Author Topic: who remembers [Matt] from IRC?  (Read 2333 times)

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Offline S-U-P-E-R

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who remembers [Matt] from IRC?
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:49:45 PM »
<[Matt-GCA]> Those hackers can cause problems for America
<[Matt-GCA]> They are like terrorists
<[Matt-GCA]> And deserve justice
<[Matt-GCA]> and America is gonna give it to them

<[Matt-GCA]> <- gca chat is here
<S-U-P-E-R> hey thanks for letting us know where we can chat on the chat we're already on

<[Matt-GCA]> The Department of Homeland Security is going to bust you.

<[Matt-GCA]> i reported him to teh admins
<[Matt-GCA]> i am going to forward info to Dept. of Homeland Security too
<[Matt-GCA]> As hacking is clearly illegal
<[Matt-GCA]> and a threat to America

<[Matt-GCA]> Without security American freedom is at risk
<S-U-P-E-R> without matt monologues, lol is at risk

<[Matt-GCA]> Frozen could be helping people who plan to attack the nation

<[Matt-GCA]> Frozen could very well be supporing govenments
<[Matt-GCA]> that are against freedom
<[Matt-GCA]> and democracy

<[Matt-GCA]> What is Frozen
<[Matt-GCA]> is some sort of spy
<[Matt-GCA]> For a foreign government
<Br26> a communist, most likely!
<[Matt-GCA]> What if all this time he has posed as a gaming fan and stuff
<[Matt-GCA]> So he could help attack this country
<[Matt-GCA]> and harm american freedom

<[Matt-GCA]> Russia has WMD... they don't need the h-bomb
<[Matt-GCA]> But what about the terror cells

Offline HadesGigas

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RE:who remembers [Matt] from IRC?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 02:07:54 PM »
<Matt|> if i keep gettingkicked i won't winz0r

If anyone else ever gets a new tip like this YIM/MSN/ICQ/AIM/E-Mail/Query/PM me.

Blaming lag in some cases could be a reason (when your lag script says 20 seconds, then that's legit). Blaming games is NEVER a legit reason.

Alright, I'll admit it, my lag is usually never an issue, I'm just too slow at answering.

That wasn't supposed to be funny. I was serious there.

Whatever happened to when chats were for having a good, fun time, and not worrying about what will get me banned?

Am I at least somewhat stupid enough so that the stupidiity is funny?

But I do use common sense and general intelligence -- most of the time.

I was banned for like the first six months of the forum. Something to do with idiocy and advertising, probably both.

Why does it seem that I am always recieving mockery?

Well, during the Zelda trivia I was lagging (I swear there was conspiracy in which I was ping flooded to create lag and ensure loss...)

Why do people seem so fascinated by the "penis"?

Well, pointlessly delaying a game a week seems... well, pointless.

All the people who were at GCC (or #gamecubecafe) probably remember some really dumb, unkind things I said about the site when it first opened (ie. your sites news sucks).

Well, at that time I was working at the now-defunct Next Generation Nintendo. My mind was corrupted by something, because basically everyone sucked to me at that time.

In a matter of a few months, I've done a 180 (or should it be 360?)

Everyone needs a cell phone. How would we all keep in cointact when we are out?

Mabye I'll try coming back and playing (only playing, cause hte only thing I'll be saying is the correct answers

I've quitted most IRC chats though, too many people try to make me look bad.

I got banned because I said "Hey! everyone leave so the ban list clears and WindyMan gets all mad!"... there were no ops in the room, and When StrikerObi came 5 minutes later, JON COLEY GETS ME BANNED, that dumbass.

So, either I will win, lose, or get banned... hmm...

you know that if they ban you, it makes it harder to win.

Uh, am I still banned from #gamecubecafe, because If I'm not I'll have to come win.

If I'm welcome to come to this trivia, I might try to come. Unfourtantly, If I play, everyone else will lose.

Carl gets upset and asks me if i speak English when I abbreviate, so I stopped doing it.

Good Charlotte rocks.

Setting up an IRC chat is the best way though, because lamers and spammers can be kicked and banned.

The obscure joke is so obscure I don't even know what it is.

Unfourtantly, it has a lot of minor problems, and had I played the game more before reviewing it, the scores probably would have been lower.

sorry for being an ass in the chat, I was like totally dumb.

IRC, is an inferior chat medium.  I mean, its dumb, banning, power struggles, etc.  AIM and such are better chat clients.  I mean, powerhungryness and hacking on IRC run rampant.

