Author Topic: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*  (Read 7319 times)

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Offline pokepal148

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So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« on: September 03, 2019, 09:46:19 PM »
I've been itching to rewatch this movie and I figure I'll do it tomorrow. It has some issues but it's also honestly the most ambitious Star Wars movie since at least Empire.

That said, wow this movie has it's detractors

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2019, 10:00:11 PM »
I liked The Last Jedi. It isn’t without faults which almost seems useless to say because that applies to every movie except *checks notes* The Shawshank Redemption.

The worst thing about The Last Jedi is how it inspired so many dipshits to slither out of the woodwork. I’m not even talking about people who merely disliked the movie. I don’t care if someone doesn’t like something. That’s fine. The second someone edited a 45 minute “de-feminized” cut of the movie and/or created a petition demanding Lucasfilm/Disney remake Episode VIII is when I just didn’t want to live on this planet anymore.

Personally, all of these movies are stupid if you think about them long enough. Yes, all of them even the beloved original trilogy.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2019, 10:04:01 PM by Adrock »

Offline pokepal148

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2019, 01:02:11 AM »
TLJ's script has a few problems that could have been ironed out. There's some stuff that could have been explained better, some stuff that bas

There's a lot of really stupid "criticisms" of The Last Jedi that completely fall apart when you think about them. A personal favorite of mine is people thinking that the resistance pilots didn't have a plan during the battle of crait. They clearly did have a plan. The plan was, go in, hit the giant cannon with everything we've got, and hope for the best. Than as the battle progressed it became clear that this wasn't going to work out for them and Poe made the decision to call the remaining pilots back. Finn was an idiot who thought that ramming his itsy-bitsy speeder into the mouth a giant cannon that was designed to break stuff was going to do something even though it was already causing the speeder to melt and fall apart just from how close he was to it as it was priming up so Rose had to bail him out and than give easily the worst line in the film.

You could add about 7 minutes to the film, add back in the full version of this scene which honestly never should have been cut up in the way it was in the first place. I guess the reason Rian Johnson gave for it being cut up the way it was is because he felt it messed with the pacing but honestly I think it would have gotten away with it.

Put this scene back in because without it there is honestly no point in having Plasma in the movie in the first place.

And spend the rest of the time on a few scenes sprinkled throughout where characters explain things like why Poe was an idiot for pressing an attack to destroy the Dreadnought when he'd already managed to destroy it's weapons so it was pretty much neutralized for at least the rest of the movie and Resistance Bombers (and their pilots) don't grow on trees because apparently even hardcore Star Wars fans need this **** spelled out for them so there's no way the kids these movies are made for are going to get it. Like this specific example is not the best one because there is a scene of Leia calling Poe out for it and doing everything I mentioned but apparently that wasn't enough so IDK and there are other scenes like Holdo not trusting Poe that don't get explained that well.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 01:25:19 AM by pokepal148 »

Offline broodwars

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2019, 03:10:31 PM »
Ah yes...The Last Jedi, the film that-

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Offline pokepal148

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2019, 09:16:37 PM »
So I rewatched like I said I would and I feel confident in saying it's pretty easily my favorite Star Wars movie.

It's also got imo the best soundtrack out of all of them.

for BNM
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 09:23:37 PM by pokepal148 »

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2019, 01:51:48 AM »
It looks so bad that I have never watched it. The previous Disney Star Wars disappointed me too much to even bother taking a chance on something that looked awful.

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2019, 11:01:36 AM »
This thread is for The Last Jedi so I don’t want to get too off topic. I really liked The Force Awakens. It follows similar beats as A New Hope except it has better pacing. Episode IV’s first half is horrendously boring. It doesn’t get even remotely interesting until the group gets to the Death Star.

The Force Awakens isn’t without faults though I don’t agree with many of them. Rey being a Mary Sue probably being the worst offender especially when people ignore that Luke shrugged off PTSD, got like two days of training from Obi-Wan, then murdered hundreds of thousands of people using a ship he’s never piloted before and a power he didn’t know was a thing until he stranger-dangered into some old man’s house in the middle of nowhere. If people accept that, I don’t understand why Rey is a problem.

The text of all the episodic films before The Force Awakens supports fluidity in the Force. The mystery is the most intriguing thing about it. Genetics can play a role, power can be inherent and latent, Force-sensitives can use the Force without really knowing they’re using it or that the Force exists etc. etc. Tapping into the true potential of the Force requires actual training. However, some people are just naturally good at things which is rooted in reality. Edith Wharton received no formal education and is considered one of the greatest writers of the 19th century/all time. Joel Embiid didn’t start playing basketball until he was 15, and he’s currently a top 10 player in the world.

One thing I really liked about The Last Jedi is it started shifting away from destiny, bloodlines etc. from the prequels. Even if The Rise of Skywalker walks back on who Rey is, it’s still true. At some point, someone had to discover the Force. They were a nobody. Why not some fucking rando saving the galaxy? That isn’t even new. The Skywalker name in terms of importance doesn’t even go back that far. Shmi Skywalker was a slave at the edge of the galaxy. I’d like the filmmakers to continue exploring that. Anyone can be a hero. Even if they don’t, I won’t lose sleep over it.

