Author Topic: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate  (Read 18367 times)

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Offline SgtShiversBen

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2004, 05:30:32 AM »
I don't see how the DS can't have any fighters for it?  It has the same layout as the SNES did and look how many fighters came out for that bad mo fo.  Hell, they could even make a dead or alive for it.  When you knock the person off one level of stage, they fall to the other.  Meaning, going from one screen to the next.  Or it could be like a boxing match, and the top (or bottom) screen keeps stats of what happened.  Just some speculation.  But yeah.
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Offline animex

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2004, 06:07:18 AM »
thats great idea!

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2004, 07:54:54 AM »
I don't know why people think the DS can't do fighting games.  Its the best system to do some kind of fighting games.


DS could be the first system to do First Person Fighters right.  Top Screen can show where you are in the ring, and health.

Bottom screen you use your fingers to Box the other player.  And area to block can be in the lower corner you press with both fingers to block.  An area on the side of the screen can be press to do side steps.  Perfect Punch Out design, or other boxing games.

2D fighters could ROCK on this system.  

Imagine A 2D game where you are fighting on the top screen  Bottom screen is for tag team special attacks and switching out.  

A quick tap on your partners hand switchs the players out.  And more advanced touch screen movements could activate special partner special attacks.

Last, when you have an opening in the battle on top screen do an attack then send your partner in not to attack the top screen, but to attack on the bottom screen opponents partner.

So now you are juggling between two fights.  The top one being the main battle and the bottom being a side bout.  

PSP couldn't do that.

Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2004, 08:20:26 AM »
All those ideas are great, well most of them are pretty good, but I'm old school.  Give me ken and jhun fighting against blanka and K' using buttons to fight and switch.  Hell I'll take a game like isuka with mass chaos going on at all times over the two screens with conventional fighting mechanics.  As nice as a touch screen is and the dual screens are great, no one is going to make the simple fighting games the right way.  They'll all be forced to either use fancy features and lose some of the fun factor, or get critically blasted for not innovating the fighting genre.

RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2004, 09:14:28 AM »
I'm sure you'll get all your old school fighting games and the real good developers arent going to force the use of the touch screen if they cant come up with anything worth while that'll enhance the gameplay.  The posibilites are endless for the DS and fighting games.  Like some have said, you can use the screen for lest say marvel vs capcom where fighters get hit so far up in the air that you lose sight of them, with 2 screens you can see whats happenin up in the air with the secont top screen.  
    For boxin games, the bottom touch screen can be used for info and in between rounds.  Lets say in between rounds the bottom screen has a frontal view of the fighter sittin on his chair.  With the stylus you could go and grab the water bottle to give the fighter water, cut him if need be, try and seal cuts and whatnot.  They can also use the old punchout look since you into the old school.  Bottom screen will be the behind the back view from punchout and the top will be like the sports broadcast of it, with replays and all the commentary.  You can take your psp if you want to settle for the basics.  

