Author Topic: Blast from PGC Past! : 2004 GDC Aonuma Zelda Roundtable  (Read 3761 times)

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Blast from PGC Past! : 2004 GDC Aonuma Zelda Roundtable
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:04:03 AM »
I came across the roundtable, recorded by TYP, in my old files. The article it goes with is located at

You can download the mp3 at

Hopefully whoever is in charge of the archives, so to speak, will add the file to the article. If anyone has any files, etc. that went into the old PGC archives that somehow didn't make it in the transition to NWR, it'd be great if they could be posted or sent to the NWR crew to restore them.

BTW, if I could make a not-serious suggestion for a stretch goal for the upcoming NWR telethon: Get rid of Google Custom Search for the site. The problem with it is that it gives people hope that they'll find something remotely relating to what they were searching for. False hope is worse than no hope. So just get rid of it.

I searched for all the right keywords and nothing came up but a forum post linking to an invalid link from the PGC days. Even when I found the article by looking through the Interview section of the site, I decided to search by using the exact name of the article "GDC 2004 - Eiji Aonuma Zelda Roundtable" and still nothing. Maybe there's a way to add on phpBB's search functions to the site. I don't think it has improved in a decade and it's still better than Google Custom Search! So you could search the PGC archives using tech from the time the article was made! Break out the Wave Birds and we're in business!

Offline MegaByte

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Re: Blast from PGC Past! : 2004 GDC Aonuma Zelda Roundtable
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 02:40:25 AM »
Thanks, I uploaded it and updated the article link!
Unfortunately, many of the older PGC media files were lost (this was when they were hosted on a separate server, long before the transition to NWR, and long before most of the current staff were involved), so if you have any more, please share!
Aaron Kaluszka
Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report