Author Topic: Nintendo Free Radio Episode 4.5: Not Quite A Bullet Train  (Read 1595 times)

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Nintendo Free Radio Episode 4.5: Not Quite A Bullet Train
« on: September 15, 2012, 10:27:56 AM »
Team NFR reacts to the WiiU launch revelations!

When your last episode gets steamrolled by an oncoming train of WiiU hype, there's only one thing to do - record a quickie episode in reaction. How do Austen, Stephen and Donald feel about the launch details? Why did someone have to revoke a Poison Mushroom this week, and why is Kamiya getting death threats? (Spoilers: The Internet.) Will any of the hosts care about TVii, Skylanders or CoDBlops? And who will end up having to pay $400 for a Premium system? All this and some other things in our shortest episode ever. Don't get used to it.

Time: 1'08"34
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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Re: Nintendo Free Radio Episode 4.5: Not Quite A Bullet Train
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 11:12:42 AM »

Not even remotely interested in ZombiU? I know you said you'll buy one once some enticing games show up, but seriously. ZombiU. That game looks fantastic, and apparently, it plays just as well, too. Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 exclusive, too. These games don't interest you? I know Rayman does. C'mon, man. You know you want one.

EDIT: Finishing up the end of the podcast. Thoughts: I completely agree with Stephen about TVii. It's gonna be the system seller here in America. I mean, I completely understand why Nintendo wants it in the system feature set. They want you to constantly keep your console on and online at all times. For example:

Once you finish playing a game and want to just kick back and watch a few episodes of your favourite tv show, you can switch over to TVii and fire up your show and find out when the next new episode is going to air. And while you're at it, why not go ahead and set your DVR to record the next episode of another show you like. Finish that off and then join another show currently in progress - straight from the TVii setup. Magic.

There's a reason that "TV Control" button on the GamePad exists.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 11:26:22 AM by Racht »
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio Episode 4.5: Not Quite A Bullet Train
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2012, 06:16:54 PM »

Not even remotely interested in ZombiU? I know you said you'll buy one once some enticing games show up, but seriously. ZombiU. That game looks fantastic, and apparently, it plays just as well, too. Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 exclusive, too. These games don't interest you? I know Rayman does. C'mon, man. You know you want one.

No, I don't.  If I wanted a Wii U, I could have made arrangements the last couple of days to pre-order one.  The price isn't that bad considering how this Job is going, but I just can't justify that kind of money on a product that has just consistently failed to excite me and that has a lineup of games I can already largely have a perfectly enjoyable experience with on my PS3 or 360.

Granted, the Wii U's launch exclusives aren't as bad as the 3DS' last year, but there still isn't anything even remotely akin to a system-seller there.  I really enjoyed Rayman Origins, but I'm not going to buy a Wii U for Rayman Legends.  And by the time the Wii U DOES get a game that makes me want the system, Ubisoft's exclusivity deal for the game will probably be over so I'll just buy the game for a console I already own.

Besides, I really think Ubisoft AND Nintendo are pursuing a demand no one had with their obsession with asymmetrical multiplayer.  I don't have anyone locally to play games with, and even if I did I wouldn't want to play as the person with the lame experience on the GamePad (and I wouldn't want to subject them to it, either).  I also don't see the draw in the GamePad in general, really (touchscreens have added very little to my gaming experience on the DS and 3DS), so Ubisoft's whole focus on the GamePad music levels in Rayman Legends really does nothing for me.  I'm ok with just waiting for a version of the game on the other systems if it comes to that.

As for Zombi U, it's another Zombie game, and a Zombie FPS at that.  Whoop-di-friggin'-do.  I've had my fill of Zombies games for probably several years (with the exception of Telltale's Walking Dead episodes).  They don't do anything for me anymore.  I've heard very positive impressions of the game from folks on this site (who are also on my Twitter feed), but I'm just done with Zombie games/movies/TV shows/etc.

As for Bayonetta, I played the PS3 demo years ago (which apparently was not as terrible as that version of the game actually was at launch, though it was graphically on par with a PS2 game), and it just didn't appeal to me.  Beyond the whole "OMG! It's a bookish Sarah Palin-like woman who gets naked & attacks people with her hair!" fetish, I just didn't see anything special in it I haven't seen in dozens of other games.  And if I really want that Devil May Cry experience, I have THREE Devil May cry games sitting on my shelf right now un-played in the Devil May Cry HD Collection.  I respect that apparently it's a very good Devil May Cry clone with over-the-top combat and a fun sense of style, but if I can't get psyched to play actual Devil May Cry right now I'm not going to get psyched to play a pandering knock-off.  So yeah, I have no interest in the sequel. I'm glad for you if you are, but it's not my thing.

I'll be keeping an eye on the Wii U software, but until they release a must-buy title that appeals to ME (which may very well be whatever Monolith Soft's working on) I'm not getting a Wii U.  Hell, even if I WANTED to, I couldn't because all the non-gimped Wii Us are already sold out on pre-order to the diehards and Ebay scalpers.  Until Nintendo unveils something actually exciting, though, I'm perfectly content with playing the enticing upcoming games on the HD consoles I already own as well as my ridiculously huge backlog of games I already own that I haven't finished yet.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 06:40:54 PM by broodwars »
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