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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
« on: February 09, 2004, 07:32:52 PM »
Square’s return to Nintendo consoles is a great multiplayer game, but it shouldn’t be played alone or with RPG expectations.

Review by Jonathan Metts

*Note: This review is not an editorial on the GBA requirement for playing the game in multiplayer.  I am reviewing the game on its own merits and assuming you have access to enough people and equipment to play the game as it is meant to be played.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (FFCC) has been compared to everything from Gauntlet to Diablo in an attempt to describe its unusual game concept.  Its closest relative is probably Square’s own Secret of Mana, another real-time action/RPG with multiplayer features.  Crystal Chronicles even shares a similar character design philosophy with the Mana series.  However, this monumental return of the Final Fantasy series to GameCube carries with it the burden of many expectations inherent to that name, most of which it doesn’t even try to fulfill.  FFCC blazes its own path, one light on story and very heavy on multiplayer features.  My friends (who are integral characters in this review, by the nature of the game) had a tough time understanding why FFCC doesn’t have summoning monsters or real-time battles, but everyone who got to play the game in multiplayer came to love it for what it is.

We played the entire game with three players, only venturing out with two for trips to the blacksmith or attempts at “leveling up” (increasing stats by replaying levels).  I have not played the game with four players since E3 2003, but I know the experience is very similar to three players, just more chaotic and with more specialization available for each player.  Going with only two players is a less active and ultimately less entertaining exercise in communication and cooperation, as the available battle strategies are simply not as diverse.  I also briefly tested the single-player mode, which employs a different interface and control layout, as well as some weird tactics for cooperating with your moogle helper.  Playing this game alone is, to be blunt, not recommended.  It’s much like playing Mario Party or Smash Bros. alone.  It’s a nice feature to have for players who want to improve their skills, but the gameplay just doesn’t adapt very well for a single player.  Without the constant communication and strategizing the game forces upon you in multiplayer, plowing through levels and hacking at enemies gets boring quickly.  Just as normal games often have “tacked on” multiplayer features, FFCC has a “tacked on” single-player mode.  Its inclusion is appreciated but should not be relied upon.

With even as few as two players, but preferably three or four, Crystal Chronicles is one of the most innovative and enjoyable multiplayer games around.  Within the first minute of action, players begin to settle into roles which may last for the entire stage, then reverse completely for the next one.  The person who picks up the Cure spell will have to be responsible for healing the whole group, at least until another copy of the spell pops up from a defeated enemy.  The person whose GBA shows the level map will have to lead everyone, since the terrain is hard to navigate otherwise, with such a zoomed-in, overhead camera.  The person carrying the chalice will have to move quickly and make sure its protective aura reaches close to nearby enemies, so that the others can fight without the disadvantage of standing in the poisonous miasma outside.  Most of these roles can be swapped around at will, simply by dropping unwanted spells and taking turns with the chalice, but it can be a lot of fun to simply accept what the game gives you and try a style of playing that you may have missed out on before.

The game progression is a bit odd.  There are distinct levels scattered on the world map, along with a few towns and crossroads, where story scenes take place.  The levels tend to be pretty big, often taking over an hour to complete.  There is no way to save mid-level, although it is possible to teleport out of the level and save on the world map.  You’ll lose some of your loot by doing that, however.  All the levels are full of enemies, most of them strong enough to require at least two attackers at once.  Some enemies require special tactics, such as the huge Zu birds which must be brought down with a coordinated Gravity spell.  Others have vicious frontal attacks but are vulnerable in the rear, so decoy tactics work well.  Bosses can require more complex strategies, such as frequently moving the chalice or having one person kill minions while others attack the big guy.  Most of the levels are not terribly hard, though they do ramp up quickly towards the end of the game.  After a level has been completed, it can later be replayed with stronger enemies, new paths, and better treasures.  There are about a dozen of these levels, which isn’t a huge number but is sufficient considering each one’s size and the fact that significant changes are present in subsequent visits.  After beating the first level two or three times, it became so hard that our play group couldn’t even reach the boss.

Characters grow through the “years” by assembling new equipment and collecting stat bonus rewards at the end of each level.  Creating new weapons and armor is a fundamentally simple matter made complex by the insane number of special ingredients available (which must be stored in your limited inventories).  End-of-level bonuses depend on which artifacts the group found in the level.  Each artifact grants an immediate but temporary bonus on the person who found it; the effects include stat increases, extra command slots, longer life bars, and permanent spell rings.  Then, after the boss has been defeated, players take turns choosing one artifact out of the pool to keep permanently.  The choosing order is based on how well each player accomplished his secret bonus goal, so this feature adds a touch of friendly competition to the game.  In general though, you want everyone to be strong in order to beat the hardest levels.  It’s in everyone’s best interests to share or at least trade around building materials, extra spells, food, etc.

All these ideas make for a game that feels much like Secret of Mana or Phantasy Star Online, but with levels and puzzles and enemies specifically designed for multiple players who are very much required to communicate and work together at all times.  It’s a different way to play games than I’m used to, and it’s a lot of fun for everyone involved.  Discussing battle plans out loud, counting down together to nail the timing on a fusion spell, and heckling the player who’s always a step behind all become part of the experience.  The game’s set-up makes it easy to move different players in and out of the quest at any time, and nothing will blow up if a cord comes loose…just plug it back in and wait a few seconds for the software to download back into the GBA.

Crystal Chronicles will appeal strongly to fans of dungeon hacks and other types of real-time adventures, but almost anyone can enjoy a few levels of multiplayer fun, if not a full quest.  What practically everyone will revile, however, is the game’s pitiful story.  It’s true that telling a coherent story is difficult in such an unusual game structure, especially considering that players may come and go as the story rolls along at its own pace.  Nevertheless, it’s hard to justify the seemingly random vignettes and preposterous dialogue found in this game.  The level introductions, fully voiced by a woman who speaks with a light Celtic accent, are an utter joke.  If you aren’t put off by the writing, with such zingers as “Never…trust…a monster,” you’ll be appalled at her vain attempts to dramatize the script.  Real-time cut-scenes, which occur mainly at the world map’s crossroads, star a small cast of recurring characters who are usually trying and failing to be either funny or foreboding.  I can respect that FFCC tries to tell its story in a new way, but the story itself is vacuous and poorly written.  Devoted Final Fantasy fans who manage to adjust to the radically different gameplay may still be turned away by the inexcusably poor story elements.

That would be a shame, of course, because Crystal Chronicles is a unique game that can be very engaging with friends.  Despite a few shortcomings and a few ideas that just don’t work out, the game is immensely enjoyable when played with a competent and cooperative group.  Its mechanically simple gameplay is fleshed out by the cooperative aspects laced into every level, and the initially easy challenges evolve into some absurdly difficult final levels and bosses.  If you have the people and equipment to play it, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is a great adventure that has no trouble standing out from the crowd of GameCube RPGs.  Ahem.

  • Cooperating with friends to solve puzzles and beat enemies
  • Unbelievable graphics
  • Pleasant, unusual Celtic soundtrack

  • The story goes nowhere.
  • Laughable voiced level intros
  • Too many niche forging materials clog inventories

    Graphics: 10.0
    FFCC is easily one of the best looking games of this generation, on any platform.  The character designs are in the vein of older FF games, while the environments are laced with bump-mapping and the most subtle, gorgeous water effects I’ve ever seen.  It’s worth watching the awful cut-scenes just to soak in all the visual wonder.  The bosses look great, including some crazy new monsters and remakes of a few classics.  The game never slows down, regardless of the number of players or intensity of battle.

    Sound: 8.0
    The music is heavily inspired by Celtic folk traditions, and the instruments used give every song a distinct flavor not usually heard in game music.  The woman who provides voiceovers hardly sounds genuine, and her lines are clumsy at best.  Luckily, she only speaks during level intros, which can be skipped.  The fully voiced theme song sounds decent, but its translation from Japanese has left the lyrics crammed too tightly into the rhythm.

    Control: 9.0
    The game is designed to work well with the GBA’s limited buttons, while the camera usually gives a good view of the action, which is fortunate since it would be a nightmare to implement any sort of camera control in a multiplayer game with GBA controllers.  Menus are easy to navigate, and the game thoughtfully moves your character along while you’re rummaging in the inventory for something.  Single-player controls are a bit more fully featured, but there’s still no analog control, which makes little sense and feels funny on the GameCube controller.

