Author Topic: List of Wii U & 3DS games affected by Miiverse ending [Year One, After 'Verse]  (Read 8433 times)

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Following today's distressing news regarding the imminent shuttering of the Miiverse on November 8th, 2017, I thought it would be nice if we could make a list of Wii U titles with Miiverse support and how they will be affected. That way the 5 people still using their Wii U can decide which titles to prioritise now, to still get that absolutely essential part of content before it goes away FOREVER!

If y'all wanna help expand this list, here is a list of software that will be affected by the Miiverse shutting down. If you know how a title's Miiverse integration works, please post it below so I can add it to the list!

Miiverse Communities - will disappear entirely.
Every piece of software (both games and apps like YouTube/Netflix/Crunchyroll) on Wii U has its own Miiverse Community. Think of them as dedicated message boards, where users can start discussions, leave drawings, and post screenshots with commentary to. The Miiverse icon will remain, but it'll launch an error message following its end. All of this will no longer be accessible; I'm not sure how/if screenshotting will be affected yet.
(R.I.P. Funky Barn community)

Screenshots - discontinued.
Miiverse's play journal feature allowed for easily saving screenshots and sharing them or placing them in an album, with possible additional comments or drawings left below the screenshot. This will presumably end.

Wara Wara Plaza - will display stock messages.
This plaza is what people call the home screen that boots up when you start your Wii U. It displays Miis and game icons, with posts people have left. If you've ever disconnected your Wii U from the Internet, you will know it'll instead display 'helpful' advice - like "connect to the Internet to play with others!" and "you can even surf the Web on your Wii U!" I assume the system will revert back to these stock messages after Miiverse ends.

Wii U Chat - discontinued.
The console had an in-built videochat, reminiscent of Skype, that was actually surprisingly competent. It displayed each other's faces on the TV, while using the Gamepad as a shared drawing board so you could scribble genitalia on both faces at once! Crucial flaws: it didn't notify you when someone called you, so it would have to be pre-arranged, and couldn't be done simultaneously with gameplay. Not sure if it really required the Miiverse, but Nintendo is killing it on the same date regardless.

Affordable Space Adventures - minor change to end-game.
This fantastic title features one major moment of Miiverse integration, which in my opinion is worth it. However, the game displays pre-made posts that make sense in-universe when the Wii U is not connected to the Internet, which leads me to believe those will be used once Miiverse ends. Should still be fine!

Animal Crossing Plaza - sharing changes.
This was a free application that allowed you to import photos from Animal Crossing: New Leaf on 3DS to a gallery on your Wii U, and in turn share them on Miiverse. Animal Crossing Plaza was discontinued earlier, on January 1st 2015.

Antipole DX - Miiverse stamp intergration.
This Wii U/3DS title isn't mentioned on Nintendo's list, but contained Miiverse stamps according to Giant Bomb.

Art Academy: Home Studio - sharing changes?
As far as I can see, Art Academy mainly used Miiverse to share drawings. This way users could sort of create a digital online portfolio of their work and show it to others. That aspect will presumably be gone.

Art Academy: SketchPad - sharing changes?
As far as I can see, Art Academy mainly used Miiverse to share drawings. This way users could sort of create a digital online portfolio of their work and show it to others. That aspect will presumably be gone.

Bayonetta - minor communication change.

If you look at the Gamepad during gameplay, it displays the Miiverse logo in the top right. Clicking it will open a standard in-game post, decorated with Bayonetta themed stamps that seem to correspond to the current environment you're in.

Bayonetta 2 - minor communication change.
In Bayonetta 2 you could collect Miiverse stamps, which you could use to post thoughts/drawings to Miiverse using pre-drawn icons. They're in the pause menu this time, not permanently on the touchpad.

