Author Topic: Episode 103 - Appetizers Aplenty  (Read 1225 times)

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Episode 103 - Appetizers Aplenty
« on: September 06, 2018, 11:13:00 AM »

It might be our most jam packed episode yet! We talk Madden 19, Bad North, The Messenger, Flipping Death, Dead Cells (again), Lifeless Planet, Morphie's Law, Shio, Into The Breach, Hyper Light Drifter, and Flinthook. Seriously... so many games.

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  No time for messing around because we have an astronomical amount of games to talk about this week, kicking off with a Justin Nation sized Quick Bites segment. Nontendo starts it off with Madden 19, then we get into a slew of Nindies including Bad North, more on The Messenger, Flipping Death, Lifeless Planet, and then it wouldn’t be a Talk Nintendo Podcast without some more blabbering from Perry about Dead Cells.

 Then we shift things into What We’ve Been Playing aka we continue to talk about a bevy of games including some that we lost in last week’s great audio corruption mishap. Perry talks about the wacky Morphies Law which on paper looks like a fantastic game loop, but is the execution on point? Then it’s Casey’s turn to talk about Shio, the Japanese inspired platformer. Continuing the train of endless games Perry’s got a pair, first Into The Breach which was a wonderful shadow drop surprise and his physical copy of Flinthook has arrived. Somehow he had the discipline to put down Dead Cells to actually check both games out! Then another critically acclaimed game makes its way to the Switch, Hyper Light Drifter and Casey’s got the scoop!

As if we didn’t already cover an eShop sized amount of games in the opener, we go over all the games hitting the digital store front this week and as you probably already imaged, it’s another 20 or so titles. Then we’ve got news on release dates, physical releases, and even a little hint of what’s in store with Nintendo’s Online Service (spoiler, it isn’t that exciting).

Before wrapping up the show, it’s giveaway time! Yes, faithful listener Jon has generously supplied us with a $10 eShop card to give away! To enter, we want to know what game do you want to see make its way physically to the Switch! Follow the tweet below for all the details.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact by tweeting us  or by send us an email!
