Author Topic: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)  (Read 5084 times)

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Getting a new Nintendo console is always exciting and disappointing at the same time. There is always the big reveal that gets people hopeful for the future and the twist that makes everyone nervous.

We had some fun speculating what the "Revolution" controller would be like before the big reveal. I know it is a year away before announcement but when as that stopped us from speculating endlessly before. E3 is right around the corner depending on what the Wii U line up looks like will give us a clue how soon this thing should be ready to release.

I want to let this be a speculation of not what NX will be for us, or Nintendo, but what it will lead to inevitably after it's time has come. In other words will NX be the "savior" of Nintendo and unite the scattered fans into a single, massive unified bunch of satisfied gamers, or will it be the final death nail for a dying Nintendo console division that got some life support with Wii but was mostly false hope?

I don't know I loved the Wii when it was new, then grew to hate it, now am starting to re-appreciate it for what it was. I go through this every console cycle, not always with Nintendo but whatever anyways this is Nintendo NeXt or Nintendo Xross either way it is going to have an impact on our lives so might as well get started on the discussion now.

I don't see a "PS4" rival coming from Nintendo not just anytime soon but ever. They have made it crystal clear they do not have the talent, time, resources, or interest in making the types of games that not only sell on that type of hardware but require that type of hardware to exist. They will make a console that suits their needs period.

Based on the new deal between them an DNA, I won't spell it that way because its confusing, anyways we know they will get some major online infrastructure out of this deal. With PS4 and Xbox One making sharing such a huge part of their consoles I can see Nintendo thinking that is why those two are selling so well and finding a way to incorporate that element into their new console. Between the name, the partnership, and the integration with the upcoming mobile platform, I get the impression that is the direction they will take.

I have no problem with better sharing and community integration as they built up MiiVerse as something special only for it to be a major let down. I would prefer if Mii's go away entirely but it seems like with them forcing you to have a Mii on Wii U that is not an option. I think they will be here to stay for the long haul, unless Nintendo gos the full rebrand route which is unlikely.

I HOPE NX does not contain Wii in the name as Nintendo should have learned from that mistake.

IF NX does fully integrate the community aspect including introducing a unified account system that allows for cross-buy and interaction with the mobile, console, and handheld games, that would be really interesting. I can see them using both Pokemon and Animal Crossing as a way to realize this. They might even do so in a way that makes me actually consider buying either of those properties.

I suspect the hardware itself will be a moderate step above Wii U. I think Iwata said he wants to be more like Apple with incremental upgrades here and there, between 2DS, and New 3DS I think he meant what he said. I would imagine NX to be something like this. They release the unit, whatever it is, but make it so it can be upgraded easily or replaced by "next years model" easily.

I don't know if I believe it will be a true hybrid as some have suggested, but this could be a major step in that direction. What I do believe is it will bring handheld and console gamers together in a unique way that has not been tried before. I suspect something similar to connectivity where the handheld can be integrated into the console. Since Game Cube, well even SNES if you count Super Game Boy, Nintendo has been trying to merge their split markets into a single customer base that makes them even more money.

Here are a few ways I can see it working out. You buy the New 3DS version of the next Pokemon game and there is a mobile app that works like a Pokedex where you can view and organize your Pokemon and even trade with friends using the App. Then there is a console game, probably a Colosseum type game where you just basically train your Pokemon in the handheld game but can bring them into the Console game to battle on "the big screen" as it were. There would be exclusive quests and Pokemon in the console version but what makes it unique is it has access to all the Pokemon and areas from different games, all unified into a single game. The core RPG game itself is still the Handheld game but the Console version truly supplements it well.

Animal cross I know very little about but it has been mentioned before I suspect it will be something similar where the main quest is on the handheld held and the mobile app is used for inventory management, Unlike Pokemon where there are two connective but different games, Animal Crossing will be true Cross buy, it will be like Smash is now it exist in one form for both units. It will be buy one get the other free, like Mario and DK is now too. This will encourage gamers from the two markets, handheld and console, to interact more fluidly instead of awkwardly on internet discussion forums. It will also allow trading and sharing of virtual items via both versions using the new sharing system they will introduce.

I suspect the main games will be similar to how it is now but scalable. There will be ONE Super Mario whatever but it will exist on both units so gamers can choose if they prefer gaming on the go or the console experience. Instead of a hybrid it will be two separate releases but either using Cross Buy or the sharing mechanic it will be scalable at the software level, meaning you buy ONE version for Console and get a FREE download of the DS version.

Other games that will likely use better integration would be Wii Sports and Mii type games that allow you to customize, create, and trade Mii's using the mobile App and share Mii's made on one device across all three platforms.

 Virtual Console will be simplified into a single experience where they will find a legal loophole to merge the new store into the old store so you can keep your games if you are grandfathered in. This might require them to do some legal dancing with lawyers and stuff but we all know Nintendo has some of the worlds finest lawyers around so they will get it done.