Citadale: Gate of Souls - minor communication change.
Seems like this title had (collectable?) Miiverse stamps, used to spice up your drawings when sharing posts about this game on the Miiverse.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Director's Cut) - infolog functionality gone & completionist headache.
The definitive edition for Deus Ex HR used the Gamepad pretty well. Besides map and menu feature, it allowed you to leave infologs for other players which were shared through Miiverse. That functionality will seize to exist.
Note for completionists: if you like to chase achievements, you MUST at least leave 1 infolog before Miiverse ends, since it unlocks an achievement. After November 8th, 2017, Deus Ex HR on Wii U will no longer be 100% completable otherwise!
Additionally, Deus Ex HR had an option to auto-post achievements to Miiverse, to show off progress to your friends. While the in-game achievements will likely persist, the auto-posting will presumably no longer function.

Game & Wario - Sketch mode affected.
One of the games on this party collection was Miiverse Sketch, a sort of Pictionary clone which let you post drawings and have other players online guess what they were. This used the Miiverse infrastructure to send the pictures to users, so it will most likely no longer support online sharing. Local Sketch mode presumably still works though.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - minor changes?
Had a system that allowed users to leave messages in a bottle for others to be collected when sailing. Additionally, I believe the photography quest had Miiverse integration of some kind, since you could share photos in those Tingle bottles, and some enemies are pretty rare and may appear only in hectic situations when you're unlikely to think of taking their pic (like Red Wizzrobes). If anyone could elaborate that would be great!

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD - minor changes?
Twilight Princess originally had a lot of treasure chests with relatively minor rewards like rupees and such. For the HD version they replaced the contents of 50 chests with stamps that could be added to Miiverse drawings. Presumably these can still be collected, but posting them will no longer work.

LEGO City Undercover - photo share mode
Chase McCain has an in-game camera he can use to photograph stuff. It had a post-to-Miiverse function, which would auto-post the picture to Miiverse along with the caption "Check this photo out!". Honestly Miiverse's own, regular screencap sharing mode was more functional, but I'm sure someone used this...

Lucadian Chronicles - Miiverse stamp integration.
This free-to-play card/strategy title contained Miiverse stamps to spice up drawings.

Mario Kart 8 - significant changes.
The Tournament feature will cease to work. Replays will no longer be able to be uploaded to YouTube, since they auto-post to Miiverse simultaneously.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars - major changes.
Disables level-sharing with others. You also can't give/receive star ratings on user-made levels. Since the star ratings double as in-game currency, this could potentially lock you out of certain content permanently. All 88 normal levels will remain, and you can still create your own ones too. Levels downloaded before Miiverse ends will remain accessible too since they're stored locally. See here for more.

Need for Speed: Most Wanted U
- hub/menu changes.
As far as I can determine, this racing game showed Miiverse posts in a lobby/hubworld of some kind, not dissimilar to Splatoon's integration.

NES Remix - minor changes.
Pretty sure this game rewards you with collectible stamps, which you can use to post thoughts, drawings & tips next to challenges/levels.

NES Remix 2 - minor changes & video replays affected.
Pretty sure this game rewards you with collectible stamps, which you can use to post thoughts, drawings & tips next to challenges/levels. Additionally I think it had shareable video replays right, I imagine that feature will be discontinued?

NES Remix Pack - minor changes & video replays affected.
This was the retail release of NES Remix and NES Remix 2; see the above 2 entries for Miiverse-related changes.

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) - minor changes.
Pretty sure this just had an in-game "post to Miiverse!" prompt after you beat a level, no custom stamps or anything. Could be misremembering, so I welcome any corrections.

New Super Mario Bros. U - changes to world map.
The world map displays Miis with text balloons near levels. This was done to share tips, or just shitpost. During loading times, the game would display messages of encouragement/frustration left by other players.

New Super Luigi U - changes to world map.
The world map displays Miis with text balloons near levels. This was done to share tips, or just shitpost.
(R.I.P. shitposting paradise)
During loading times, the game would display messages of encouragement/frustration left by other players.

New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U
- changes to world map.
This release combined the 2 titles mentioned above into a single package; see the 2 entries above for Miiverse changes.

Nintendo Land - changes to world map.
The plaza in Nintendo Land displayed Miis from others, giving the impression of a theme park with visitors. Guess it'll become one of those eerily empty theme parks now, with Mecha Ridley roaring at nobody.

Pikmin 3 - photo mode affected.
Once Pikmin 3 received Miiverse compatibility in its first update to version 1.1.0, it included a mode that allowed players to look through the eyes of the little Pikmin on the Gamepad, and take photographs of the beautiful world they inhabit. Those photos could be shared through Miiverse, which will no longer be possible.

Pushmo World / Pullblox World - level sharing support ending.
Pushmo/Pullblox had a level creator mode which allowed to share levels through use of The Fair. This part of the game was leveraged on Miiverse however, and will thus no longer work following Miiverse closure.

Rayman Legends - minor changes.
As far as I know, Rayman Legends just gives you a "post to Miiverse!" prompt after completing a level.

Resident Evil: Revelations - death messages disabled & RAID Mode affected
You could leave messages upon dying which would show up for other players who died in the same/similar spot. Additionally, it was possible to add thought and speech bubbles to monsters in the game's raid mode. See here for examples.

SDK Paint - sharing changes.
This used Miiverse to share artwork. However, Hullbreach Studios has made it possible to also export art to one of their own servers. There it can still be publicly displayed and voted on. If viewed through the 3DS Internet browser you can still see the images with layers determining depth, too. Linking your Wii U to a Hullbreach Studios Community account is free, too.

SDK Spriter - sharing changes.
This used Miiverse to share artwork, as well as having Miiverse stamps which could be used for posting. The same applies here as for SDK Paint, written above.

Shovel Knight - major communications changes.
In Shovel Knight you could leave messages for other playes using the "digger's diary". They would leave little icons on the screen, somewhat similar to Dark Souls, which when selected could be read on the Gamepad. See here for more details.

Sonic Lost World
- item sharing affected.
This Sonic game was released on both Wii U and 3DS. Using cross-platform connection, it let you collect RC Gadgets which gave various effects to Sonic, and on Wii U could be used by the second player as well. This will presumably still be possible. However, you could also choose to "release" these RC Gadgets into the wild wild west of the Internet, for other players to find and use. That feature leveraged Miiverse to work, so you can no longer dump your duplicates on the doormats of strangers. See here for a bit more about the RC Gadgets.

Splatoon - major cosmetic changes.
The Ink Plaza/interactive menu will no longer display Miiverse posts of other users standing around. Unsure if the other player avatars will dissapear from view entirely? Additionally, Miiverse posts will no longer appear in certain stage maps (I'm not sure which ones, please tell me).

Star Fox Zero - minor communications change.
Contains just 1 instance of Miiverse integration. Upon completion of the game, you receive an option to post the "bill" for General Pepper to Miiverse, showing off a few stats to other players.

Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones - major communications change.
This puzzle/platformer allowed players to leave notes/hints/taunts for other players, similar to Dark Souls or Shovel Knight & Deus Ex Human Revolution on Wii U. These were prominently on display, so it'll look a bit different for sure. Additionally, I wonder if the scoreboards also use some Miiverse back-end, or if those use the regular online functionality.

Super Mario 3D World - changes to world map & loading screens.
Displayed Miis on the world map with posts above them, where people posted advice for levels or their frustrations, and lots of artistic creations using the in-game stamps. Also after beating a stage it would display people's thoughts on them (a nice saltmine). These functions will dissapear, although you can still collect stamps, but they can no longer be used to make Miiverse posts with.

Super Mario Maker - commenting on levels will disappear.
Will receive a software update to ensure level sharing can continue without Miiverse, however commenting on levels will no longer be possible. More information to be released as the Miiverse end gets closer.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - minor cosmetic changes & major sharing changes.
The Miiverse stage will remain accessible, but will no longer display Miiverse posts left by other players. Uploading replays to YouTube will no longer be possible. Creating tournaments will no longer work, and the ability to share user-made stages also ceases to exist.

Tengami - minor changes.
The game had 10 in-game collectible stamps which, whenever one was found or a section was done, could be used to create a drawing for Miiverse (with or without the stamp). The stamps will likely remain, but the Miiverse prompt will presumably return and error message if clicked.

The Wonderful 101 - minor sharing changes?
As far as I can tell, Wonderful 101 let you post to Miiverse with pre-made stamps using a button on the touchpad. What stamp you would get seems to have been determined by whoever is leading your team, and if there are secret characters involved.