    Gameplay: 8.5
    Clever game and level design force players to work together constantly, and good communication is a must.  The action itself is very simple, and it’s too bad that there aren’t more physical attacks and spells to choose from.  Bosses require new tactics, but many of them succumb to simple attack combos with a healer keeping everyone alive.  Others are very difficult and truly satisfying to conquer.  The distribution of specialized information and bonus objectives for each player is clever and works mostly to the game’s benefit, as players choose what to share and what to covet.  Overall, it’s great multiplayer fun, but don’t even bother playing alone.

    Lastability: 7.0
    The self-updating levels continue to be interesting and challenging after multiple plays through, thus allowing for “leveling up” of stats.  The quest takes 15 to 25 hours to complete, unless you get to the end and find that you’re not strong enough to even see the last boss, much less beat him.  The game is quite replayable; just bring in different players for a very different experience.  There are a couple of mini-games, but they aren’t worth wasting your time on.

    Final Score (Not an average): 8.5
    It’s not much of a Final Fantasy game, but Crystal Chronicles is a blast to play through with an active group of adventurous friends.  Show off the amazing graphics to lure in the cautious ones, and skip through the level intros if you want to keep them around.  If you can round up all the GBAs and cables, this is a quest worth taking on.
  • Daniel Bloodworth
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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 08:09:11 PM »
    I started out on FFCC hoping it would be just like Secret of Mana, but it wasn't. I think it would have been cool if FFCC had moves where you could charge up and walk around waiting to unleash them, like SoM, or something comparable...

    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #2 on: February 09, 2004, 08:15:52 PM »
    It does have the charge-up Focus attacks.  I don't think being able to walk around with them would make much difference; that certainly wasn't a stand-out feature in Secret of Mana.

    Offline S-U-P-E-R

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #3 on: February 09, 2004, 08:20:21 PM »
    I disagree; being able to move around didn't leave you as vulnerable, you could charge up to level 9 or something ridiculous and then move into a fight, and they also could project your characters around long distances or in huge circles.  

    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #4 on: February 13, 2004, 06:18:51 AM »
    Was this review too difficult to find in our "extravaganza" article, or just too tame to be worth discussing, or what?  I know it's not as controversial as Ty's review, but I would have liked some feedback.

    Offline thegloaming

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    RE: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #5 on: February 13, 2004, 08:24:33 PM »
    Great review, Jonny... I read it a couple of days after I had tried FFCC and I gotta say I felt absolutely the same about the game...

    Playing it in multiplayer was indeed one of the greatest and funniest experiences I've ever had... as chaotic as it might be sometimes, it makes for a very rewarding time... creating and conducting strategies with freedom, desperately pleading for the guy with the Cure spell to cure you as soon as possible, saving a friend from an obvious pummeling when surrounded by a behemoth... even using our ghost counterpart when we're dead is great; I often found enemies trying to attack me, even though I could cause them no harm... despite some minor issues with the short connection cords, it's pure bliss...

    I tried the single-player mode after playing the multiplayer, and I kinda have the same opinion as yours, Jonny.. interacting with the moogle isn't a tenth as neat as playing with some friends... putting together the setup to play in group is obviously a sweat, but as soon as you manage to do it, you really stop caring about playing the game alone... at least in this game it was like that for me...

    Well, we all laughed a lot at both the voice of the woman and the writings of the level introductions... I think it kinda came as something to make us relax, 'cause the minutes spent hacking through the dungeons were crazy and intense... it's a great game indeed... despite its flawed storyline, it achieves great heights on technical aspects like graphics and sound... it plays smoothly and it's packed with non-stop action... and boasts immense strength and appeal through its brilliant take on human interaction... nothing's better than sharing that sensation of victory with your friends when you join forces to solve a puzzle or to defeat that incredibly difficult monster...  

    Offline Deguello

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #6 on: February 13, 2004, 11:11:04 PM »
    No story?  Big deal.  Story is only important in RPGs where there is no.. you know... GAME to it, so they HAVE to focus on something.  Having an RPG-phile for a brother allows me to compare FFCC to it's core series, and I must say, any deviation from that is a step in the right direction.  The "Celtic-chick" voice may not be Uber-fantastic, but it's ten times better than 100% of the entire FFX and FFX-2 cast, because A) It's really not important that you listen to it and B) She only speaks in places you can skip if you want, meaning you don't HAVE to listen either.