Online will NOT be free forever. there will be Free to play and there will be premium services, I suspect this they will get wrong. Sony charges for Online play Microsoft charges for the entire service Nintendo will do it backwards, you play online for free but if you want Netflix or premium stuff you pay a, small fee, of like $25 a year, they don't want to milk you but they want something for their trouble. This will NOT motivate them to actually update the Netflix app regularly but it WILL inspire them to create a NX specific version of the App that fits their needs. Similar to how Sony has Max, Nintendo will replace the Facebook sharing aspect with their own sharing protocol built in. This will require them playing hardball with Netflix but based on the Zelda announcement I assume that game has already begun and deals have been struck we don't know about yet.

All of this could either lead to Nintendo making a console everyone wants with the games that come quicker than normal and between cross buy, mobile, and the strength of the handheld games the entire experience is improved enough that people who saw potential in Wii U but thought the execution was a mess will reconsider NX because it will unite the base better than ever, it will not address every major issue but it will have the games, they will be easier to access for once and because Cross buy and sharing will be so integrated that 3rd party support will be better by default as it will only require them to make a DS version that they can scale up for the console market but not have to make it on par with PS4, I especially see indie's and retro studios cashing in better than they did on Wii U because the customer base will be there.

After NX Nintendo will either go the Tablet route, or eventually once they prefect the system and the infrastructure they will got he hybrid route then.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 01:25:33 PM by marvel_moviefan_2012 »
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2015, 03:16:57 PM »
My guesses with the Revolution were way off.  Never in a million years would I have thought of the Wii.  I guess I correctly guessed it would be online and, uh, would use electricity?  I cynically guessed some of the Wii U's characteristics but with Nintendo's infatuation with controller features it's hard to guess exactly what they would do.

I'm guessing the NX will have something non-traditional with its controller.  Hardware is probably going to be outdated and underpowered as well.  I think that is something Nintendo needs to address but I don't assume they will.  I don't think they understand why the Wii U sold poorly.  They're too isolated.  I'm also assuming that some routine things will be done in a weird way because Nintendo doesn't really pay much attention to what the rest of the industry does so they'll re-invent the wheel on a few things that everyone really just wants done in a normal way.  We'll get unified accounts but I assume there will be some wrinkle to it.  There is always something goofy for no reason.

Some connection between the console and handheld is a given.  They're talking like an OS.  Probably not the hybrid, more like easy ports between systems.  Third parties want easy ports between all systems by all companies but that's not how Nintendo thinks.  They'll stick to just easy ports between their own systems and figure that will be some sort of selling point.  It won't be much of one but will still be better than what they how where third parties that support the 3DS just outright ignore the Wii U.  Nintendo will still design things for themselves so the plan will be mostly for making it easier for Nintendo.  It will be nice if you just buy one game and it works on both platforms and maybe the console version is a little fancier.  I can see greed screwing that up more than anything.  Deep down they want us to purchase the game twice.  Probably every company wants that.

The goal will be the sell the console in Japan.  Not a knock on Nintendo personally, it's a knock on Japanese video game companies as a whole.  They want to succeed in their own market.  Sega pretty much destroyed their whole console business trying to appeal to Japan at the expense of the West.  The design of the console will be to attempt to cater to Japanese consumers.  Iwata also mentioned with the mobile stuff that their goal is to get mobile users to "graduate" to full games.  IE: they still want the casuals so I'll expect that will factor into the design.  I get why they would.  The casual money during the Wii/DS years was like a great drug and Nintendo will be chasing that high for years to come.

The key to the NX being successful is for Nintendo to be aware of their mistakes, admit to them and learn the right lessons from them.  They have failed to do that since the N64.  I'm also concerned that the Wii U has hurt their image so much that they may deliver the right product but no one gives it a chance.  The NX can't ease into things.  It needs to win people over right away.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2015, 11:22:01 PM »
I do not think the NX is the next console.

I believe it is the next portable.  I believe the next gimmick will be "force touch" like Apple is doing...but probably with more options to it. 

I really want a controller that the buttons could be whatever you need to control or play a game.  But you can't do that with the screen in the least not as easily.  So I predict 2 screens.  And the touch screen will be used exclusively for button controls and the gimmick will be custom controls for each game. 

Then I predict that controller with have a more advanced analog stick (slide stick option) or at least one that is more durable.

Finally, I think this will be a pretty powerful device for a Nintendo handheld, which will rival what the Wii U can do now...maybe be more powerful.

Then Nintendo will create a small Nintendo streaming device that will stream the game from the portable to the TV.  Basically reversing the Wii U technology. 

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2015, 11:51:22 PM »
The NX is the next handheld.  Seriously, we've already gone over this, Nintendo isn't going to release their next home console before a handheld.  Handhelds have been Nintendo's main source of profit for the last 20 years now, even during the crazy Wii era, the DS was still the bigger seller.  With the 3DS sales under-performing below Nintendo's expectations last year and the mobile gaining huge steam the last few years in Japan, getting a new handheld out next year is Nintendo's number one goal. 