Xenoblade Chronicles X - BLADE report feature discontinued.
The BLADE report was a networking tool allowing players who had formed Squads online to communicate, by notifying others of discovered monsters, areas, treasure, etc. For now I presume that creating Squads will remain possible, since it's also doable in single-player, but communication will cease to exist. Not sure how Global Nemesis quests will be affected.

Yoshi's Woolly World
- world map & loading screen changes.
Displayed Miis on the world map with posts above them, where people posted advice for levels or their frustrations, and lots of artistic creations using the in-game stamps. It also displayed posts in the loading time after a level was finished.

3DS titles

Antipole DX - see above.
See above write-up in the Wii U section.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes - Miiverse stamp integration.
Contained collectable stamps to make prettier drawings when sharing about the game on Miiverse.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars - see above.
See above write-up in the Wii U section.

MyNintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess - sharing affected.
Upon completing a Picross puzzle, this free title gave you the option to share the final picture that got revealed to Miiverse

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS - see above.
See above write-up in the Wii U section.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 07:11:26 PM by Steefosaurus »

Offline Khushrenada

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Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has Miiverse Stamps you can find in treasure chests. Those will be pointless now. Not sure about what other Miiverse functionality might be in that game since I don't actually own it.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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I'm going to play Super Mario Maker so I can finally create my final levels in my little Mario "adventure" I was making. Finished 8-1. I want to do so to take Miiverse screens to show off level images.
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I believe Sonic Lost World could share items through Miiverse.

I'm going to play Super Mario Maker so I can finally create my final levels in my little Mario "adventure" I was making. Finished 8-1. I want to do so to take Miiverse screens to show off level images.
I remember liking your levels, so I'm looking forward to it!

Offline Khushrenada

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Two words: Funky Barn.

It's been mentioned....

Miiverse Communities - will disappear entirely.
Every piece of software (both games and apps like YouTube/Netflix/Crunchyroll) on Wii U has its own Miiverse Community. Think of them as dedicated message boards, where users can start discussions, leave drawings, and post screenshots with commentary to. The Miiverse icon will remain, but it'll launch an error message following its end. All of this will no longer be accessible; I'm not sure how/if screenshotting will be affected yet.
(R.I.P. Funky Barn community)

Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Thanks for the additions, have included Twilight Princess & Sonic Lost World in the main post!
Personally I think the disappearance of Miiverse will lead me to try a couple of games I haven't played yet. Stealth Inc 2, Star Fox Zero and Deus Ex Human Revolution are probably the ones I'm most interested in.
Bayonetta and Xenoblade X are the other ones, but there's no way I'm gonna be able to finish all of these before November. Especially since I'm not that far into Zelda BOTW yet, and I kinda don't want to put that on hold for another giant open world game like Xenoblade - nor play them back to back either.

Offline pokepal148

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I'm actually using this as an excuse to finally play through Luigi U. NSMBU was one of the first games I played through that had miiverse so it makes sense that Luigi U will be one of the last.

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With Mario Kart 8, I thought the ability to upload replays to Youtube was already removed ages ago. Maybe I was wrong.
Not having the Tingle Bottles in Wind Waker will be sad. That was a nice feature.
Splatoon will also be slightly less interesting without the posts.

I still think it is too soon to close Miiverse

Offline MisterE13

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Love these lists of disappearing content! Always feels weird to be at the end of an era even if I never really committed 100% to Miiverse...

At least we aren't losing as many features as we do during an online connection shutdown (which you know is probably around the corner too)

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Love these lists of disappearing content! Always feels weird to be at the end of an era even if I never really committed 100% to Miiverse...

At least we aren't losing as many features as we do during an online connection shutdown (which you know is probably around the corner too)

Yeah, I always took Miiverse for granted a bit, but I'm rather sad to see it go. Wii U will most likely remain my primary gaming platform for the forseeable future, and as clunky as the entire Miiverse interface is, with the endless waves of utterly nonsensical posts, I still enjoy posting on it.