    I really do hope no one went into this with RPG expectations, because it most obviously is not one.  It's more of a multiplayer action-adventure.  You might have to *GASP* actually control your character to do stuff!  I guess the RPG label is tacked on because sometimes it works.  CIMA is labelled an RPG even though it most certainly is not one.  ONe thing though, my bro, the hardcore FF/RPG-phile loves this game to death, and says its the most fun he's ever had playing an "RPG."  And I am inclined to agree.

    Overall, Bloodworth has got it right.  I'm just glad he didn't find out that you can't change the skin on your caravan.  That could have been disastrous to the games review.

    Ty, I think the reason you can't move for focus attacks is because that allows for a way to play it sorta like a turn-based RPG.  If you and your 3 mates line up paralell and every time you attack you run back into position, the battle kinda plays out like a real-time turn-based fight which is kinda neat to see.  
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    Offline thegloaming

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #7 on: February 14, 2004, 01:36:04 AM »
    I had also hoped that no one went into this game expecting something from the likes of traditional FF lineage... problem is, there are always people who do... those two little words preceding the colon are kinda magical, I believe... the fact this is mostly an action/adventure title should be taken in regard above anything else... unfortunately, some will ignore this and will never play it because it revolves around an underdeveloped, thin story... while completely neglecting the values that make this game such a huge accomplishment...

    There's plenty of room for everyone to find joy here... except for those who think that bearing the FF name automatically means you must develop a story full of twists and turns... okay, here we have a straightforward story that's told in a torn, sort of confusing way and sometimes fails to unfold properly... but I really don't think that's reason enough for one to avoid this game like the plague... not without even considering playing a little bit...

    This game's about FF universe, I think, not FF traditional gameplay... and in terms of universe, FFCC delivers pretty well; this game has life on its own, much more a dismemberment that expands the franchise in every way than a mere bad-quality filler used to earn some easy cash based on its name's reputation (as I heard some friends of mine saying)... Jonny's review will hopefully help in clarifying this matter...

    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #8 on: February 14, 2004, 07:58:27 AM »

    Originally posted by: Deguello
    I'm just glad he didn't find out that you can't change the skin on your caravan.  That could have been disastrous to the games review.

    OUCH!  Hahahahaha.


    Offline Stryker4526

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #9 on: February 20, 2004, 09:29:57 AM »
    I think Daguerro just has problems with games which have a good story where you actually have to read/sit through cinemas.  Final Fantasy is an awesome series, one of the defining RPGs.  Stop being a wanker. ;-P

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #10 on: February 20, 2004, 09:31:27 AM »
    *Deguello, 'scuse me.

    Offline S-U-P-E-R

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #11 on: February 20, 2004, 11:24:01 AM »
    Protip: there is an edit post function

    Offline Bill Aurion

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    RE: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #12 on: February 20, 2004, 11:33:51 AM »
    FFCC is an absolute blast to play, unlike the last, hmmmm...say FOUR Final Fantasys...Particularly X and X-2...
    ~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #13 on: February 21, 2004, 02:56:29 AM »
    Hey, 9 was good

    Offline Pale

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    RE: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #14 on: February 21, 2004, 04:38:07 PM »
    I like how this thread is like a convo between staffers for the most part.  =P  Its like threads on my sites....if you can call them that..

    As far as the "no story" debate goes...  I think CC has a fairly interesting story that just isn't developed well enough.  The game has so many pieces of a great franchise that could really be fine tuned I'm kind of upset they put the final fantasy name on it.  Think of how sweet it would be if it was a new nintendo only series that had some FF crossovers, ie. enemies, magic, etc.
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    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #15 on: February 21, 2004, 08:54:02 PM »
    I agree that FFCC has a cool premise and an interesting world.  What it lacks is real character development.  Even the speaking characters in cutscenes are not very interesting, and they have little to do with the plot itself.  It's not that there's too little story in the game, it's that you spend quite a bit of time reading and watching story segments that do not advance the plot or develop the characters or accomplish anything at all except give the game a sense of aloofness.  And the narration is so, so horrible.

    Offline Oldskool

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #16 on: February 21, 2004, 11:14:06 PM »
    Looks great... Now If I just had at least 2 friends with GBAs and GCN/GBA cables...
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    Offline Oldskool

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    RE:Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #17 on: February 21, 2004, 11:16:47 PM »
    I want another "main" FF game that is like FF9... the best FF since the SNES days.
    "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like victory!"

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