    IMO the psp is dead out the gate and no I aint biast.  I am a nintendo fanboy at heart but I do own all the systems cuase they all serve their purposes.  If it comes out over 200 dollars then it'll be too much and the only people that'll buy it are the tech heads that always need the new stuff or the sony fanboys that'll buy anything with a sony logo on it.  So far speculation is that its goin to run in at 350, god help sony if thats true.  Also, battery life is goin to SEVERELY cripple the psp.  From what I read, predictions so far are about 6 hrs for games if I remember correctly and bout 2 hrs for movies, cant remember how much for music though.  If that holds true and it trully is 2 hrs for movies then they might as well not even include the featuere.  What if your watchin a 2+ hr movie?  Near the climax of lord of the rings you goin to want to charge the batter of your psp so you can finish the last half 4 or so hours later? right, I just might do that.  Then you have to get into the idea of havin to buy the movies and albums you already have on that umd thing just so you can take it on the road.  Sh*ts just gettin out of hand.  
    Sony is just becoming another MS tryin to force products onto us to make them standards.  They doin wit with the psp and its umds (if thats what the format is called) and they goin to do it to the industry with the ps3 and blue ray discs.  Anyways, more power to you though, I hope you enjoy your psp when its charging while I play my DS and a few extra games for the same price you payed for your psp.
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Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2004, 11:07:57 AM »
Sony's only real problem with the PSP is the umd itself.  I won't be watching any movies on the PSP, I won't be listning to music or doing any of the other fancy things that it can do.  I'll be playing games.  Sony is forcing developers to give them their games before they can be put out on umd disc.  Eventually developers will get put off.  Also analyst are expecting the PSP to be delayed to as late as June-November of 05.  Which means I'll be getting an xbox2 instead and waiting till the psp price goes down.  
BTW your statements are very fanboyish, as are mine.  I lov fighting games, they're the reason I started gaming and the reason I still am.  While a DOA/SC game on DS would be nice nothing beats the thrill of unleashing a 49 hit combo all 2D like.  If capcom decides to port the vs. series over to PSP then it'll be worth the price of admission and the extreme health risc of having hte umd light on fire and the screen explode in a flamable ball of death.

RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2004, 12:06:51 PM »
my points arent fanboyish, the way I word some of my statements might be, but off the given information, nothing I said is fanboyish.  I'd put myself on the spot right now and garantee that the psp is goin to have battery probs when its released and that the pricerange is goin to be well over anything the average consumer is goin to be willing to pay.  Also, what can the psp do that the ds cant?  The ds can do whatever the psp can do gamewise just not as pretty.  If you were to switch that around and ask what can the ds do that the psp cant game wise then you have a list of things that I aint goin to get into right now.   Another big thing is that I'm hearin you have to get memory cards for this psp lol, thats nuff said right there
"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2004, 01:40:43 PM »
Listen, I have my DS preorderd and paid for I'm not saying the PSP is better what I am saying is that the PSP has the chane to play more classic games which'll give it more mainstreem appeal.  The PSP can do things that DS can't, not because the hardware can't, but because critics and people like you won't buy them on DS because they're not innovative enough for the hardware.  plain old 2d fighters, 2d side scrollers (they have a better chance than fighters but not great) Racing games, Megaman, and some 3D action games.  We have to wait to see if consumers will be able to play certain games with the big gap in the middle.  The one thing DS does have going for it is Team Ninja.  Now while nintendo fanboys don't know what these guys can do, everyone else does.  Team Ninja is the one third party development team that knows how to push a system to its limits with the least amount of time.  If you look at DOA 3, it has better graphics than a lot of xbox games coming out now, and plays as smooth as a 3D fighter can.  If Itagaki decides to unleash his hounds on the DS then the PSP will be hard pressed to find a team to make games to compete with that.

Offline Perfect Cell

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2004, 01:57:09 PM »
I love Fighting Games... Just because the System might not have any doesnt mean it wont be any good... The Best Fighting Games are for home consoles anyways....  Street Fighter Alpha 3 Is Nice in the GBA, but its much better on a Sega Dreamcast.

RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2004, 02:06:29 PM »
How does the psp have a better chance to play more classic games than the ds?  As far as Ive seen its rehashes of ps 1 and 2 games just like the ds has n64 games.  Also, how are you assuming that me or critics for that matter wont buy a ds game if it aint innovative or use the systems feature?  A good game is a good game no matter if its innovative or not.  I'll buy what I think is good regardless of what features it does or does not implement.  If your goin to talk about 2d games then you should know the ds is goin to have more of them.  I think I have yet to see a 2d game for the psp and dont think there will be many since it is basically a portable playstation ( a system that when first came out and till this day has little 2d gems)  The gameboy and its lineage have been widely known as the system of choice for classic gaming.  I'm sure they'll be alot of 2d fighters for the ds cuase I think it can handle 2d better than it can 3d, besides , it has no analog control so more developers will be inclined to create something 2d.  2d side scrollers? how about the castlevania in developement and the many sequals that will undoubtably follow, I'll put money on it that they'll be 2d.  The metriod series beyond hunters I'm sure is goin to continue the 2d side scrollin method.  Those argueably 2 of the best side scrollers we have today not even mentioning any wario, kirby, or mario games that'll eventually come out.  Megaman is already known to be all over the gameboy advance so the trend will likely follow over to the ds.  
    As for team ninja, true nintendo fanboys should know who they are as they are the ones that made all the ninja gaiden games back for the nes.  DOA3 isnt their best work either, its just a pretty game, I'll take street fighter, soul caliber, or vurtua fighter over it anyday.  You gotta remember, graphics dont mean much when it comes to portable gaming.  There have been many portable systems out before that have eclipsed the gameboy graphic wise and have all failed.  The key to success in the portable market is low cost, ease of use and accesability.  The psp is a nice system but it way ahead of its time and tryin to accomplish too much.  You do have a point in sayin that alot of developers will be forced to use the double screen and touch option and all that with there games but thats only the first wave of games.  After a while, the novelty will die down and developers will be left to do as they please with the system.
"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline Ness_the_Mess

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2004, 02:53:20 PM »
Allright, the facts:

PSP has a wider screen, and is more powerfull.

DS has about double the battery life of PSP, about 1.8x the screen (when you count both), a touch screen, a microphone, and has over 100 developers, while PSP has exactly 99.  It also costs 200 dollars less ...

Speaking of price, the DS will be $200CAN, and the PSP will likely be 450 or 500CAN.  That, my friend, is horrible.

Offline joeamis

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2004, 03:02:51 PM »
Big deal you have to buy a memory card, it's such an outrage because it's a portable?  It uses discs how else would you save games?  And since it supports 2.0 usb connection to ps2 and pc's you can probably put extra save files on atleast pc's if not ps2 as well.  You're already saying the memory card/stick's will cost $30 even though there hasn't been anything to base that off except what memory sticks cost for cameras.  

I don't see truth, how you can say if it's over 200 only techheads will buy it, when the DS is going to cost 150.  The PSP is going for an older demographic, who have more money that a purchase of a PSP at say 200-250 is actually less of an investment for them than the DS at 150 is for it's major demographic.  And I don't see how people say the DS can do anything the PSP can do as far as games.  The specs of the system alone make that not true, and the medium for PSP games is over 12 times as much data you can fit on a DS cart.  As far as battery life well yea it's still an issue, but if it does turn out to be 2-6 hours, that's not all that bad for what it's running, compared to 6-10 for a cart system.  If developers wanted to they could have games come out on memory sticks at the same size of DS memory or larger and not have to run the disc drive on the PSP at all.  It would be great for ports of DS games and compilations of old games.  And the battery life would probably then equal the DS's.

I'm just not sold on a 2nd screen and stylus control, especially since it's being said every DS game may include regular controls for people who are left handed.  Even without that, I like my games with the controls that have been 'perfected' since the NES, and I love analog control, I just don't see some of my favorite genres like racing, fps, and simulations as much fun without analog control.  I certainly don't want to have to race with a stylus while holding the DS in place with my left hand and also using my left hand to manipulate the digital pad.  And I wouldn't want my hud on a separate screen for a fps or racing game, especially fast multiplayer ones.  

Offline Ness_the_Mess

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2004, 03:16:33 PM »
I would like to ask you, politely, how it is you think they would port DS games?  They have to cut half the screen and take out the touch support.

Also, the DS's main demographic is NOT children.  It is made more universally, and it's main demographic is ACTUALLY males 16-23.  Not really adults, but not children either, mind you.  These people have access to the money to buy a psp.  But just because you CAN spend the extra 200 american/300 canadian, it doesn't mean you have to.  I could either A) Buy a PSP or B) Buy a DS and 3/4 games.  I would choose the DS, if that were the only thing in question.  Then there's the graffics question.  A PSP can run PS2 games, basically (it's a little less, but w/e).  A DS can run 64 games (again, a little more, but w/e).  On screens of that size, the difference will be quite minute.  Also, it is a portable, meaing that the average owner will not be enthralled with their system, since they are probably multi-tasking, with the game being only part of their attention.  They will not stare into the screen and notice minute graffical genious.  Really.

