Author Topic: Stop Stealing Content From Other Sites  (Read 47542 times)

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Offline Bloodworth

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Stop Stealing Content From Other Sites
« on: February 01, 2003, 04:59:50 PM »
*Rick posted this originally on the old board, but from what I've seen already, it needs repeating.

Cutting and pasting content from other websites and posting it in our Forums is a BANNABLE offense. It's stealing, whether you give credit to those sites or not. Websites live and breathe on advertising revenue, and when you steal their content, they don't get the hits, so they don't get paid. I've already banned a few repeat offenders, but we will now start banning ANYONE who steals content from other sites, unless you can prove that you had permission.

You can link to web pages all you want.  What you can't do is paste blocks of text, stream pictures from their webspace, or link directly to their media (of any type).  If you want to direct people to another site's media, make a link to the webpage on which they can find links to the media.  You may post pictures from another website provided they are stored on your own personal webspace and that you provide a link and full credit to the place where you got them.

And to clarify, this is NOT a new rule. The rules have always stated quite clearly that reposting copyrighted information is bannable, we will simply be enforcing this rule more strictly now.

Have a nice Day!
Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor

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RE: Stop Stealing Content From Other Sites
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2004, 06:47:21 AM »
 Cutting and Pasting content from other websites and posting it in our Forums is a BANNABLE offense. It's stealing, whether you give credit to those sites or not. Websites live and breathe on advertising revenue, and when you steal their content, they don't get the hits, so they don't get paid. I've already banned a few repeat offenders, but we will now start banning ANYONE who steals content from other sites, unless you can prove that you had permission.

And to clarify, this is NOT a new rule. The rules have always stated quite clearly that reposting copyrighted information is bannable, we will simply be enforcing this rule more strictly now.

And since some of you can't make the distinction, linking directly to images on other sites is also bandwidth theft. You're increasing their bandwidth, and giving them no ad views in exchange. Poor form.

Right now, we have linking turned on, but inline images turned off. Don't ruin it for others by linking to images, or we'll have to disable links too, and that would suck a lot. Don't do it.  
Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor