Author Topic: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?  (Read 3682 times)

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Offline benomoth

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Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« on: November 30, 2003, 03:37:26 PM »
I know that this has probably already been discussed but I could not find an7y information. I remember a while ago that GTA 3 and VC were supposed to come out for XBOX and GC. WHY WAS IT CANCELLED FOR GAMECUBE!? A game like this certainly would not sell bad, and is a blessing for someone like me who doesn't have a PS2 or XBOX. Now I'll never get to play GTA 3 (I even bought it for the PC and my comps too slow)
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Offline Pikkcuber

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 04:02:46 PM »
i never heard of it being a planned relase maybe someone just said they wanted it to come out and you percieved it to be a fact that it was coming out. I dont want it on the cube anyway.

Offline Shin Gallon

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 04:12:18 PM »
The short answer is that Rockstar figured it wouldn't sell very well. The long answer isd that Rockstar correctly assumed it wouldn't sell very well, for the simple reason that almost  anyone that really wanted to play the games has already bought either the PS2 or the (vastly superior) PC version. The X-Box version isn't selling nearly as well as the games originally did, which seems to lend support to my theory. Quite simply, the games are old, and I'd rather they eventually put GTA: London 1968 on all systems instead of ones I've already got.
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Offline The Omen

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2003, 06:20:54 PM »
It still doesn't make sense.  If it sold 100,000 on GC, isnt that still worth it?  I believe the real reason is Rockstar takes money for the rights, and Nintendo didnt offer.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2003, 08:59:43 PM »
Because Rockstar sucks? Well, what do you expect from a kiddie company like that?
BTW, you're not missing much. GTA3/VC is just a primitive game with many shortcomings. It's simply overhyped by the stupid masses.

Offline The Omen

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2003, 12:47:42 AM »
I have GTA3 for my PC, so i don't really care except it would appear better to the masses, the lowest common denominator,  if it was available for GC.
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Offline Jayman450

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2003, 12:54:08 AM »
I got it for PC.  I thought it was a great game.  Had it been released on gamecube the same time as XBox i would have bought it.  It may be a bit overhyped, but it is a great game.

Offline thecubedcanuck

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2003, 03:29:43 AM »
Oh boy, here we go again.

"The X-Box version isn't selling nearly as well as the games originally did"

I highly doubt anyone thought they would. This was simply an easy way for Rockstar to cash in yet agin, on an already enormous cash cow.

" It still doesn't make sense. If it sold 100,000 on GC, isnt that still worth it? I believe the real reason is Rockstar takes money for the rights, and Nintendo didnt offer."

I agree 100% on this. I really dont see any other reason not to put it on GC. Hell even if it sold only 40-50k copies it would still be profitable.

" Because Rockstar sucks? Well, what do you expect from a kiddie company like that?
BTW, you're not missing much. GTA3/VC is just a primitive game with many shortcomings. It's simply overhyped by the stupid masses. "

It is that kind of pompous attitude that makes so many people hate Nintendo fans. What on earth makes you think you are better than the people you call the stupid masses? You like Zelda and they like GTA, so you are automatically smarter and better than they are? I would rather sit around in a room full of morons than a room full of pompous pricks any day.
Both games were a blast to play, and were praised by nearly every gaming source on the planet, I am sorry but I cant believe that they were all "stupid masses".

" I dont want it on the cube anyway. "

Why? Comments like this make no sense to me at all.

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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2003, 03:33:46 AM »
As an owner of both games, I must say that the games are not nearly as good as they are said to be...especially VC...Fun, yes, but over-rated, even more so...
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Offline thecubedcanuck

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2003, 06:43:14 AM »
" As an owner of both games, I must say that the games are not nearly as good as they are said to be...especially VC...Fun, yes, but over-rated, even more so... "

I think GTA3 was easily the best game for the year it came out,  there was nothing else like it in gameplay, freedom, and style. The abilty, to just pick it up and play, was another thing that made the game as popular as it was.  Vice city was a good sequal, but it was just that, a sequal. GTA3 was great at the time, but like anytrhing else that is great, it gets milked, and because of that we get copy cat games like True Crime, which just dont do anything in the way of new. In all honesty I am sick of sequals, be them GTA's  or Zelda's, it really doesnt matter. All sequals are is a money grab. Change a few things, add a little this, remove a little that and voila! you have a new game that is basically the old game in a new box.

I still say having the double pack on the cube would be better than not having it, but in the end, I would much rather see a brand new game than a sequal anyday.
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Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2003, 07:01:52 AM »
Canuck, please. GTA is trash at best, there is absoulutely NOTHING special about it. In fact, the only reason it has sold so well is because of the violence, if you couldn't murder civilians and destroy things it would be a bargain bin title; fortunately for it(GTA) there are plenty of degenerates out there to make the game a success. Normally I don't don't feel so adversely inclined toward a game, but GTA is a piece of garbage.