This is why people say the difference is neglagable.  They aren't saying that the DS is just as powerfull, but when you think about it, the difference doesn't really matter.

RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2004, 03:23:33 PM »
The DS can do anything the PSP can just using watered down graphics to make it run reasonable.  The only thing I'll give the psp is its screen size , graphics and analog control but it really doesnt bring anything new to the table.  I cant speak for anyone else but I am all for new gameplay experiences and the duel screen, one being touch sensitive, is a great way to breath new life into games.  Its all up to the developers to make right with the equipement they have at hand.  I can see all the posibilites that lay open becuase of this its up to them to make it happen.  IMO memory careds are a true waste and in a generation or 2 they'll be completely gone.  They say blue ray is rewriteable so if thats the way they go maybe they can use some of that space to save games.  Anyways, the 1 Gyg stick that the DS games are goin to be comin in is more than enough mem for a portable video game, I dont know how much more people want.  I think the psp is about 4-5 yrs ahead of its self and wouldve been a wiser move for sony to have waited till they perfected their portable console.
"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2004, 03:23:39 PM »
When it comes to my team ninja comments, If it wasn't for team ninja and Halo Xbox wouldn't have the support it has now.  Developers are always looking at what their peers are doing, and when your peer shows how much a system can do at launch better than first parties than other developers will come in masses.  Also I don't know if you know this or not, but sony is actually putting up a no port policy for at least the first year of the system's life.  As long as sony can fix that whole burning inferno thing the PSP should cause a good fight for the handheld market.
I don't have a problem with the D-pad, in fact I prefer the D-pad to the analog stick.  Any game that lets me use my d-pad I i use it.  The PSP can't do fps justice either without the second analog unless they go goldeneye with the control scheme which is probobly what most DS fps will do.  Hopefully nintendo will make an amazing game that doesn't use the touch screen, or only uses one screen, to show others that they don't have to use all the features and won't be hurt for not doing it.

Offline MysticGohan24

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2004, 03:33:36 PM »

Originally posted by: joeamis
Big deal you have to buy a memory card, it's such an outrage because it's a portable?  It uses discs how else would you save games?  And since it supports 2.0 usb connection to ps2 and pc's you can probably put extra save files on atleast pc's if not ps2 as well.  You're already saying the memory card/stick's will cost $30 even though there hasn't been anything to base that off except what memory sticks cost for cameras.  

I don't see truth, how you can say if it's over 200 only techheads will buy it, when the DS is going to cost 150.  The PSP is going for an older demographic, who have more money that a purchase of a PSP at say 200-250 is actually less of an investment for them than the DS at 150 is for it's major demographic.  And I don't see how people say the DS can do anything the PSP can do as far as games.  The specs of the system alone make that not true, and the medium for PSP games is over 12 times as much data you can fit on a DS cart.  As far as battery life well yea it's still an issue, but if it does turn out to be 2-6 hours, that's not all that bad for what it's running, compared to 6-10 for a cart system.  If developers wanted to they could have games come out on memory sticks at the same size of DS memory or larger and not have to run the disc drive on the PSP at all.  It would be great for ports of DS games and compilations of old games.  And the battery life would probably then equal the DS's.

I'm just not sold on a 2nd screen and stylus control, especially since it's being said every DS game may include regular controls for people who are left handed.  Even without that, I like my games with the controls that have been 'perfected' since the NES, and I love analog control, I just don't see some of my favorite genres like racing, fps, and simulations as much fun without analog control.  I certainly don't want to have to race with a stylus while holding the DS in place with my left hand and also using my left hand to manipulate the digital pad.  And I wouldn't want my hud on a separate screen for a fps or racing game, especially fast multiplayer ones.

