to unlock it...
Oh, and I was a huge fan of the Simpsons arcade game and was bummed when no SNES port was released (stupid Acclaim).

Offline NIGHTWING2.5

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2004, 06:01:10 AM »
Well all I can say about TMNT 2 for the GC is; about freaking time. Konami finally got it right.  It's a four player option game; plus you can play as splinter. Man I've been waiting for this since the very first TMNT game came out on the 8-NES console. Not to mention they put the first arcade game on their as well.  I wish they could put the second arcade game on their as well, but it's alright I still have my Turtles in Time for SNES. Yeah I wish Konami would've ported that X-Men arcade game to the SNES, but never happen. It's still the best X-Men game in my opinion. Ever. The Fighting X-Men/Marvel Super Heroes games come in second.  
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Offline NIGHTWING2.5

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2004, 06:31:23 AM »
My blood remains 50% explosive. Facing me is like going toe to toe with a locomotive.

Offline Rancid Planet

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2004, 09:59:07 AM »

Originally posted by: NIGHTWING2.5
. Konami finally got it right.  It's a four player option game;.

Yeah I remember Adam from X-PLAY griping about that when the first game came out. I gave the first title a rental and it was fun and all. And I'm sure that I'll give the new one a chance too but I have a feeling it will just give me the same feeling that the first one did. The feeling that I'd rather be playing Turtles in Time instead.

[Rancid Planet=muffled voice because of SNES crappy sound] Burry me at wounded knee![/muffled]

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Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2004, 11:31:55 AM »
I rented it and i want my six bucks back.  When the best part of your game is an aincent arcade game then your game definately sucks.  It was actually worth the rental to run through the arcade perfect TMNT game, too bad you had to play the game to get it.  

Offline NIGHTWING2.5

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2004, 11:38:57 AM »
I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Is the arcade game also a four player game?
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Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2004, 05:58:51 PM »

Offline Uglydot

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2004, 05:11:03 AM »
I really must say I enjoyed the new games.  The old games were pretty shallow, beat up guys, wait for arrow, go on.  Now I can do with with more friends, so I really like them more i suppose.  I'd take any bonuses they throw my way.  I have the old NES ports, but it's nice to have my GCN be my little gaming center.  The new games just don't have the nestalgia attatched.

Offline joshnickerson

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2004, 07:41:44 AM »

Originally posted by: Uglydot
The old games were pretty shallow, beat up guys, wait for arrow, go on.

And that's different from the new games... HOW?

The difference between the old games and the new games is that the old games knew when to stop. I can blast through the ten levels of Turtles in Time in about 30-45 minutes, and have a damn good time doing it. It takes about that long just to finish one level in the new game. The old games ended before the beat-em-ups got boring. Now they get boring by the end of the first level.
I'm hoping they finally get their act together on the third game (you know it's coming), because I was such a huge Turtles fan back in the day.

Offline UncleBob

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2004, 08:14:07 AM »
Could you imangine what would happen if someone released a game for $30-$50 that only lasted about 30-45 mins?  I can hear the screams now...  
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2004, 08:29:06 AM »
"Could you imangine what would happen if someone released a game for $30-$50 that only lasted about 30-45 mins? I can hear the screams now..."

Ikaruga can be beaten in like an hour and it costs $30-$50.  It only has five levels.  Yet it works because it's so fun and the difficulty is such that you can't beat it the first time you play.

Back in the day a lot of games took a very short time to beat.  But it was fine because those games had tons of replay value.  Sure it takes only 40 minutes to beat TMNT IV but it's a fun enough game for you to beat it several times.  Most games today are much longer but have sh!t replay value.  This works okay for a game like Zelda but a beat-em-up has to have replay value.  This type of game started in the arcades so you have to design it like an arcade game: short but enjoyable enough that you don't get bored starting from the beginning each time you play it.