I was trying to act like Planet GameCube's Trivia Editor, Steven Rodriguez, also known as the feared WindyMan. I figured that if the way he was hosting trivia could draw over 100 people every Friday night, I could do the same if I just acted like him. Unfourtantly, that didn't work. Banning more people is not going to increase the number of chatters, its going to lower it.

OMGWTFBBQ! I never knew so many people could be so stupid.  LOL.  I keep having to deal with idiots

I never had enough power to fix things I had screwed up.

Also, I am not getting the proper respect I deserve for all the good stuff I did.  Not even from staff, mainly Oscar.  He refuses to acknowlege what I did to help him too.

I regret not banning MORE and taking more control, that would of stoppeed a lot of problems.

Oh, yeah, I think that that new NIA site is going to rock.  I'm waiting for its opening.

Well, its looking as if things are a lot cooler now.  Unfourtantly, I still am not getting proper respect I deserve.

Man, i really HATE IDIOTS.  People who act dumb suck.

Basically, they are all either jealous of me, or rediculously stupid.  Then again, they could be both.

Morons spamming my E-mail... you are all gonna get banned from it, so ha ha ha.

I'm an expert in the gaming industry, and in fact, I'll soon be working in it even more. I know a lot about the way the business works, and a whole lot about its news.

Repetition can be good, but it is also bad -- very bad.  The problem with repetition is that well, it gets repetitive.

So everyone knows, when I claim to be a games industry expert, I am.

Or not. Actually I am. But stuff sucks. Realizing bad stuff sucks too, but it is bad when you did not know. But it is also worse when busy too.

In the last two weeks, I have seen the evidence that no one can be trusted anymore.  The people who help you out one day can turn and backstab you the next day.  There is lying, and corruption.  The fansite business is not something simple, its very complex.

NGN-Matt says: My sources are telling me that this is true. zig says: The little voices in your head?

<Matt|> Screw N-philes <Matt|> You can get all your stuff at GCA

<Matt|> I said #N-philes might as well be called #WeSuck_BBQ

<Matt|> conslder me a lamer then beotch

<Matt|> #N-philes might as well be called #OMGWTFBBQ_CYBER_HARE

<Matt|> DEBAN ME NOW!!111

<Matt|> get a life or something <Matt|> then again you probably don't have a life

<Matt|> I am not an idiot

<Matt|> Boogie, why are you here? <Matt|> In this chat? <Boogie> Because Silver wanted me to be here <Matt|> hmm, he's generally against allowing complete dumbasses in the chat <Matt|> but i'll have to check with him on that

<Matt|> Jesus is dead. <Matt|> it says so in the bible <MewMewtwo45> And the Captain Obvious Award goes to...

<Matt|> oh look it is a dumbass

<Matt|> #n-philes sucks because of sharparoni

<Matt|> no he's an idiot

<Capt_Obvious> can you go find carl's description of what STFU means <Capt_Obvious> i need it

<Capt_Obvious> Mabye if you learn how to follow chat rules it won't ban you.

<Capt_Obvious> oh rofl bbq lol ha ha omg wtf lol

<Capt_Obvious> You did not hack the gibson. <Capt_Obvious> The Gibson is too 1337 and powerful for j00.

<Capt_Obvious> i quit being funny in 1998.

<Capt_Obvious> not all people are as smart as us

<Capt_Obvious> sadly some people are dense

<Capt_Obvious> i try to make it so that dense/stupid or uninformed people can understand what I am saying

<Capt_Obvious> we're on an IRC chat <Capt_Obvious> there are lots of misinformed, mentally deficient, etc people

<Capt_Obvious> i need more guns in my home <Capt_Obvious> serial killer comes in... BANG! Dead

<Capt_Obvious> I'm a greater thinker than Socrates

<Capt_Obvious> that guy is such a jackass and he makes all fansites look bad

<Capt_Obvious> i think someone is trying to h4x0r me

<Capt_Obvious> i expect people to listen to my opinion too much

<Capt_Obvious> N-Gage > j00

<Capt_Obvious> whoever exploited me is a dead man

<Capt_Obvious> He is my boss <Capt_Obvious> I should do what he says. <Capt_Obvious> If he asks me to jump I should just jump and not bother with saying how high.

<Capt_Obvious> I don't understand your rudeness.

<Capt_Obvious> wait is this going to make me look dumb?

<Capt_Obvious> Now someone op me so I can kick you people back

<Capt_Obvious> wait wtf <Capt_Obvious> how am i a moron?