I'd very much like it to just disappear, but I also realize having the series on the Cube would be good for sales...  
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2003, 07:07:56 AM »
It makes no difference how good the GTA games are or how well they would have sold on the Cube they SHOULD be on the Cube PERIOD and Nintendo should have done whatever it takes to make it happen.  Although GTA might not sell that much on the Cube and since it's available for the other consoles it probably wouldn't sell consoles it still was an important game to have in the Cube library.  NOT having the biggest game of this generation on the Cube while both of the other consoles have it makes the Cube look VERY inferior to the other consoles.  Now any late adopter who is not a hardcore Nintendo nut who is interested in GTA is not even going to look twice at the Cube.  "Oh Nintendo doesn' t have GTA that must be because they're kiddy/going out of business."  By having GTA on the Cube one of the biggest reasons for owning the other consoles is gone.  Someone buying a console can consider all three consoles as potential purchases because "that awesome GTA game I've heard so much about" is available on all systems.

There should never EVER be a colossal hit that is available on every console but Gamecube.  Not having GTA on the Cube is like having a console ten years ago without Mortal Kombat.

Offline CaseyRyback

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2003, 10:11:31 AM »
I would say Metal Gear Solid 2 was the best game of this generation. Metal Gear Solid 2 needs to come to Gamecube and be packaged with the Twin Snakes, because Substance was awesome and not every GCN owner got to experience it. I love this game and think this game is worth every penny whereas GTA 3 was not worth the 40 I paid for it. It was a game that was just a rehash of the first game(even the music is ripped from the first game)  

Offline Shdows

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2003, 10:31:20 AM »
They're not only Gamecube because they're too big of games for the tiny disks. Look at the Resident Evil game, they're 2 discs each. And True Crime has a horrible loading times.
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Offline The Omen

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2003, 10:37:50 AM »

They're not only Gamecube because they're too big of games for the tiny disks. Look at the Resident Evil game, they're 2 discs each. And True Crime has a horrible loading times.

Surely you are joking with this, right?   There would be no problems porting GTA3 and GTAVC to GC.  And the loading time in True crime is bad on all 3 consoles.  Usually, the GC is the best for that hands down.  Where do you get this info. from?
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Offline Berny

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2003, 10:51:29 AM »
We aren't getting them simply because of the fact that they are bad games. Ninty knows this and has said NUMEROUS times that they are dedicated to GREAT GAMING. That is why the Cube doesn't have a DVD player. That is why Nintendo has recently been talking about getting back to its roots, to classic games, to the stuff that made games great. The stuff that is rarer than rocks from the moon on the X and PS2. They get a LOT of CRAP, GTA being a PRIME example in my opinion. The Cube however, gets very little of that and thankfully, crap publishers are pulling support of the Cube. Unfortunately however, this makes the Cube appear to be a failure in the eyes of those who do minimal research. However, it is clear from GCN's sales numbers that it is selling better than its competition because of its price cut and in spite of the offers of its competitors.

Holy crap. I have digressed far off the discussion's path.

To sum things up, GTA is not a good game, and Ninty only makes good games. It is basically impossible for them to allow that to come onto their console without them contradicting their own policy, their own promise.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2003, 11:27:23 AM »
"We aren't getting them simply because of the fact that they are bad games. Ninty knows this and has said NUMEROUS times that they are dedicated to GREAT GAMING."


Nintendo has allowed TONS of really crappy games to be released on their console.  If you recall Superman 64 was an N64 exclusive.  There have been tons of poor quality third party games that have been released on the Gamecube so I really doubt that Nintendo said to Rockstar "oh we don't want GTA because that game doesn't match our standards of quality."  Nintendo cares about the quality of the games they publish but judging by the libraries for all of their consoles they don't give a crap about how good or bad third party games are as long as they get their licensing fees.  Any public bashing of GTA by Nintendo exists only because Nintendo knows that they missed out on a big thing and thus are trying to make it out like GTA is no good to save face.

Nintendo's focus is to MAKE MONEY.  They make money by making quality games and collecting licensing fees.  The licensing fees are dependant on how well a game sells so it doesn't matter if a third party game is any good or not.  As long as it sells it makes money for Nintendo and because it's not a Nintendo published game any lack of quality doesn't hurt Nintendo's reputation.