It's stupid of course, but I enjoy it when someone takes the time to post "yeah!" to one of my doodles, and I like watching the really creative people's posts in the Art Academy community and giving them yeahs. Some of the "personality" of Wii U will be lost when Miiverse goes down - most of the games will still be great, but the little touches of interactivity are nice in my opinion.

As someone who doesn't do much online multiplayer, I do still like reading people's posts in Stealth Inc. 2 or New Super Mario Bros. Recently I saw a post from someone in the latter, who utterly out of the blue commented on David Guetta's workload as DJ/producer. Made me smile haha.

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Re: List of Wii U games affected by Miiverse ending [play these before Nov 8th!]
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2017, 03:35:36 PM »

Nintendo actually posted this list of games that will be losing features (including some notable ones that were missing from this thread like Wooly World).

This actually highlights a real issue with Mario Kart, I already found it annoying that there was no good way to see your collected stamps (which Nintendo pushed as achievements in a lot of games this gen) without going into the Miiverse post interface. As far as I can tell, it will actually be impossible to tell which of them you're missing once Miiverse closes. At least most (all?) of the other games with stamps let you see them in separate collection screens of some sort.

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Re: List of Wii U games affected by Miiverse ending [play these before Nov 8th!]
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2017, 10:15:04 PM »

Nintendo actually posted this list of games that will be losing features (including some notable ones that were missing from this thread like Wooly World).

This actually highlights a real issue with Mario Kart, I already found it annoying that there was no good way to see your collected stamps (which Nintendo pushed as achievements in a lot of games this gen) without going into the Miiverse post interface. As far as I can tell, it will actually be impossible to tell which of them you're missing once Miiverse closes. At least most (all?) of the other games with stamps let you see them in separate collection screens of some sort.

Yeah I had included that link somewhere in the original post as well, but for many of the games Nintendo didn't specify what exactly would go missing. I feel like the "loss" of functionality for Star Fox Zero is a lot less severe than Deus Ex for example, but you wouldn't know that by just going by Nintendo's website - hence the thread. :)

Yoshi's Woolly World should be in the OP though, that was one of the first ones I added since it's a game I played a lot. There's several notable ones still missing though, like Pikmin 3, and for the Bayonetta games and Wonderful 101 I'm unsure how correct my info is here.

Weird that Mario Kart 8 doesn't let you see your stamps! I've never played it, so didn't know that. Mario 3D World has a screen that looks like a stickersheet which comes up everytime you find a new stamp, shame that's not in Kart.

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Re: List of Wii U games affected by Miiverse ending [play these before Nov 8th!]
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2017, 04:33:58 AM »
Yeah I had included that link somewhere in the original post as well, but for many of the games Nintendo didn't specify what exactly would go missing. I feel like the "loss" of functionality for Star Fox Zero is a lot less severe than Deus Ex for example, but you wouldn't know that by just going by Nintendo's website - hence the thread. :)

Yoshi's Woolly World should be in the OP though, that was one of the first ones I added since it's a game I played a lot. There's several notable ones still missing though, like Pikmin 3, and for the Bayonetta games and Wonderful 101 I'm unsure how correct my info is here.

I swear I had looked over the thread at some point and not noticed the links or the Yoshi entry, my bad. Pikmin 3 has a camera picture that lets you post pictures to Miiverse so that's at least some of the disappearing content.

Weird that Mario Kart 8 doesn't let you see your stamps! I've never played it, so didn't know that. Mario 3D World has a screen that looks like a stickersheet which comes up everytime you find a new stamp, shame that's not in Kart.

Yeah I know for sure that 3D World and NES Remix Pack let you see the unlockable stamps without using Miiverse. Mario Maker doesn't let you see them either but at least those are all unlocked from the start and aren't used for achievements. I don't have any other games with stamps to know for sure though.

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Re: List of Wii U games affected by Miiverse ending [play these before Nov 8th!]
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2017, 08:09:36 PM »
I swear I had looked over the thread at some point and not noticed the links or the Yoshi entry, my bad. Pikmin 3 has a camera picture that lets you post pictures to Miiverse so that's at least some of the disappearing content.

