Author Topic: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. Day 10. Return of the King.  (Read 10182 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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The Misadventures of Shangri-La
Chapter 10 - Dug Your Own Grave Now Lie In It
After the terrible bug invasion, the villagers walked around in a dazed stupor. They felt they had just lived through a plague of biblical proportions. They thought back to when this whole madness started. Life had seemed so much idyllic even with the Nook's ruling the economy. Now, they felt like they were trapped in a warzone. They had become refugees unable to flee and observers to their own deaths.

They began the work of collecting the fresh bodies to bury them. It had become the only time the villagers seemed to come together anymore without being hostile or suspicious of one another. It was time to reflect on those that had died and on their own lives. Everyone had a job to do and they did it. At this point, they were pretty desensitized to seeing the dead bodies and faces of people they had known for weeks, months and years. That part had long stopped haunting them.

(More common than Sea Bass in Shangri-La)
Lyle also thought he was hardened to seeing all this death. That is until the body of Timmy Nook was collected up and brough to the mass grave site the villagers had created. As Lyle stared into the one-eyed face of his former friend, Lyle felt a great deal of sadness. His buddies, the Nooks and Leif, were now all gone. The good times they spent were now no longer ever able to happen again and the memories of them seemed to be fading away despite his best efforts to hold on to them. He had lost much and had nothing to show for it. These days, the only things he graded were the coffins they made and buried.

With Timmy now also gone, Lyle decided he'd had enough and that perhaps by surrendering he would be welcomed by the villagers for bringing this madness to an end. He stood before the crowd.

"I have an announcement. I'm not Nana. Nope. Not now. Not ever. I am Lyle. Bang. One of the people you have been looking for. Yes. You've searched. You've accused. You've killed. But now. You win. Yes. All of you. I don't want to play at this charade anymore. Nope. Done. Over. Bang. I just want to get back to looking after HHA business. This is good news. Great news. The hunt is over. No more killing. Life can live. You. And you. And all of you. We can return to normal. Civility. Peace. Boom. Game over," Lyle curtly spoke.

The villagers stopped shoveling and stared at Lyle as he spoke. When he was over, they looked at one another, unsure how to take the news, unsure if it was even real. Then Digby spoke up.

"You think this makes everything ok? People are dead because of you. This town will take months or years to repair, although that depends on whether anyone will even bother to stay or if they'll just move away like Luna secretly did last night. And now you think you can just declare that everything is fine and that we are to just move on and let all this go?" Digby said incensed.

"Well. Look at the facts. Lyle. Killed no one. Timmy Nook. No kills. Leif. No kills. Tommy Nook. Killed by Cube. Only person who killed was Tom Nook. He died a long time ago. Was our group perfect? No. We needed to work on ourselves. Improve. But are we monsters? Terrible people? Sociopaths? Not at all. This disguise business. Couldn't be helped. Sorry. It's just that you attacked first. You came after us. Thus, we hid. Nothing sinister there," Lyle argued.

"We attacked because you tried to control our lives. You had us paying off huge mortgages, buying furniture that you approved of and kept breaking into our homes to grade us and tell us how to live out lives. You pushed first and we pushed back," declared T-Bone.

"Your entire behaviour is a disgrace to the HHA," said Digby.

"Nope. I plan to use this above ground," Digby answered and moved in closer.

But instead, the other villagers also picked up their shovels and also moved in closer to Lyle. Or is it Nana? They surrounded him preventing escape. Lyle hadn't realized the villagers need to show for themselves some kind of victory. Up to this point, they had been unable to kill any of the Coon mafia. Other factors had done in the other members. This was their chance to finally dish out some justice and get a much needed victory. Realizing this was the end for him, Nana was resigned to her fate.

"Just put me in a pink casket because pink is the new uhfff," Nana gasped as a shovel went into her stomach knocking out her air. The blows rained down heavy and hard like an eskimo clubbing a seal or an enraged drunk father upset at his family. When they had finally exhausted themselves, they stopped and began to catch their breath.

"Should we bury him, Slushie?" asked Hopper.

"Mrmpht," answered Punchy.

They stared at each other in confusion and bewilderment. The other villagers were also sucked into this same state as they stared at them. Finally, a butterfly flew by waking them out of the trance. Deciding they were too tired to bury him, the villagers went home. Lucky thought it should still be done though so he started to dig a hole but was just too tired to get very deep. Thus, he then dragged Nana's body into the small pit he had made and then he whacked the body with his shovel to try and cram it into the space and get it to fit. After getting most of it down, he considered that a victory and left to find the mayor. He had just had a great idea for a public works project. A cemetery!

For Crazy Redd, this development was most pleasing. Believing that all opposition to him had now been removed, he posted a sign on the town bulletin board declaring that he was going to open the Crazy Redd Pawnshop in the shopping district. He was looking forward to making some pretty outrageous deals.

