Author Topic: Have any of you heard of NOIR  (Read 2924 times)

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Offline RahXephon

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Have any of you heard of NOIR
« on: February 11, 2003, 06:12:31 PM »
It is an assasin based anime that would be perfect for a game.  The system, doesn't matter, the anime had no blood, so the game would need no blood, making it very friendly to a wide audience.  The plot is not so thick you cant make a game out of it.  In fact it almost seems like a game, how the characters work toward little pieces of info, and more importantly, each ep has a specific "foe" to assaisin.  Their are even the simple guys, they all look the same and have horrible aim.  I say we get into production right away.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

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Re: Have any of you heard of NOIR
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2017, 08:23:45 PM »
Huh, no I've never heard of it but the premise definitely sounds interesting for a game! You could totally have those "villain-of-the-week" foes as like lil' mini-bosses to cap off every chapter. Maybe even release the game in episodic chunks? Plus anime art lends itself well to games, as it doesn't age as poorly as polygons tend to.