Author Topic: How to Make the Best Zelda TV Show  (Read 13546 times)

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Offline Leo13

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Re: How to Make the Best Zelda TV Show
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2015, 10:04:56 AM »
Maybe it'll come out before the new game and Link will talk in both

Re: How to Make the Best Zelda TV Show
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2015, 01:15:54 AM »
Let's face it!  A Legend Of Zelda TV series already has our attention and we Nintendo fans will watch it regardless of whether it stars Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Midna, or Tingle... well maybe not Tingle (but I would still watch it).  The bottom line for any company working within our capitalist confines is, of course, the almighty dollar, which means mass market appeal is absolutely necessary.  I have to imagine the broadest audience would be gained by starring a young (adult) Link, as the unlikely hero.  That would allow for plenty of room for character development under the proper writing team.  That said, I would actually prefer a side story starring the titular Zelda(/Sheik) or some other brand new character. But let's be real here, we're all in the minority.  Mass market appeal will have a huge influence on what we get, if we get anything at all.  If the show does feature Link, he will certainly NOT be mute and this could actually impact the game series itself if it is well received.  This could be the jump many of us have been waiting for:  A means to invigorate the Legend Of Zelda videogames and vault them into the modern era.

speak for yourself, I don't consider myself among the die hard fans I am more representative of the mainstream tastes as one, I haven't played a Zelda game in years, the last one I enjoyed was OOT, and that was almost 20 damn years ago.
Zelda is pretty mainstream, or at least *used* to be, so there already is mass appeal. The die hard fans, they will bitch no matter what but the lapsed fans, the ones who grew up with classic Zelda but only know a couple of games and the broadest most iconic references will drive this thing not the die hard loyalists who even know what half those references mean.

If it starts Tingle or even FEATURES him it will bomb because the people who don't know who he is, or who hate him entirely far out number the tiny niche little cult following he has on the internet.

I have spoken personally with people who remember Zelda but like me don't follow the new stuff or know even less than I do who are excited for the possibility of this because outside die hard fans regular people don't even know Link is supposedly mute they just know him from one or two retro games and that cartoon so there is already an audience who figures he can talk. The people who want him to remain mute are mostly those who hated the cartoon for some odd reason, or those who actually follow the current games, which are an increasingly smaller group. The days where Zelda sold systems are behind us that is why it isn't launching closer to the systems release like it did when it mattered, because since Majora's mask and even Wind Waker the larger Zelda fanbase, the more casual fans, have lost interest or become disinterested because those two shitty ass games destroyed what people knew of Zelda and turned many off.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: How to Make the Best Zelda TV Show
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2015, 12:29:02 PM »
A Zelda series without Link just makes no sense to me.  Why even buy the rights to the franchise if you're going to rip out the most significant part of it?  Even for people that think the main character is named Zelda they know that the Zelda games star an elf dressed in green.  If you advertise such a show people will tune in expecting to see that elf and if he isn't there they're going to wonder what the hell is going on.  I've never watched Gotham but one thing that makes that odd concept somewhat marketable is that Batman is so iconic that even the supporting characters have a fair amount of casual mainstream recognition.  Outside of the elf guy and the elf princess the average person knows **** about Zelda.  You have to include the most basic elements that people are familiar with.

If they come up with a GOOD character for Link no one will have a problem with it.  Mute Link is completely unfeasible on a TV show.  A mute main character would be very arty and this is certainly supposed to be a mainstream show.

Offline the asylum

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Re: How to Make the Best Zelda TV Show
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2015, 02:09:11 PM »
Things that work in video games don't necessarily work on TV. Could you imagine a TV adaptation of Super Metroid played straight? As a game it's the best ever made. As a show it'd be awful. That's why if there ever is a Zelda TV spinoff there's going to be a speaking Link. Die hard Zelda nerds are just going to have to deal with it.