Author Topic: Shining Soul  (Read 4114 times)

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Offline Fate Linegod

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Shining Soul
« on: February 07, 2003, 11:37:11 AM »
Just wondering if anyone else wishes this game would come out in the US.  I plan on importing it when it comes out in Europe (March 7th I think.)  Anyone else?
Where's the GOOD remakes/compilations!?  Shining Force, Landstalker, Adventures of Lolo!?

Offline DarkNite

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Shining Soul
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2003, 05:41:05 PM »
Yes, I wish it would be released here too, but I also plan to import.  

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Offline Ajguy

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Shining Soul
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2003, 07:47:49 PM »
I didn't realize that it wasn't planned for USA release, but their doing it in Europe? Does Sega not like money or something. I'm sure it will come here eventually.

Offline waddle_dee

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Shining Soul
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2003, 04:21:50 PM »
yeah, that would be awesome. I'm always game for an action RPG. it looks like a good one.
I am beverage.

Offline Sean

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Shining Soul
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2003, 04:43:25 PM »
"Does Sega not like money or something?"  Hahaha....

AJGUY, I love those kinds of questions because they're really not questions at all.  I'm going to go ahead and say they do like money, and they have their own reason currently for not releasing it here.  Although, I really can't say what their reason could be considering RPG's are fairly popular here now, and "Golden Sun" seems to have sold very, very well (and considering the GBA is so overrun by bad games that it's easy to spot the good ones).  I haven't heard how "Lunar Legend" did, but my gut is saying it didn't do very well.  It's also saying, "Why did you throw so much food into me earlier?  I'm about to throw it back out."

Anyway, I'm dying* to play this game.  Anything with the word "Shining" in it has me.  "You had me from 'shining'" would be the catch-phrase I would use were I Sega's marketing director, which should be good evidence of why I'm not Sega's marketing director.  Wouldn't you say?  ;-)

Okay, a couple of the "Shining" games have been less than stellar, but oh well.  This one looks tasty.

(*I realize "dying" is too strong a word.  I should've said, "I cry every night that I don't have this game."  There, that's better.)

EDIT:  By the way Fate!  You mentioned Landstalker!  God bless you!!!  That's one of the most overlooked games ever (in that I don't know many people who've heard of it or played it), and I think it may have had the best and hardest (in a good way) puzzles of any action-RPG ever.  It's 15+ hour game (game-clock time), if I remember correctly, but the actual game time is much longer if you take into account all the searching and puzzling.  The music was terrific, too.  Anyway, the only two flaws for me were as follows:

1) the "yah!" sound or whatever that the main character made.

2) the ending.  WORST. ENDING. EVER.  I'll go ahead and tell anyone who hasn't played it who might happen upon it.  Here's what happens.  A layer of turning coins fills the screen.  That's it.  That's IT.

Anyway, it's sad that Climax apparently has no talent working for them anymore.  That was clear after they released the "sequel" to Landstalker on the Sega Saturn known as "Dark Saviour."  Dear lord that game sucked.  It had very little going on in it, and the fighting in the game (which was most of it) was maybe the worst thing I've ever seen.  Had a great graphics engine though.

Aggghhh...horrible game.
"I think that if the devil does not exist,
and man has therefore created him,
he has created him in his own image and likeness."
from Fyodor Dostoevsky's THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV

Offline Fate Linegod

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Shining Soul
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2003, 11:31:59 PM »
Yea, I'd kill for a Landstalker remake...or an overhaul of the game...better story...BETTER ENDING...anything.  That game ruled.  As well as a Shining Force Compilation...or even all 3 parts of Shining Force III in english.  ANYTHING!

Anyway, I do plan on importing Shining Soul.  VideoGameDepot has it for $50 (nuts), while has it for $45.  I'm still not sure if I should just wait...or import...the more I see the game, the more I love it!

I've also been drooling over the Phantasy Star remake screens.
Where's the GOOD remakes/compilations!?  Shining Force, Landstalker, Adventures of Lolo!?

Offline Sean

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Shining Soul
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2003, 08:33:11 PM »
At $45, the importing sounds like a great idea!  I mean...what's 10-15 dollars more, in the end (counting shipping)?  Okay, it's a considerable amount, but still!

As for Shinging Force III, the first epi is freaking AWESOME on Saturn, and Sega Of America really blew it on that one.  Wait...they blew it on almost everything back then.  It's good to know those guys are all dead now.  Or should be.*

*I swear I don't mean this.

Anyway, to get the other episodes, in a graphically overhauled way or not (which is pretty essential to most people now, sadly, because it lowers the chances, as I see it), would rock.  I want to know what happens!!!!!!!
"I think that if the devil does not exist,
and man has therefore created him,
he has created him in his own image and likeness."
from Fyodor Dostoevsky's THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV