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Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Roundtable Transcript
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:26:01 AM »

Ono-san's comments, game information, and more.

Below is a full, sometimes paraphrased, transcript from Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono's presentation at the Capcom roundtable at the Nintendo 3DS Preview Event in Amsterdam. There are details of download play, StreetPass figurine battles, and the touch screen controls.

Moderator: We are delighted today to welcome both our guests from Capcom. This is going to be a presentation in two parts, first of all we have Mr. Ono, who you all know, who will talk about Super Street Fighter IV, and then we will ask a few questions. Then Mr. Kawata will talk about Resident Evil: The Mercenaries and after that we will have a few questions as well. So, Mr. Ono. *applause*

Yoshinori Ono (via translator): It's really cold in here! *laughter* Really, until yesterday, I wouldn't have thought that I would be presenting in such an environment (Note: the event took place in a converted aircraft hangar).

How did you like the big presentation earlier? Was it fun to watch, did you enjoy it? *applause* I think it was a kind of a bad version of George Clooney on stage (Note: he is referring to Laurent Fischer, Nintendo of Europe MD of Marketing and PR's speech at the earlier press confernce) so that was a little bit boring.

I'd like to share with you a little bit more in detail about Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition. There are 35 characters/fighters in the game, as I have mentioned. Some of you may be asking is it the same as for the Japanese arcades, basically it's the worlds that you are familiar with on the Street Fighter games that are out in Europe. Probably the follow-up question for that would be, "But when's the arcade version coming to Europe?" And frankly speaking, I will not answer this question. *laughter*

The above three costumes are unlocked from the beginning when you start Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition on your Nintendo 3DS (Note: Ryu is shown in three different costumes). They are free of charge; they are included. I think this is different to the machines where you actually have to pay to get them. They're free, did you get that? *applause*

Obviously, Street Fighter is about fighting so you will have to fight. So basically, all the game modes that you are familiar with, all of these will be available in the palm of your hand on the Nintendo 3DS so please assume that what you are used to is also included.

When we are talking about Internet play, online versus battle, you will not have to worry about finding a suitable partner on the Internet or going into complicated selection modes or screens, the game software will find a suitable partner for you on the Internet so it will be very easy to use. Online versus battles will be global, so you will be playing against some people in Japan or North America, it will be worldwide online battle. Actually, last week we did a communication test with people from Nintendo Japan, Nintendo America, Nintendo Europe joining in a test play, and I am happy to report that it works very well. It's obviously very great for me to fight against Nintendo people and win.

For local wireless play we have a very similar setup to Pokemon, so it's very easy to use to play against people who are close to you.

Have many of you tried Super Street Fighter IV 3D edition over there in the gameplay area? Actually, before you start the battle, even if one person selects 2D and the other person selects 3D they can still fight with each other.

Then there's StreetPass, and we've really put a lot of effort into making this a good feature. Actually, using this feature is very simple, you just select the figurines, make a good combination of abilities, set them on your Nintendo 3DS with StreetPass and then more or less automatically you'll be battling. I think what I didn't mention earlier today is that actually, with these figurines you'll also be able to exchange them, trade them, and download additional figures so I think this can be something you will really enjoy for a long time.

But I think even with all these features, I think there are still going to be some people who say, "I'm not going to buy it". Please raise your hand if you are not going to buy the game. *room is quiet* Thank you for your courage! And for this kind of person, we have added a feature that I will now explain.

So if you're not going to buy the game, please take your Nintendo 3DS and go somewhere close to someone who has the game and is playing it. Then there's a download version', so using DS Download Play, if I don't have the game, I can download a version and then we can fight. The special thing is that if I send the download version to him, and you, then I quit and go home, the really special thing is that you and him will be able to continue playing the game. I think when we created this feature, we had in mind that, actually, we want a lot of people to be able to enjoy StreetPass on Nintendo 3DS and Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, and I think this feature will allow a lot of people actually give it a try and see what it does. So I thnk that once you've tried it, you will also buy the game.

Thank you very much! *applause*


Question: I have a question regarding the download version of the game: What is the difference compared to the full version?

Ono: Of course, if the download version was the same as the full version, then I think Capcom would go bankrupt! *laughter* That was a joke, obviously, but there's also the technical limitation with how much data we can actually send by WiFi for Download Play. So, the limit is the character will be Ryu and secondly, there will only be one stage. So if you play a scene, but you think I want to play as Chun Li, then sorry, you will have to buy the game! I was playing it over in the games area; you have got Ultras, Supers, and Specials all on the touch screen. Are you worried you're taking away the prime challenge that motivates Street Fighter players?

Ono: I guess you're a fan of the Street Fighter series and you play it a lot? Actually, with people like you in mind, we've crated a mode where you can take out the touch screen controls. Then for online versus battle, there is a mode that only people who have turned off the touch screen controls can join. You can search only for people who have turned the touch screen off.

So if you go back to Street Fighter for Super Nintendo, that's only 20 years ago. There are all these old guys who say my thumb hurts, I can't even move anymore. These are the kinds of people we were considering and why we added the touch screen mode.

Cubed3: I was just wondering, you're trying to make this more accessible to a wide audience, did you ever consider working with Nintendo to include some of their characters in the game?

Ono: I would really like you to raise this opinion and suggestion with Nintendo Japan, please message Mr Sakurai, and I would be happy to have Nintendo vs Capcom!

Eurogamer: When is the arcade edition coming out in Europe?

Ono: It's still a secret today!

Moderator: Thank you Mr. Ono! *applause*

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Re: Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Roundtable Transcript
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 01:26:35 AM »
Best roundtable ever.
James Jones
Mondo Editor
Nintendo World Report

Offline MarioIsFrench

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Re: Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Roundtable Transcript
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 12:33:27 AM »
As a heavy Super Street Fighter 4 player, i gotta be honest... i'm still iffy about this... There is no doubt that Ono and capcom did ALOT of work to make this game accessible and worth the pickup but its kinda hard to get excited about it. it seems like its a straight port + some extra features. I'm ok with straight ports but as long as there's a huge gap in time in between (OCARINA OF TIME!! WHOO HOO!!). but SSF4 is still being HEAVILY played right now (the online on the PS3 version is REALLY slow... almost down to a crawl).
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