Author Topic: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)  (Read 8661 times)

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Re: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2016, 06:10:05 AM »

You're all idots. Hypo played you all. I told you that was his plan!

Hahaha Honestly I was screwed Day 5! The townies had an incredible advantage and everyone knew I was the killer. If I had killed Northsea that night instead of Nickmitch, I would have been in a much better situation. But Northsea was my partner in crime the entire game, and I chose not to kill him because of loyalty. After I told everyone I was the killer on Day 4, he asked me to kill Nickmitch and against my own interests, I did. Khush can vouch that I wrestled with the decision. I sent him a long message about my night action. I knew I really should kill NorthSea. It would have been the smart move. The longer he hangs around the game, the more he can control it. It was the smart play and I didn't choose it. I figured that I probably had a small chance of actually winning it all and if someone had to win, I'd rather it be NorthSea. What I didn't expect and what really made Day 5 worse was Lucario who also targeted Nickmitch. At that point, I thought I lost.

But I didn't give up. I had been working with NorthSea since day 2, sharing information with one another. Not betraying him put me in a rough situation and I think he picked up on that. Despite his overwhelming advantage, NorthSea still worked with me, possibly out of sympathy, but I'd like to think it was because we hadn't betray one another all game in spite of it being advantageous to do so. He caused a chance for a tie by changing Stevey's vote rather than changing Lucario's or my vote. And thanks to Oohboy, we did form a tie and Lucario and I got an extra hit in that night. This completely changed the dynamics of the game. Now I was in the best position to win. Lucario was being voted out and I just had to kill Northsea to win the game. But once again, against my own interests I told him he should be the last one out, having gone this far working together, and I killed Insanolord instead. This switched the advantage back to him and it was his decision to win or not. He thought I should win. And I got to say, that was a really nice way to win.

And it all started because of my decision to vote Dasmos Day 1. What an incredibly lucky pick! That one choice pretty much proved I wasn't mafia and gave me a large amount of trust in my private conversations. The following day, I had already formed an alliance with Oohboy, Pokepal, and NorthSea, which was enough to vote anyone out. But I ended up killing Pokepal the following day. The guy is sharp! And that worried me. I felt that if he stayed in the game, he would eventually see through my actions and discover I was the killer. So yeah...he had to go. Killing him wasn't just about self-preservation though, it also sent a pretty strong message that I wasn't the killer to Oohboy and Northsea, and I knew that message was received when Northsea told me his role. If Oohboy had been more active, he might have told me his role also.

But let's talk about the most interesting day, Day 4. Not to sound conceited, but I absolutely should have died that day! There was no reason to keep me around. Yet I was able to turn a bad situation into an incredible advantage. And I think it was because of this argument

Here's probably the best reason I have for the townies to not vote for me today. If you kill me with a vote and allow the mafia to live, they can use a night kill and bring the total down for tomorrow to 2 mafia and 4 townies. At that point, it'll be hard for the townies to win unless they nail two votes in a row. But one slip up and the mafia ends it. But if I'm still alive, the mafia can't win. They can't claim victory until I am dead. Which makes me a very effective shield.

I made the argument to think of me as a tool rather than a threat and it was effective. Before the day was through, I had turned the vote away from myself and had active negotiations with several players where I had all the leverage. NorthSea may have asked me to kill Nickmitch that day, but not before telling me Insanolord was the detective. And using his role in a clever gambit with Oohboy and Lucario, I learned their roles too.

Best part of that day was Nickmitch's crusade against me. It should have been easy to vote me out. I'm the killer and in his words "killer's gotta be killed." But as the day went along, I steered everyone's mistrust towards him instead. Somehow, the killer wasn't the biggest threat anymore, it was Nickmitch. And by the end of the day, Nickmitch was negotiating with me not to die.

That was a great day and I think it was the reason I was given the win.

I got to give it up though to Lucario. He was never on my radar. He even pretty much told me he was the godfather and it still didn't register. Only after I caught him in a lie did I finally know. Well done man.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 06:23:02 AM by Hypotheliciously »
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Offline Stogi

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Re: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2016, 06:39:17 AM »
Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with oohhboy but he's clearly lost track of what's going on in the game. After I posted Day 6 and that he was dead, I still got a message from him this morning to protect TheNorthSea. He's clearly out of the loop and not following things too closely.

I honestly thought he knew Insano was the detective, and who the mafia were. I don't want to put a ton of blame on him, though. I should've been more open with him once we knew who everyone's roles were. There was just a lack of communication, and I should've reached out to him after he made his Insano vote.

There was no need though. That day, the only people left each had a role and Insanolord very easily laid out the argument for why Lucario and Stevey are mafia. If he had read the thread, it would be obvious not to vote insanolord.

Of interest, Insanolord investigated Hypotheliciously on Day 2 and found out he was the Killer. Despite being identified that early, Hypotheliciously actually survived to the end.