These days we've been kind of brainwashed into only accepting games where we have unlimited continues, low difficulty, and the ability to save after every step.  This set up just doesn't work worth crap for arcade style games.  Someone has to take the inititive and design a high profile game that has a finite amount of continues, a high difficulty, and that forces players to start over when they get a game over.  Treasure did do this with Ikaruga but that's not a high profile game.

There's a difference between a game that takes 40 minutes to beat and one that takes 40 minutes to beat on the first try.

Offline UncleBob

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2004, 09:18:21 AM »
The problem with trying to make a console game more like an arcade game is... well, you simply can't.

A good example is Pac Man...  Back in the day when I had Pac Man on my Intellivision, it was an okay game... But nothing beat playing it at Pizza Hut on the old table top (assuming you were lucky enough to get to sit there!).  Playing an arcade game is more than just the game itself... If that were the case, I'd been content to have pizza delivered and play the game at home unlimited (well, until mom said it was bedtime - in which case I could just leave the system on overnight and continue from there) - going simply by game play, there is no possible way to compare arcade games and console games - the arcade game wasn't just about the gameplay.  It's about challanging the limits set forth to you... and we're not talking about "fake" limits created by the game, I'm talking real world limits.  The number of quarters, for example.  Or when mom is ready to leave the store.

A lot of the great old arcade games didn't generally have limits on the numbers of continues you could have... you were limited by the number of quarters and how fast you could make it to the change machine and back (which was another challange!).  X-Men, The Simpsons, TMNT, they wern't about "You die and it's over!", they were about "You die and you give us more money!"  It was all about beating the machine before it asked for more.

Short of putting a coin slot on your GCN (Maybe that's what the other port is for!), I don't think it's realistic to expect a console game to live up to the same types of fun that arcade games offer.

Look at Gauntlet.  Probably in the top ten best arcade games ever (IMHO).  If I saw it in an arcade, I'd jump at the chance to play it.  Even though I own Midway Arcade Treasures.  Because in the arcade, I'm going to be playing for money - gambling, if you will.  I've already spent the money at home, it doesn't matter how much more I spend at home, I'm not going to get any more enjoyment out of the game.  But in the arcade... oh yeah...  It's all about how much time I can make the machine give me for each individual quarter I put in it.

Granted, you could put limits on console games - Let's say a Pac Man with no continues.  You die, you start from scratch.  Okay, but then you can start over right then.  Mom (or in today's case, the wife) isn't yelling that it's time to leave.  You don't have to worry about spending your lunch money (or car insurance) in the coin slot.  You just play and keep playing until you have it beat.  Which is, in and of itself, less of a challenge since you aren't waiting a day/week, etc inbetween attempts and you don't lose that "zone" you're in while playing.

I agree completly that today's games are a heck of a lot easier than they used to be when it comes to console games now vs. console games then.  Too many save points and too many continues...  Heck, in a lot of games, I'd even give you the lower difficulty level... But this is because it's what people want.  Look at how badly Majora's Mask was ragged on because of it's limited save system.

And you simply cannot make a short game now-a-days and expect for it to sell well.  We're dealing with a day where "traditional" puzzle games only sell when they're in nice sized collections or at discount prices.  Even if the game is fun and mostly original, it just won't sell if it's short (Ikaruga, as a good example).  People want games that are going to give them a lot for their $50 investment (I seem to recall hearing a lot of whining that Wind Waker was too short and I thought it was a nice sized game).  So then you end up with a Beat 'em up/Shoot 'em up that's too long.  And gets boring (the complaints here).  And could you imangine if you had a 4-hour long beat 'em up that you could never save in?

I do agree with what you're saying (mostly) don't get me wrong...  But I don't think a short, hard game is the answer.

Now what would be great is a game that's an arcade simulator.  Packed with a *lot* of old-style arcade games, you get to play 10-20 at a time (the "Operator" switches games out based upon the GCN's clock and how long the current games have been there vs how often they're played).  The games keep your high scores (and anyone else who happens to play, letting you create profiles).  Each arcade game is a respectable game by itself, but short.  You play it, you beat it, you go on to something else...  You challenge your friends into beating your high scores.  There's limits on continues (if only there was a fun way to limit the amount of "Quarters" you have in the game and a way to "earn" them....)

