Author Topic: If I kickstart this project, how well do you think it would do?  (Read 1611 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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If I kickstart this project, how well do you think it would do?
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:45:04 AM »

This is a project I was working on in Unity. Basically a Metroid inspired game. I never publicized it. What do you think?


Mac  Demo
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: If I kickstart this project, how well do you think it would do?
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2015, 03:36:51 AM »
I would be interested. Except for the Cthulu. Too creepy.

I don't know if Kickstarter has the same heft it used to have though.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: If I kickstart this project, how well do you think it would do?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 08:38:24 AM »
I back projects where the product seems manageable within the confines of the development team, where the presentation is not overly reliant on wish fulfillment and nostalgia, and actually feels like a product that is different enough to warrant a look.

I am in a minority, I understand that.

Now, I haven't backed a single Metroidvania simply because the majority of them exist only to fill the void caused by a lack of professional Metroidvanias, and very few of them aspire to be more than just a Metroidvania homage. I would like to see novel ideas come from Kickstarter rather than safe nostalgia-jerkers, but that doesn't seem to be what the rest of the Kickstarter community is interested in.

I'll always support the work of another forum member, though.
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Re: If I kickstart this project, how well do you think it would do?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 10:28:39 AM »

This is a project I was working on in Unity. Basically a Metroid inspired game. I never publicized it. What do you think?


Mac  Demo

So answer your question no I personally would not support this. Partly because it is rare for me to give money to any kickstarter, if it is a good idea get some real investors and make a damn game if it is not good enough to find a proper investor and you have to beg for money then it is probably going to be lame.

Second, even if I did support kickstarters, which I don't, I would not fund a game that is designed to play on nostalgia of any kind, I would have to be really impressed by the game and nostlagia is over done by Nintendo and company these days there is no shortage of that so I need more than that to get excited for a game.

Third, you said based on Metroid but it looks like a FPS so I assume yo meant Metroid Prime and that is nothing more than must a Nintendo FPS that only would work as a Metrodoid game because people like the character and the world, playing what is essentially a fan fiction or a knock off however you want to look at it, would not be very exciting.

Fourth, the game looks very basic, it looks like it is trying to be Game Cube level graphics with some effects, maybe that is the tools you have, your level of experience or a specific design choice but I don't see people getting nostalgic for that look like they do the 8 bit and 16 bit looks. I wouldn't get hyped for a proper game by a big company intentionally designed to look ten years old unless it was 2D.

Fifth, like Evan said, there is no shortage at all of these types of games, FPS or Retro inspired Metroidvania clones.

HOWEVER, I am not likely your target audience, so just take my words as feedback to consider.

Unlike Evan I am not going to support a bad idea, or any idea good or bad, just because someone I know personally is involved unless it was a close personal friend or a family member and even then it would be minimal support at best, maybe some good luck here and there and a $25 contribution as say a Christmas present if even that.

Finally, good luck with the game regardless of how it goes, even if I personally am not interested, currently at least, does not mean you should not go for it and follow your dreams.

To answer your question of how well would it do, well I am guessing not well considering there is not shortage of these games at the moment.
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