Not sure how many people will are paying attention to anything but E3 news at this point but I finally got around to finishing listening to this episode so ....
1. Never understood the hype on DQ5. The entire DQ franchise is one of my favorite of all time, so clearly I really did enjoy DQ5, but it is probably 2nd to last if I were to rank the games in my favor (DQ7 is dead last, bw). And for me, I rank story above all else, but you're right Jonny, DQ5 was not great storytelling. DQ4 and 8? Quite good.
2. Thank you guys so much for the Bayonetta bashing. I feel like so many gamers and reviewers just got blinded by the nudity and the "smart" glasses and just mumbled "goty" as drool slipped out their mouths. I already really respected you guys, but hearing you all rise above the video game cheesecake that is Bayonetta just tripled my opinion of you all. Kudos!
3. Impossible to nail down one game as "the" representation of the art form. But, yea, there's a lot of great work going on in the gaming space these days. In my opinion, certainly more so than movies and television which have started to become way too formulaic. I know I sound like a snob saying that, and I hate snobbery, but that's just how I feel at the moment.
There are some game genres (shooters) that are well on their way to becoming just as formulaic... but, that's their problem.
4. If I'm not mistaken the term "killer app" came from computer software, like MS Word, just as you guys started saying. During my one year as an IT major, I remember having to learn about that. The term translates to gaming just as you guys said.
5. A real quick take on Comic Book movies: I feel they have reached an awkward stage where they escalated to a new escalon very quickly and, like a rock star who can't handle new-found fame, is starting to show up drunk for performances =P
Note: I have yet to see X-Men First Class or Green Lantern.
6. The Prince of Persia movie ABSOLUTELY pleasantly surprised me. It wasn't great, but it was really good and that says a lot for a video game movie.
I've never seen 5 seconds of the Mario movie and I should probably keep it that way =)
7. As for game hype, I never (ok, rarely) get too high or too low before a game comes out. But I always find that when you go into a game/movie/TV show not expecting a lot, people are usually pleasantly surprised (as Jonny just said!). It's when people go in to something EXPECTING a perfect masterpiece that they truly are let down... and always will be.
Right now? I think I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of Kid Icarus: Uprising. In fact, I've said several times that is my "KILLER APP" for the 3DS. Other than that? I was really psyched for Red Steel 2 and that didn't quite live up to my hopes - still good though. I thought I would HATE Monster Hunter Tri but purchased it to play with my brother-in-law online aaaaand now I'm close to 600 hrs. crazy.
A time when I was psyched ahead of time and that was fulfilled? mmmm, Muramasa probably comes closest in recent memory. Of course, the Layton games get me buzzing with each new one and have also never let me down. good times.
I agree most with what you guys said about being "excited" but not caught in the hype machine. It's a fine line, but worth walking if you can.
8. Since you started talking about the name of the new console? geez... "Wii U"... is there any way NWR can start a petition or something to change that!? please?!! I would take anything else. "Wii 2," "WiiTu," "Super Wii," "ohWiimaway ohWiimaway" ... anything!!
I already feel like a weirdo saying the word "Wii" out loud during in-person gaming discussions. I'm going to have to wear a paper bag on my head if I have to say "Wii U" in a GameStop or when hanging with friends.
Great show! Though, needs more Lindy. =P