Author Topic: Nintendo Free Radio 76: Swords And Stupidity  (Read 1440 times)

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Offline Shaymin

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Nintendo Free Radio 76: Swords And Stupidity
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:21:16 PM »
Contains the longest Mushroom ever

Download (Time: 3:33:42)

Before we begin, a warning: With one exception, we have left the explicit tag on for this one as there are some issues that we need to talk about that definitely aren't family friendly.

In New Business, Donald brushes off Miitomo in order to talk about a trio of Legend of Zelda games: Hyrule Warriors Legends, the de facto New 3DS exclusive, a surprising over-performer in Twilight Princess HD, and a brief pitstop in Link to the Past as an actual New 3DS exclusive. Stephen played the Platinum demo of Final Fantasy XV since that didn't take long, then decided to go fishing with Big the Cat for some crazy reason. Austen's menu includes gun-toting roguelikes with insane progression requirements (Enter the Gungeon), a blatant marketing attempt that will do better than its co-production (Ratchet and Clank 2016), a game that is the last gasp of TVTVSportsTV Microsoft (Quantum Break) and a game that don't give a f**k (Plants v Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, which shouts out to K-Log).

Whatcha Watchin' includes a superhero run, followed by Stephen getting all up in the Zach Miller department with The Good Dinosaur. Donald counters the superheroes with... wrestlers emerging from cereal boxes devoted to a certain body part in the Shaymin Sports-Ent Minute, before getting thrown out of the show as he's Expelled from Paradise. Austen blasted through Psycho-Pass season 2, but follows that with the long-awaited extended breakdown of The Force Awakens. If you're trying to stay spoiler-pure, you'll need to jump ahead about 25 minutes.

Because Whatcha Watchin' went long, we had to forego the feature which would have ran through the state of the Legend of Zelda series - and that's not going to be on 77 either. Instead, it's straight to the Mushrooms which Austen and Stephen tackle quickly, but Donald has the longest Mushroom in history as they break down everything known (at the time) about the Alison Rapp affair. Thankfully, SquareEnix is always around to provide a nice antidote.

Our next show will record shortly and is going to break down some recent changes to a host's travel plans, but be sure to get in your comments and questions. Also, the show ran a little late as Donald is editing NWR's Connectivity after an injury, so go check out episode 202 to see his handiwork.

This podcast was recorded on April 15 and edited by Donald Theriault.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 10:26:26 PM by Shaymin »
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.