It'd be more fun if someone managed to get lisence to acutally use older arcade games in this...
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2004, 09:43:00 AM »

You'd have to pack a whole lot of games in there. Considering the dev time of a single game that's either going to be very hard or end up being many cheap rehashes. Even short games take a long time to develop since you have to test and adjust mechanics, make art for all  the stuff in there, etc. A shmup may require less effort than a normal game but it still requires enough effort to make such a compilation unfeasible.
How about some form of MMO Arcade? You go online, you can find other players on the fly, you have credits tied to your account, you fight other people's highscores, etc. You could gradually introduce new games, you could have limited credits (maybe a daily allowance plus some games where you can gain additional credits or for certain scores and bonuses for beating highscores, etc) and you'd have the social aspect of arcade gaming in there as well. Okay, you couldn't punch the other guy in the face to gain an advantage but that's only a minor problem, right?

Maybe even subcontract devs and pay them based on how often their games get played .

Offline UncleBob

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2004, 10:20:27 AM »
You know, the MMO game could be a great idea!  And I'm not one for online gaming (at this point and time)...

Back to the other idea, yeah, you'd have to take extra time to develop the game to work all the bugs out, however, it should be fairly easy to develop one "engine" and make games that use different aspects of the engine (Basically, different "levels", though each one would have it's own theme, weapons, etc...).  Yeah, it'd be a drain on the artwork side...

But the MMO Arcade thing sounds like a neat idea...

Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2004, 11:11:00 AM »
"X-Men, The Simpsons, TMNT, they wern't about 'You die and it's over!', they were about 'You die and you give us more money!' It was all about beating the machine before it asked for more."

During the 16 bit era there were TONS of arcade ports on consoles and they manged to be pretty popular despite the fact that there were no quarters.  Why?  Because they had a finite amount of credits which effectively acts like having change in your pocket.  I play Guantlet on Midway Arcade Treasures and I'm bored because of the unlimited credits.  It's not that bad though if I enforce my own limitation (though still pretty bad since that game sucks; yeah I went there).  I've only played through Smash TV once because the unlimited credits completely remove the need for skill.  But if you limit the credits you have a classic game.

Contra 3 is the best example I can think of an arcade style console game that worked.  It's not an arcade port.  It's a completely new SNES title.  But it plays like an arcade game and it works.  Maybe that type of stuff doesn't sell anymore but that doesn't mean it can't.  The userbase's tastes in things are largely programmed.  The console maker has a lot of influence over what games are popular and what aren't (ie: why 2D games bomb on the Sony consoles).  Which is why I'm saying that someone needs to take an inititive and make these types of games again.

And ignoring all this the point is that if you're going to make a beat-em-up like Konami did you have to make it right.  That means making it short but with lots of replay value.  Konami went with length over replay and the game sucks as a result.  And that's all WE care about, right?

Oh and I think the MMO arcade idea is pretty cool.  It has virtually unlimited replay too since they can make new games for the virtual arcade and it would be a good way to re-release some classics.  Ideally you would want to able to play the games offline as well so that years from now when the product is no longer supported you can play the games with your friends still.  I think they should make this and release an expansion of sorts every year with new titles.  Each release is like a new arcade so to get into the new online arcade you need the new game.  Then there could be a special uber arcade only available to people who have the latest game which has ALL of the games in it.  So it's like you're subscribing only you're buying a new game each year instead.

Offline Flames_of_chaos

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RE:Ninja Turtles 2... 2 discs?
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2004, 05:07:29 PM »
The only arcadey type game coming out on consoles is Alien Hominid for Cube and PS2 maybe you might want to pick that up IAN since it was inspired by gunstar heros and contra(old school).
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