Especially with what happened with the 3DS, Nintendo isn't going to take a chance.  The 3DS was able to turn around after its disasters post launch sales because of all the games Nintendo was able to pump out in it's first 2 years after launch.  Of course because of all that 3DS support, the Wii U ended up suffering as a result.  But that's the thing, Nintendo made a choice which system had to perform better and they choose the handheld.
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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2015, 12:16:08 AM »
how can you be so sure it is a hand held, they DID just release a New handheld even if it's not what you were expecting.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2015, 12:43:15 AM »
As I mentioned in a previous post, I think a major component of NX and the DeNA partnership will be cross-platform play and a unified account. I have no doubt that Nintendo will release certain games that can be played across all platforms and this is an effort to smooth the transition between them so your progress and purchases always transfer. For example, say you start a game on a smartphone during a train commute, but when you get home, you want to continue playing on NX. Nintendo hopes to make this seamless.

I still intend to start that new thread I mentioned last week. I've just been too lazy. It covers some common ground, but I think it's better to start a new one.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2015, 12:48:28 AM »
how can you be so sure it is a hand held, they DID just release a New handheld even if it's not what you were expecting.

The New 3DS is no different then the DSi.  It's just an updated version of their current handheld not a real successor. 
I’m gonna have you play every inch of this game! - Masahiro Sakurai

Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2015, 01:02:02 AM »
right but it launched this year, the NX is getting announced next year there is no way they replace New 3DS that fast. Wii U they can.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2015, 03:20:17 AM »
Well, I see Nintendo trying to make this new Nintendo NX both the console and portable.  I think it will be 100% portable system, and will not be advertised as a console, because Nintendo needs more time with the Wii U to try to make some more money.

If the Nintendo NX is announced next year and not released...that means the New Nintendo 3DS would have had over a year possibly close to 2 years on the market, for a mid-generation revision that is pretty good.  So I definitely see this replacing the 3DS.  Besides the portable systems are always more lucrative because you can buy several for your household. 

As I said, I see this system being powered very close to the Wii U.  In fact, I could see people just call it a portable Wii U. 

Then I see Nintendo managing to create a console streaming system, that will stream games from the NX to the TV.  However, I expect it to be more than just a simple streaming device, as it will need to potentially upscale graphics, run some apps locally, and be able to use all of Nintendo's current controllers. 

So I am looking at it as a companion piece to the NX potentially priced at $149.99-$200.00 

This is just my guess, it is probably way off but I believe in it.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2015, 07:21:51 AM »
right but it launched this year, the NX is getting announced next year there is no way they replace New 3DS that fast. Wii U they can.

The 3DS got announced the week the DSiXL came out in North America.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2015, 08:55:15 AM »
Did anyone else see "crude artist" and expect more dick jokes?
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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2015, 09:54:40 AM »
Look at the pattern, consoles come out every five years, Wii U will be close to that when this thing launches. Nintendo has SIX Consoles and only 4 hand helds if you are not counting the half steps as you are calling them. 3DS is not performing to expectations but is still doing well, New 3DS just launched it can sit on the market for two years easily. Wii U is pretty much a dud they need to abandon first chance. It makes more sense to replace the failing console and hope that by stating over there they might have a chance to regain a footing and leave the successful hand held alone then it does to sacrifice what good the handheld is to let the console flounder.

Even if NX is the handheld, fine then discuss it from that angle. I don't care but arguing over if it is console or handheld is not productive

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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2015, 03:34:46 PM »
The NX might be a handheld, but that doesn't make it a smart decision.  It makes no sense for Nintendo to replace the relatively successful 3DS while the Wii U drowns.  How many retail Wii U games are going to be released this year?  Will it even be 10?  The Wii U is finished.  Does anyone even make games for it now besides Nintendo and indies?  It needs to be replaced ASAP.  It would be insane for Nintendo to prioritize replacing their handheld first, unless it is some unified hybrid style system that replaces both.

Now just because something is insane or idiotic doesn't mean Nintendo WON'T do it.  The logic of "well handheld is where we make our money" does seem very Nintendo like.  If they seek to replace the 3DS first then Nintendo's time as a console maker is over.  Oh, maybe they're try another console but if they stick with the Wii U for too long then it's over.  The Wii U's release schedule will dry up so much that stores will stop stocking it.  You think Nintendo slowly churning out five games a year for the thing is going to keep Toys 'R' Us, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Gamestop, etc. happy?  A console that doesn't sell and rarely gets new games is just going to eat up shelf space that something that moves could be taking up.

The Wii U should be replaced this year (hell I would have replaced it already) and we're talking about the NX, which probably isn't even due by then, being a 3DS replacement?  So the Wii U might not be replaced until 2017 or later?  That's insane.

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Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2015, 10:48:26 PM »
What make the most sense is a portable with a Chromecast /Docking Station for the tv. By 2017, you'll be able to squeeze an XboxOne / PS4 into a tablet and it be cost effective. Games will have "Home" and "Away" features as well as GamePad Support (at first).

Bookmark this post, I am so right.  But as long as 2/3 of Xenoblade Chronicles, Star Fox, Zelda U come out in 2015, I'm good.

Re: After NX, the end of the line? (now with crude artist rendering)
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2015, 11:55:21 AM »
I think they are moving towards a gaming tablet but they are taking baby steps. I think the hybrid will be one of those baby steps.
Trying to be a better person, honest.