<Capt_Obvious> STFU <Capt_Obvious> I am not banned <Capt_Obvious> i'll be back later <Capt_Obvious> okay wtf i can't rejoin <Capt_Obvious> did you tell him to do that? <Hybrid-Homer> no. you are banned, dumbass

<Capt_Obvious> anyway banning isn't needed  <Capt_Obvious> no one should ever ban <Capt_Obvious> chats should let individual users ignore people

<Capt_Obvious> banning is unneeded <Capt_Obvious> on MSN there is no banning  <Capt_Obvious> if you want you can ignore people

<Capt_Obvious> everyone knows IM'ing is a far more advanced system <Capt_Obvious> IRC has been around since the 80's <Capt_Obvious> IMing started with America Online <Capt_Obvious> its a much better way to communicate

<Capt_Obvious> i talk on MSN more cause it is better than IRC

<Capt_Obvious> okay this whole server is pissing me off so everyone yahoo message me or use ICQ if you must

<Capt_Obvious> making fun of Saunderson is bad <Capt_Obvious> because one day he will pwn you

<Capt_Obvious> why is it that when i say stuff that is true i look like a genuis on other iRc chars? <Capt_Obvious> chats8 <Capt_Obvious> chats* <Capt_Obvious> damn keyboard

<Capt_Obvious> imagine how pissed silver would be if i made his computer crash by like flooding him on PM <Capt_Obvious> he'd probably drive 200 miles and beat me with my own shoe

<Capt_Obvious-[[Away]]> i swear to god <Capt_Obvious-[[Away]]> if i was admin i would kick you ALL

<Capt_Obvious> Frozen, I would like to just say this... shut the fuck up and quit bothering me because I don't have the time to waste combating your atttacks and attempts to start a flame war.

* Capt_Obvious grabs Chewbaccus by the nutz, swings him around and tosses him off the roof of a tall building making him land so hard his momma feels it

<Capt_Obvious> I feel that I can benifit humanity in a greater capacity alive than dead.

<Capt_Obvious> No <Capt_Obvious> You are not banning me <MewMewtwo45> Oh chill out and hang on a second, I'll unban you. <Capt_Obvious>   only the co-owners are allowed to ban people <Capt_Obvious> NO

<Capt_Obvious> No one can copy my PM's <Capt_Obvious> if I IM someoe <Capt_Obvious> someone*  <Capt_Obvious> it is a private communication

<Capt_Obvious> okay i'm going to have to start communicating by sending people image files... <Capt_Obvious> It would prevent copying and pasting of my messages.

<Capt_Obvious> Well it is people like spammers that NEED TO DIE

<Capt_Obvious> Yes boss Carl I will shut up now. <Capt_Obvious> I will stop saying things.

<Capt_Obvious> i love not being ble to se idiots talk

<MooseOnDaLoose> What again, keeps him from being banned? <Capt_Obvious> The fact that I am cooler than you

<Capt_Obvious>   Oh yeah, Helping the gaming community is a good reason for a banning

<Capt_Obvious> go suck your own dick

<Capt_Obvious> you want cheap gaming stuff <Capt_Obvious> i am selling  <Capt_Obvious> cause i quiting gaming <Capt_Obvious> it is for the good of the industry <Capt_Obvious> i can help gaming as i leave gaming

xNCLMatt: so people know i've decided to not quit gaming anymore xNCLMatt: i think i am starting my own nintendo fansite

<Capt_Obvious> Shut up <Capt_Obvious> I am funny <Capt_Obvious> anyone who says otherwise = wrong

<Capt_Obvious> i know i'm not important to the gaming world anymore

<Capt_Obvious> even as i leave gaming i am doing what is best for gamers

<Capt_Obvious> Just remember that I do what is best for gamers <Capt_Obvious> and quitting gaming is it <Capt_Obvious> if me quitting wasn't best for gaming i would not do it

<Capt_Obvious> I told gamers THE TRUTH  <Capt_Obvious> that they deserved to know

<Capt_Obvious> but i fought for the average gamer out there

<Capt_Obvious> i have revealed the truth <Capt_Obvious> fought corruption <Capt_Obvious> I am now leaving gaming <Capt_Obvious> Why do you think I decided to leave?