The townies could have won. Because of the ability of TheNorthSea, the game wouldn't have ended in a Mafia Victory if it had been him and stevey because TheNorthSea could get a majority vote against stevey via his power thereby voting out the last Mafia member and preventing stevey from making a hit. He chose not to.

stevey never signed up for the game. I signed him up myself. I did so because stevey has had a perfect record of attendance in this game since his first game in Mafia 2. He wasn't around while sign-ups were open but he had signed up the first time I tried to do this game last year. So, I took a chance and included him in this game thinking he may show up after it started much like Silenced did who was another player I knew may have wanted in but didn't know if he'd make it. Since I didn't know if stevey would be around or not, I made the final Mafia member because I wasn't sure if 3 was enough for the Mafia but 4 seemed kind of powerful. In the end, I'm happy that I did include him as such because it kept things interesting and led to the crazy endgame we had. I wanted to let everyone know this so that they don't get upset at stevey never showing up or playing. He never knew he was in the game. I'm surprised he hasn't shown up now in over a month. Here's hoping the guy's ok.

He's going to have so many questions when he gets back. I PM'd him like 6 times mostly with "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

As for the changes, the longer days were cool. It allowed me to conversate with people more. It did get a bit annoying in the later days. I also like the idea of majority votes. That's a keeper. And I missed the dead thread.
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Offline Stogi

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Re: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2016, 06:45:08 AM »
I'd also like to add that while Insanolord is blaming oohhboy for the townie loss, the oohhboy vote isn't what fully did them in. TheNorthSea changed stevey's vote to Lucario. That led to a 3 - 3 tie which caused the townie demise. However, if TheNorthSea had changed Hypotheliciously, Lucario or oohhboy's vote from Insanolord to Lucario, then it would have been a 3 - 2 vote with Lucario being voted out. Only Hypotheliciously could make a hit so it only one townie would die depending on who he hit. If he still targeted oohhboy, then oohhboy pays for his mistake and you still have two dependable townies. With TheNorthSea alive and Insanolord, they can make a 3 vote majority the next day and vote out Hypotheliciously who cannot make a hit that night. That just leaves the longshot that stevey shows up and makes a snipe hit to win for the Mafia. Otherwise, 12 hours later, it's a townie victory as they vote out stevey.

Why TheNorthSea didn't prevent the tie, I can't figure out. Maybe he can explain that one.

I think it was to throw me a bone. I told him that I didn't kill him the night before even though it would be in my best interests. So I think he wanted to return the favor.

Hypo told me Lucario planned on hitting me after the vote. It made sense, I had the most power in the game, and changed the outcome for the two previous rounds. He suggested that Oohhboy use his power to save me, so I decided to roll the dice and see the outcome. Turns out that was the wrong move, and Oohhboy was the true target.

Lucario and I were working together and I told him to put a hit on you and I'd put one on Oohboy. I then made sure to tell you so you could protect yourself. Lucario must have gotten confused or maybe misread because he did the opposite and we both ended up killing Oohboy.
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Re: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2016, 10:51:38 AM »
Crooked politics!

Offline TofuFury

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Re: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2016, 12:49:44 AM »

But let's talk about the most interesting day, Day 4. Not to sound conceited, but I absolutely should have died that day! There was no reason to keep me around. Yet I was able to turn a bad situation into an incredible advantage. And I think it was because of this argument

Here's probably the best reason I have for the townies to not vote for me today. If you kill me with a vote and allow the mafia to live, they can use a night kill and bring the total down for tomorrow to 2 mafia and 4 townies. At that point, it'll be hard for the townies to win unless they nail two votes in a row. But one slip up and the mafia ends it. But if I'm still alive, the mafia can't win. They can't claim victory until I am dead. Which makes me a very effective shield.

I made the argument to think of me as a tool rather than a threat and it was effective. Before the day was through, I had turned the vote away from myself and had active negotiations with several players where I had all the leverage. NorthSea may have asked me to kill Nickmitch that day, but not before telling me Insanolord was the detective. And using his role in a clever gambit with Oohboy and Lucario, I learned their roles too.

Best part of that day was Nickmitch's crusade against me. It should have been easy to vote me out. I'm the killer and in his words "killer's gotta be killed." But as the day went along, I steered everyone's mistrust towards him instead. Somehow, the killer wasn't the biggest threat anymore, it was Nickmitch. And by the end of the day, Nickmitch was negotiating with me not to die.

That was a great day and I think it was the reason I was given the win.

I got to give it up though to Lucario. He was never on my radar. He even pretty much told me he was the godfather and it still didn't register. Only after I caught him in a lie did I finally know. Well done man.

Day four was probably my favorite round of the whole game. There was just so much chaos, that it carried through to the end of the game.

And I think you made the right move in putting yourself as a tool for hire. Insano and I knew that if we voted you out, it was going to be very hard to narrow down the rest of the mafia. With you around, you could at least narrow the playing field for the townies, which did happen in the end.

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Re: Mafia LXVIII: Animal Kingdom. Day 8. The End. (Game is Over)
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2016, 12:26:20 PM »

Best part of that day was Nickmitch's crusade against me. It should have been easy to vote me out. I'm the killer and in his words "killer's gotta be killed." But as the day went along, I steered everyone's mistrust towards him instead. Somehow, the killer wasn't the biggest threat anymore, it was Nickmitch. And by the end of the day, Nickmitch was negotiating with me not to die.

That was a great day and I think it was the reason I was given the win.

Gotta admit, that was as masterful of a play as it was lucky.
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