Isabelle saw this note and, for her, it was the last straw. She went to Khushrenada's house. "Oh, good day Mr. Mayor. It's nice to see you. Um, have you seen this note?" she asked and handed it to Khushrenada. He said he hadn't. "Oh, I see. Well, that's why I brought it to you. AND NOW YOU'D BETTER *bleeping* *bleep* DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, YOU *bleeping* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleeping* *bleep* *bleep* PIECE OF *bleeping* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* SINCE THIS IS ALL YOUR IDEA!" They stared at each other. "Well, I'll be in City Hall if you need me. Have a nice day, mayor!" Isabelle said cheerfully, breaking the silence and leaving.

"So, it's come to this, has it?" Khushrenada said to himself. He stood in front of the mirror and flexed his muscles and then stretched his neck side to side. "It's go time!" he declared.

The next morning, the villagers awoke to find a special note on the bulletin board:

Then Khushrenada stepped out before the crowd.

"Citizens of Shangri-La, take heart. I, Khushrenada, have not abandoned you. I care about this place as much as you all do. Yes, we've had to endure much hardship these past few days. But look at what has been accomplished. We have removed the corrupt Coon influence from this town once and for all. We have overcome a terrorist cell of some sort. We have seen the end of the old mayor Tortimer and need not fear a return to his rule over this town. Only one foe stands before us and total victory. I speak of that notorious black market kingpin, Crazy Redd. We have already stopped a number of his crew and associates. Will we now shrink back in fear after bravely overcoming all previous obstacles? Will we accept defeat when we can have victory? I say no! I say we show Crazy Redd just who we are and what we think of him. Who's with me?" he eloquently and gallantly spoke.

He looked around. The villagers had dispersed already. Some were fishing, some were shaking trees. Others were taking a few steps only to stop to try and figure out where they were until they remembered and then took a few more steps again only to stop and repeat the process.

"This isn't going to be easy," Khushrenada thought to himself.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 03:03:26 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Bulletin Board

Yesterday's results:

Lucariofan99 (Lyle) - Death by Vote.

This means the Coon Mafia is eliminated. It is down to the Foxes and Villagers. 2 Foxes left and 3 villagers left. Critical vote for all but especially for the villagers. If they vote out one of their own, this game is over. With the Coon mafia eliminated, the Fox mafia can now make a hit every night.

So, even though there will no doubt be less voting, let's stretch the day out and have it last until, you guessed it, midnight EST.

Your Animal Crossing comic of the day is:

Good news, K.K. fans! K.K. Slider has finally recovered from his Cola accident and is mounting a comeback tour! Here's your chance to see K.K. perform your favorite hits live. Order your tickets today to see him play at the town of Las Vegas. And it's good to see him looking much better!

Well, maybe he could lay off some of the KKFC but he's still the king.

In anticipation of K.K.'s return to the stage, here's a classic hit, K.K. Steppe:

Today's activity is hoping the Mayor finally talks to you again.

You animals all value his opinion so much.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 03:05:55 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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A lot of people have been critical of my tenure as mayor but I think you just need to widen your understanding of the world. Why take a look at the bulletin board in another neighboring town and you'll see that villages everywhere have their own problems to deal with.


So, you all probably feel much better about life in this town now after all. I accept your apologies.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Stratos

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Time for us to finish this.

Vote Shorty McNostril.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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How rude :P

Vote Stratos

Offline Khushrenada

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That's right. We all have to do our part.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Evan_B

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I guess there's little choice to actually bandwagon now... so before I get into this mess, Why are you voting Shorty, Stratos? I mean, it's pretty obvious why he's voting you...
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Offline Toruresu

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vote shorty mcnostril

I'm guessing voting history proves vote with the penguin...Yeah!
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Offline Khushrenada

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Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Evan_B

  • Formally known as Bevan Ee
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Okay, well... I'm not looking to get on anyone's bad side. Sorry, Shorty, but my vote goes to you. Vote Shorty
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Offline Dan Laser

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Vote Shorty. What are you hiding under all of those bandages, mrmpht?

Offline Stratos

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Talk to animals, they live in my town...its Animal Crossing!
My Game Collection
NNID: Chronocast
Switch: SW-6786-5514-9978
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5723-6467
XBL Gamertag: Chronocast

Offline Khushrenada

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Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Stratos

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Having trouble posting a video. Care to help Khush?

« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 11:59:50 PM by Khushrenada »
My Game Collection
NNID: Chronocast
Switch: SW-6786-5514-9978
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5723-6467
XBL Gamertag: Chronocast

Offline Khushrenada

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Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Final Vote Tally:

Shorty McNostril - 4
Stratos - 1

Now, I normally like to take the weekend off with this game but since we are down to just one more vote, we'll play it one more day in a short little time. But first, night actions are due 30 minutes from this post. And now it is time for the Mayor to get down to business.

Crap! Hope no one saw that.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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K.K. Slider has died! He was discovered dead on hit toilet late in the evening. He suffered a heart attack.

In honor of the great artist, we present K.K. Dirge, a fitting song to the end of an era.

And you thought K.K. was going to be the one person to survive.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.