Author Topic: Japan eShop Round-Up (09/07/2011)  (Read 916 times)

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Japan eShop Round-Up (09/07/2011)
« on: September 07, 2011, 08:00:37 AM »

A new first party 3DS Downloadable title, pool, and idols in bikinis this week on the eShop!

Amidst the craziness of Monster Hunter Tri and a second circle pad peripheral coming to the 3DS, it's still Thursday, and that means that the eShop received another update. This week, gamers can access some new videos and games, including a first party 3DS downloadable title. Here's a look at what arrives this week:

3DS Downloadable Titles
Ikimono Zukuri Crea-toy – 700 yen

Virtual Console
Side Pocket – 400 yen

Video Content

Itsu no Ma ni Terebi's Dobustu de Calendar makes its return this week for Volume 2 of the series, this time featuring dolphins until September 16. From late last month until September 6, a special program showcasing various festivals in the Tohoku (Northeastern) Japan was featured in the application, but unfortunately, though expectedly, came to an end. Not only this, but the idol sumo wresting program, Idoling, is at a new location in Guam for a little bit. This time, the girls are clad in bikinis battling to keep themselves from falling into a pool. I don't know about you, it only seemed like a matter of time before this would happen! 

The eShop is also host to a few new videos. On the very first page of the eShop, 3DS owners can watch a detailed 2D streaming video showing how to navigate the cumbersome menus to download the Famicom Ambassador titles. A Dragon Quest I – II – III (Wii) 2D video channel is also available so that gamers can check out the new features of the upcoming re-release of these beloved classics. There also a 3D streaming video for Nintendo's latest title, Ikimono Zukuri Kurietooi (English title: Picture Lives!), which puts players in control of creating their own creature and then have it come to life as they guide it through various levels. The video shows that the game utilizes both traditional control methods as well as touch screen controls for jumps. For example, you can swipe the stylus on the monster up toward a platform to enable it to perform a jump. 

Software Impressions

By next week, I will have Ikimono Zukuri Crea-toy and let you know all about it one way or another. The game's quirkyness, visual style, and gameplay mechanics look awesome. Could this be the title that Nintendo needs to push the eShop? This very well could be THE marquee title for Nintendo and downloadable 3DS titles. That, or it could just be pretty good and nothing more. Expect more by next week!

Danny Bivens
Japan Correspondent
Nintendo World Report

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Re: Japan eShop Round-Up (09/07/2011)
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 08:15:43 AM »
Bout time that Idoling became more than just 2 fully clothed girls pushing each other over for all of 20 seconds.

Notice the white guy just stood there mesmerised at the events unfolding before his very eyes.
His face just says "I can't believe this is happening in my hotel"
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