No worries! It's quite a long, samey-looking thread so it's only natural not everything will stand out. Will add your Pikmin info, thanks!

Offline Khushrenada

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3 more hours until the Moon crashes down on Miiverse. Get your last licks in!



Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline pokepal148

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I got Deus Ex and got that achievement.

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He's dead, Jim.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Well, they weren't kidding with their deadline either. I purposefully kept the Miiverse app open, just to see if it would boot you right out or if any Halo 2 shenanigans could be had. But nope, exactly on the minute.

Sure the whole thing was very flawed, but I'm glad Nintendo kept it online despite Wii U's flailings. I think I'll still kinda end up missing Miiverse. Despite not following many people on it, I would usually browse it for a couple of minutes before/after playing a game, just to see what weird stuff people wrote and drew there.

Hope this doesn't put a few people out of jobs now; I'm sure it wasn't heavily staffed towards the end, but there's bound to be a couple of community managers out there who spent 5 years managing this chaotic platform. Hope they remain employed in some form and can look back on this weird experiment with pride.

Offline Khushrenada

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Yeah, I'm surprised how much I posted on it over the years when I actually started scrolling through my feed a bit today. It made for an interesting snapshot of games I'd played and how I'd progressed in them. I always like to check in once a week or so to see who else I was following might have new posts in their activity feeds and to get a glimpse into what people were playing and what other games looked like. It's going to be disappointing to lose that.

There was more I wanted to do with Miiverse before the end came but so much has been happening in the past few months that I never got to experience everything I wanted to. Maybe someone will hack the Wii U to jury rig a new and darker Miiverse that can be used on the systems much like people find ways to create an underground online scene for some GameCube LAN games. It would have at least been nice if Nintendo could have implemented a replacement system that allowed you to access something like FaceBook or Twitter (or the NWR Forums) to post screenshots or comments in place of the Miiverse app. I might actually use those pieces of social media if that was case.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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It would have at least been nice if Nintendo could have implemented a replacement system that allowed you to access something like FaceBook or Twitter (or the NWR Forums) to post screenshots or comments in place of the Miiverse app. I might actually use those pieces of social media if that was case.

There's a very Nintendo~ey way to make this work I suppose... Hit the home button during any screenshot worthy moments, select the Internet browser, open something like imgur/ media of your choice. Anything with an 'upload picture' feature really. It should let you pick from either the Gamepad or the TV display.

Rather cumbersome, but it's still technically possible.

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All the NSFW posts in the Smash community before it closed were amusing/disturbing. The mods must have given up

Offline Khushrenada

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I'd like to think the mods decided to have a competition at the end of who could have the worst run forum because who cares. It's all going to be gone soon anyways.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline MisterE13

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I managed to have a pretty good time during Miiverse's final months:

My main fixation over this time I would call a victory. I played tons and tons of the 3DS version of Mario Vs Donkey Kong. I'm glad I didn't split my attention between it and the Wii U version because I was just barely able to almost 100% this version. I like these games a lot but it was a huge slog playing so much and reposting my levels every so often to try to gain traction on the latest and most popular boards to get some extra stars. I was able to buy all the ridiculously expensive stage pieces, and got a total of 822 Yeahs on my levels. I had less time than I expected on the final night so I wasn't able to amass and tip enough stars to get all the stamps but I am sitting at 69/72 (having tipped out 545 stars on top of the crazy amount I had to spend to buy things).

Me and my brother weren't able to beat Affordable Space Adventure in time but it's a great little game we wouldn't have played otherwise and I'm looking forward to continuing with it at some point.

I had fun playing around with Pushmo World for the first time and I was able to download all the official DLC and lots of "popular" fanmade content which will definitely be fun to tackle if I ever go deep into puzzle gaming on a console.

Just as I suspected, its now completely impossible to see what stamps I've collected in Mario Kart. Hopefully I don't mess up while using the checklist I made.

One of my biggest regrets is that I wasn't able to get some friends together to give the Miiverse stage in Smash the sendoff it truly deserved. I spent the night playing and tipping MvDK levels that stayed loaded even after the final shutdown. I didn't use Miiverse much for its intended purposes but I am really sad to see it go so soon.