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2003, 11:33:06 AM »
I believe Rockstar expects Ninty to pull out some cash to get the GTA games on the GC...And Ninty isn't one to barter for 1-2 year old games...
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Offline The Omen

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2003, 12:58:10 PM »

To sum things up, GTA is not a good game, and Ninty only makes good games. It is basically impossible for them to allow that to come onto their console without them contradicting their own policy, their own promise.

Are you high?  Nintendo only makes good games is true.  But they wouldn't be making GTA3 would they?  Not having these games is inexcusable.  Whether you think they're garbage or not doesn't matter.  Nintendo won't make consoles just for you.  The fact is not having the double pack hurts the image of the GC.  Especially with the price driop, a lot of potential buyers may be put off with the hardcore library.  Most people wouldn't know Metroid Prime was heralded as a GOTY candidate, but they sure would know GTA3 and VC.  When a 11 year old mall rat walks by a EB, and sees GTA 'Now for Xbox!', that helps sell.  
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Offline savanna03

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2003, 01:24:25 PM »
i dont know... but whatever the reason is, money has to be involved... ill bet MICROSOFT paid a handsome price for it and ROCKSTAR probably convince SONY somehow to get the deal done... and those type transaction, NINTENDO isn't willing to be part of...

my opinion though, ill bet ROCKSTAR is just another one hit wonder... like EIDOS with TOMB RAIDER... i dont know if they have enough talent to create another brilliant game... so i guess time will tell, 'cuz right now, they are just feeding off from controversy...

ACCLAIM = i dont know but they got desperate and had to dip so low that they had release BMX XXX.

3rd parties that i really respect right now are:

EA - they know what they doing... always been a supporter for all console...
UBI SOFT - up and coming, and they dont play favourite either...
CAPCOM - they know the importance of balancing the industry 'cuz if they dont, monopoly could be a bad thing.

even in the message board, ppl seem 2 be intimidated by me.  it feels like im da slim shady him self 'cuz they had 2 use a microscope everytime i post...  blah they got nothing on me other than attacking my paragraphs...

Offline thecubedcanuck

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2003, 01:37:59 PM »
" They get a LOT of CRAP, GTA being a PRIME example in my opinion. The Cube however, gets very little of that  "

universal studios
18 wheel pro trucker
batman - dark tomorrow
charlies angels

need I go on

also a few of Nintendo's 1st party games havent exactly gotten rave reviews either.

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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2003, 01:45:15 PM »
"my opinion though, ill bet ROCKSTAR is just another one hit wonder... like EIDOS with TOMB RAIDER... i dont know if they have enough talent to create another brilliant game... so i guess time will tell, 'cuz right now, they are just feeding off from controversy..."

Though I think that in the present time GTA is an important game to have in the Cube library I do somewhat agree with you in regards to the future.  All of Rockstar's games use "mature content" as a selling point.  The shock value eventually will wear off and the only thing that will keep them in the spotlight will be the quality of their games.  I don't think they'll be a complete non-factor in the next generation but I think their importance will be lessened.

Still that doesn't change their importance in the present which is why Nintendo should have made a deal to get GTA on the Cube.

Offline Berny

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2003, 02:18:00 PM »
canuck: I did say little. Not none at all. I am aware of the presence of crap titles in the Cube's library. My point was that the ratio of bad games to good ones is MUCH higher on the PS2 than on the Cube simply because there are so many games available on it. And no you needn't go on.
Also, just because they haven't got rave reviews, doesn't mean Ninty's games aren't good. Sunshine got somewhat meager reviews when compared to Mario 64, but depending on whether or not you are a Mario addict as I am, you may have liked the game. It all comes down to opinion.

Ian: I agree with you on GTA and that Ninty needs Mature titles. But you can have a Mature title without mindless violence. Look at Eternal Darkness. It doesn't rely on violence or sex to entertain, yet it was a FANTASTIC GAME which unfortunately sold no where near where it deserved. That's why I hope we get a lot of titles from Silicon Knights. They make mature games that don't rely on as you said "shock value" in the same sense as GTA. (There was one shocking part in ED. Scary like nothing else I've ever seen, and it wasn't even violent. It was more like certain flash cartoons which I shall not name for fear of spoiling them for those who have not seen them.) If Ninty wants to lose their kiddy image, I think they need to dumb oodles of cash into SK so they can expand beyond Denis and the 10 or so other people on their squad. SK has a potential for greatness as we have never seen.
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Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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RE: Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2003, 02:48:00 PM »
I suck.

Is that a good enough reason we don't have GTA?
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Offline The Omen

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RE:Why dont we have GTA 3 and VC?
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2003, 04:06:11 PM »

They make mature games that don't rely on as you said "shock value" in the same sense as GTA.

They make mature game...singular.  And i loved ED, but i also see the importance of having the biggest titles on the GC, whether they rely solely on violence or not.
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