<Capt_Obvious> gamers deserve the truth

<Capt_Obvious> i will help the gaming community even as i leave it <MewMewtwo45> Matt, fucking listen to me and focus <MewMewtwo45> HOW does this help them <Capt_Obvious> i dunno <Capt_Obvious> but it does

<Capt_Obvious> mabye there will be some people glad i am leaving <Capt_Obvious> just because they want me gone

<Capt_Obvious> mabye quitting gaming is bad idea <Capt_Obvious> what if people don't want me to <Capt_Obvious> what if i will be miss by gamers?

<Capt_Obvious> i bet people were glad i left

<Capt_Obvious> because i am quitting gaming <Capt_Obvious> wiat mabye not <Capt_Obvious> whatever

<PeterGabriel> Would you shut the fuck up * Capt_Obvious stfu's

<Capt_Obvious> I want a legitimate reason for my ban. <Capt_Obvious> I want to know why I was IPA banned and then kicked. <AlastorMoody> because we don't like you. We don't like you telling us about your lag, we don't like anything about you. <Capt_Obvious> That's not a banable offense.

<Capt_Obvious> I don't remove people from chats without reason.

<Capt_Obvious> Most likely he will see your misdoings and my ban will be removed.

<Capt_Obvious> How could someone not like me?

<Capt_Obvious> It gives me a feeling of tragedy when admins ban for illegitimate reasons.

<Capt_Obvious> No, I help society and many smaller communities out too.

<Capt_Obvious> Look at the Nintendo community. I wanted to leave it, but people didn't want me to.

<Capt_Obvious> Ceasing to exist would be a bad thing.

<Capt_Obvious> And I never actually left the Nintendo community, I tried to leave and people stopped me.

<Capt_Obvious> Hi. Nintendo Driven, an upcoming major Nintendo fansite that plans top notch coverage and plenty of content, is trying to create positive growth to its community. As a result, we are inviting you to our IRC channel, #Nintendo-Driven . Also, we are inviting you to sign up on our temporary forums located at (the real forum will be using the advanced vBulletin software)

<Capt_Obvious> Your staff member who is MewMewTwo45 used your chat to make a public mockery of me.

<Capt_Obvious> i was well liked  <Capt_Obvious> in the community <Capt_Obvious> until a few months ago

<Capt_Obvious> I have lots of friends and stuff

<Capt_Obvious> this chat died sort of <Rimmer> Your mother died <Capt_Obvious> i know <Capt_Obvious> it was a sad sad day

<Capt_Obvious> what <Capt_Obvious> i got hacked?! <Capt_Obvious> I am running virus scan <Capt_Obvious> if it finds someone i am going to be pissed <Capt_Obvious> who said i was hacked and how

<Capt_Obvious> shut up <Capt_Obvious> i got the file quarentined <Capt_Obvious> it is removed from my computer <Capt_Obvious> but it is saved in a special thing <Capt_Obvious> I am going to call the FBI E-Crime Division <Capt_Obvious> this guy is going to go to jail for the rest of his live when i am done with him

<Capt_Obvious> i think hacking should be made captiol offense

<Capt_Obvious> I have more contacts in this industry than you pj325is.

<Capt_Obvious> I am not at liberty to say.

<Capt_Obvious> You have no idea how this industry works

<Matt-GCA> whoever crashed me be warned i've forwarded your ip address to the department of homeland security and the FBI's N. VA office <Matt-GCA> with that new law letting hackers get life in jail...

<Matt-GCA> BANNED is my line

<[Matt]> We'll launch <[Matt]> I think <[Matt]> Mabye we won't <[Matt]> Mabye I'll end up doing something else <[Matt]> But we should launch, I think

<[Matt-GCA]> I've never had a legitimate reason for being banned from this community, ever.

<[Matt-GCA]> And making people mad is bad. <Br26> you do it all the time <[Matt-GCA]> Not anymore <[Matt-GCA]> I stopped

<[Matt-GCA]> I have become a professional part of the gaming press now.

<[Matt-GCA]> see there are some people who i have, um, upset in recent months

<[Matt-GCA]> unban me and give me ops <[Matt-GCA]> i'll remove those people and the remainder will want me there

<[Matt-GCA]> everyone likes me

<[Matt-GCA]> i am more useful to people alive <[Matt-GCA]> than dead

Offline wandering

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RE: who remembers [Matt] from IRC?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2005, 11:28:25 PM »
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline Frozen-Solid

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Re: who remembers [Matt] from IRC?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 05:01:01 PM »
Clearly it was me that caused 9/11

Offline ShyGuy

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Re: who remembers [Matt] from IRC?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 06:47:47 PM »
you mean a snuke?

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: who remembers [Matt] from IRC?
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2015, 12:11:31 AM »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.