You know, the more and more you rant. The more you sound like a sony fanboy harping on anybody who likes to point out the good features of the DS and the flaws of the psp.

We know what will be.... will be. If you don't wanna believe you can always stick your hands over your ears and hum till the release of the psp, and god knows when that'll be.

I'm sorry, but unless no feature of the DS is being used, I doubt we'll see ports of DS games to PSP, that seems highly unlikely.
You have no idea how the games will work, but I know that the RPG/RTS genre will be greatly enhanced on the DS thanks to the touch screen.
something the psp can't do.
What happens, happens ~Spike Cowboy bebop

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2004, 03:35:53 PM »
I agree with you at some points, I really dont think fps are goin to be that playable on either system (neither racing games besides on sony's cuase of the analog) but if the rumors are true so far with what warp pipe has in store for the DS then I see the DS being a haven for fps becuase of the ease of running lan games.  I aint goin to get further into that though until I hear WP's announcement, thats a whole nother topic .  As for who's responsible for xbox's supports, its easily hands down HALO's work.  HALO is the only reason a majority of people bought the xbox and microsoft has been milkin it since day one.  I didnt buy and xbox till more than a yr after its release, and even though xbox had its platinum selection of games (all the million sellers at a low price I think ) HALO, which is by far its best selling game to date was still at a regular price and not added to its platinum line.  They held it off for so long cuase they knew everyone buyin an xbox was for the sole purpose of gettin HALO.  Till this day the only reasons Ive bought my xbox were for HALO, KOTOR, and FABLE.  Got a few more I'm interested coming up and most are sequals to the mentioned games.  Thats a whole nother topic there also though lol so let me stop detracting from the subject at hand.

EDIT: Team Ninja is only credited with givin the xbox life in japan, thats there biggest contribution.  The big titty girls of DOA is huge in japan and so is ninja gaiden.  As for rpgs and strategy games, I cant wait, there so much that can be done on the DS in regards to those.  Also sports games can get a real boost in micromanagement.
"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline joeamis

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2004, 05:24:14 PM »

Originally posted by: Ness_the_Mess
I would like to ask you, politely, how it is you think they would port DS games?  They have to cut half the screen and take out the touch support.

Also, the DS's main demographic is NOT children.  It is made more universally, and it's main demographic is ACTUALLY males 16-23.  Not really adults, but not children either, mind you.  These people have access to the money to buy a psp.  Also, it is a portable, meaing that the average owner will not be enthralled with their system, since they are probably multi-tasking, with the game being only part of their attention.  They will not stare into the screen and notice minute graffical genious.  Really.
the difference doesn't really matter.

I'm not saying they would port all ds games, but they could port ones that didn't use the two screens in a way that the psp could not.  And they could port alot of games that have touch support (some not, that use it intensively), by just creating new controls.  Besides it is said alot of DS games will have regular controls as a 2nd option because of left handed people, as I mentioned earlier.  

I never said the DS demographic is children.  But the DS demographic is a younger one than the psp's, we've heard that from the beginning.  I don't know where you got the ages 16-23.  I didn't say DS owners don't have access to the money to buy a psp, I said for psp buyers being an older demographic the extra money is actually less of their disposable income than ds buyers demographic.  I don't see how playing a portable is just multitasking and you don't notice how good the game plays or looks.

Truth, the extra memory available for games doesn't just come down to better graphics.  Extra memory can go a long ways in other parts of the game.  Especially artificial intelligence.  In some games that can be a big factor, like fps, simulations, and racing games, some of my fav genres that I stated earlier as why I like the psp.  Theres tons of things extra memory can let you do, I won't get into that discussion.

mysticgohan, I'm entitled to my own opinion thank you.  I wouldn't say people are just pointing out the good points of the ds and the flaws of the psp.  Rather people are exaggerating the flaws they believe the psp will have.  "You know what will be.... will be" yes so you're really saying you know that the psp is going to cost 200 more than the ds, you know the battery life, etc etc.  Unless you're a psychic, you don't know what will be.... will be.  You antagonizing me is only going to result in me being more voicefull.  I really like how you say, "You have no idea..." (referrring to me) and "but I know..." (referring to you).  You're the almighty knowing master and I know nothing at all.  Then you should've known already that I think rts games on ds will obliterate rts games on psp.

Regaring Halo and XB, I agree it's responsible for a large portion of XB sales.  But pointing out that it was not added to the platinum hits long after it's release shouldn't be an argument because every console company this generation has done that.  SSBM is still $29.99, and it's players choice.  Infact Nintendo has gone and made 2 different players choice prices for a number of games with some being $19.99 (F-Zero GX) and others being $29.99 (Mario Golf TT).  And the games I used as examples went to players choice at the same time.  Sony has done the same regarding keeping games at the higher prices longer, just not as bad as N and MS in appearance, but given their larger user base it would equate to just as bad.

RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2004, 05:37:42 PM »
I was just thinking for a moment about the psp and its features and I aint badmouthing the psp but here are a few problems I see it having as a result of its features.

mp3 playback:  This is more or less a useless feature to the ds becuase most of the people that listen to mp3s on the go, burn their own music.  How many people are goin to want to get a psp to listen to music when they find out they cant listen to their huge list of already burnt music.  The usual consumer will lean towards a regular mp3 player so they can transfer their music with ease instead of having to purchase an album on a umd.  Unless they let you use the memory sticks to burn songs and then listen to them from there, then it'll work but I dont know the details.  If anyone knows, fill me in.

Movie playback:  How many companies do you honestly think are goin to  re-reliease their movies on umd for sony (besides sony themselves)  Why is someone goin to buy the psp to watch movies when their selection of movies is goin to be severly limited, thus making buyin a portable dvd player a better choice.  Same with music, if sony doesnt permit burning of mp3s to memory sticks on the psp then what companies are goin to be willin to put money into re-releasing albums on umd.  

Those to hurdles will leave you with basically just a portable game system that runs around 300 to 350, assuming it stays within that range.  Given the extra graphics and all that, the price is a lil too steap for just video game playin on the go.  I aint 100 percent familiar with their plan so anyone in the know, fill me in on whats goin on in regards to their mp3 and movie playback features.  
"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline Perfect Cell

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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2004, 08:08:21 PM »
Im trying to find out where did the DS is "Younger: come from... the price? Im 22, in Law School, and plan on picking up a DS... and not a PSP... (350 Bones for a Portable PS2 isnt that exiting when ive got a PS2 at home, I need some better games)

Its that same sort of idea, that sinks the Gamecube, with the Crappy Kiddy Comments...  I dont think Nintendo is going for the "Younger" Demographic by making WIFI and Internet gaming an important part of the DS. I dont think Nintendo is going for the Younger Demographic by making Metroid, its Main Game, its pictured on the DS Box...

They didnt make Mario 64x4 the Demo... they made Metroid the Demo... So Going "Kiddy" Is not what Nintendo wants... Its not their fault, they can give consumers a much affordable gaming experience than its competitors.  

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RE:DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2004, 06:48:48 AM »
Same here.  I'm a third year in college and I also plan on picking up a DS.  I can just imagine going to the mall or some hubbub with my girlfriend, and while she's shopping, I'm whupping some 10 year old's ass in MP.  I think it is a great buy for us college students.  It's a PDA just cheaper and it's instant messeging for free.  All of our buildings here are wireless so YEEEHAW!!
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RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2004, 12:27:45 PM »
The extra memory will be used to cache data. Too much disk access would cause the battery to explode and ignite the atmosphere. Can you imagine the lawsuit?

The PSP will play music from the memory card. I don't think there are any tentative UMD music releases at this point.
"... i only see pS2s at the halfway house so its those crazy druggies playing them." - animecyberrat

RE: DS vs PSP....devs and journalists debate
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2004, 12:42:14 PM »
aight, thanks for the info.  They should take out the movie playback feature though, I think it'll get the lease amount of use of the bunch and it'll cut down on the price.
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