Offline pokepal148

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2019, 04:39:30 AM »
The thing that struck me about TLJ when I rewatched it is how dense it is. It's dense to the point where it doesn't give the viewer a lot of downtime to process what is going on. It also makes it feel kind of draining in a way to watch.

Poe's Dreadnought debacle in the beginning of the movie was quite something. They didn't take out it's main cannon like I thought they did so it wasn't exactly out for the count like I said it was earlier but at the same time Poe's logic for taking it out was "those things are fleet killers" when really what the Resistance has at the start of the movie barely even qualifies as a fleet. The Resistance is in no position to be going out of it's way to outright destroy a Dreadnought when they don't even have enough firepower to outgun a single one of the First Order's fancy new Star Destroyers. At that point basically everything the first order has is a "fleet killer." That said, I understand the Dreadnought got to keep it's main cannon for a bit of dramatic tension in the bombing scene but it does feel a bit iffy with how the movie plays out as far as Poe's character arc goes, although you could fix it by just having a throwaway line saying that Poe somehow took out the Hyperdrive so it wouldn't have been able to follow the resistance's fleet for the rest of the movie anyways.

Also the bombers are kind of stupid although you could fix that by just making them not so freaking slow.

Carrie Fisher's performance as Leia in this one was easily her best one. In TFA I felt Carrie kind of lacked the fire that she gave Leia in the OT but here she found a near perfect balance between the older and wiser General Leia and the fiery and spirited Princess Leia that makes for a really good take on the character that got pulled off almost perfectly. In a way it feels disrespectful to Carrie as an actress that they're apparently digging through some deleted scenes from TFA for her appearance in The Rise of Skywalker when her performance in TFA was overall kind of weak.

Holdo is an interesting case. The film very intentionally portrays her in a way that makes her seem untrustworthy to the audience but I kind of pieced together a more in universe explanation for why she is the way she is.

Star Wars throws out military titles like candy with no real rhyme or reason so her being a Vice Admiral doesn't really mean anything although I'll get to that later. However what struck me about Holdo when I rewatched the film is that she kind of acts like the team mom in a way. It became my theory that she was used to commanding a small group of people who she's deeply familiar and who in turn are familiar with her and how she operates. It was mentioned at some point that she was commanding a ship called the Ninka when the Raddus's bridge was destroyed so I decided to look into what kind of ship the Ninka was. I figured that the Ninka was that weird hammerhead-starfish looking thing since it appeared to be the smallest capital ship in the Resistance Navy which probably had a crew of around 30-50 people. I was correct, except Wookiepedia lists the Ninka's minimum crew as being as low as 23 people.

When she's introduced one of the characters immediately associated her with some specific battle. Presumably she found a way to get herself and the rest of the Ninka's crew out of a tight spot in a really clever and was promoted to Vice Admiral for it. Because of this, the Resistance's chain of command left her in charge of the entire Resistance, which is something she was certainly capable of on paper but in practice she was massively ill suited to doing so. She isn't used to commanding a large group of people she hardly knows but now she's responsible for trying to ensure their safety and hold everything together. She doesn't even have time to find someone better for the job. She basically has to make the most of what she's got.

It certainly didn't help that Poe is a massive hothead and Holdo doesn't know how to reel him in the way Leia does. You may ask why they made her a Vice Admiral when she's not really a good candidate for the job but even than it's still not as bad as a 12 year old Ahsoka Tano being a commander of the Grand Army of the Republic.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 04:46:15 AM by pokepal148 »

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2019, 02:33:02 PM »
My problem with the Last Jedi isn't the cinematography, it isn't the acting. The problem with the plot. The only characters that do anything interesting or noteworthy are Rey and Kylo. Everyone else is put through the worse hell slog of a plot where they do nothing interesting or fun. Those plot threads were an absolute bore and a chore to sit through.

Poe does nothing the whole movie except argue with Laura Dern. Finn doesn't do anything but park in the wrong parking spot, visit a casino, and free a bunch of space camels.

Snoke gets killed because "subverting expectations" is some sort of sadistic joy of the director.

Most people could have written a better script than the one in Last Jedi. The writers missed that the movie is supposed to be a fantasy adventure movie and also a second act in a trilogy. Because of the Last Jedi, I have little interest in what happens with these characters.
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Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2019, 03:13:51 PM »
I wonder if folks are just not seeing the paralells to Empire Strikes Back with how the movie went and essentially the Rebels were just trying to stay alive. A lot of Empire Strikes Back is based on failure. Like Luke and everyone not succedding at want that are doing.

I found this series a while ago and it talks about the critical reception of the OT at its time and where it went from there.

and Part 2

Give them a look.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 12:05:48 PM by BeautifulShy »
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Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Stratos

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2019, 11:53:13 AM »
A lot of Return of the Jedi is based on failure.

Facing challenges and setbacks then ultimately succeeding isn't what I would call being based on failure.
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Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2019, 12:04:43 PM »
A lot of Return of the Jedi is based on failure.

Facing challenges and setbacks then ultimately succeeding isn't what I would call being based on failure.
Oh my goodness I meant The Empire Strikes Back since it is the middle movie just like The Last Jedi is.   

On your point on Return of the Jedi yes I agree.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
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Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Stratos

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Re: So how about that The Last Jedi movie... *gets booed off stage.*
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2019, 11:56:27 AM »
Hah! Makes much more sense now!
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