Author Topic: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread  (Read 4375 times)

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Offline Karl Castaneda #2

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Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« on: October 15, 2005, 06:41:51 PM »
Ahoy there, everyone. Well, after A LOT of thinking and more than a few reconsiderations, we've finally been able to pick a winner and put it up on-site. And so, this thread is for you to comment on Vitor Takayanagi's promising The Samurai Of Pinball. Also, feel free to share your entries in this thread.

As a rule, you must not challenge PGC's decision on the winner. I do this only because if I didn't say this, it was bound to happen. Everyone thinks they came up with the most brilliant game design since Super Mario Bros. So if you get out of line, expect a banning. I'm dead serious about this. This is all about having fun imagining all of your ideas becoming games, so let's all just have a good time. No bickering.

And with that out of the way, read the winning entry:

And remember, just because this was the winner doesn't mean that this was the only one we liked. I read dozens of GREAT ideas, this one just stood out. Let's get this show on the road!  
I am Karl Castaneda's news-posting clone, also known as Karl Castaneda #2. I have an inferiority complex, thanks to my being a clone. Fear me!

Offline bustin98

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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2005, 07:10:42 PM »
Man, I was about chewing my nails off wondering when this announcement was going to be made.

Congrats to Vitor. Its a good idea. I stayed away from puzzle and pinball games because I didn't feel I could come up with enough gameplay variety to warrant a full game.

So, is it up to us to post our submissions? And will we ever know what other ideas were in the running?

Offline Karl Castaneda #2

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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2005, 07:24:28 PM »
I guess it's alright if I reveal the Top 5. There was "Real Me," which was a hardboiled thriller about a detective trying to solve a murder, with a lot of "old friends" showing up to get even. Great narrative on that one. There was also “Clairyne, the Psychic School,” kind of like Harry Potter, but with psychics out to keep the negativity in the world locked up. This one is especially notable since it was one of the only entries that included connectivity; there were DS missions. And then there was “Staff of Exodia,” a rhythm-based RPG. Finally, there was The Olympians, all about a group of teenagers and their quest dealing with the Greek Gods.

Unfortunately for these guys, The Samurai of Pinball was the most fully-realized, creative experience that seemed like it'd be the most fun to play. It'd be *my* dream that this would be a launch title.

And yeah, if you want to post your entry, you'll have to do it yourself. Heh, the Word document where I have everything compiled is over 100 pages long. Way too big to sift through.
I am Karl Castaneda's news-posting clone, also known as Karl Castaneda #2. I have an inferiority complex, thanks to my being a clone. Fear me!

Offline Darkheart

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RE:Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2005, 07:30:59 PM »
Heh Staff of Exodia.....Musical rpg . . . . sounds like my entry but with the wrong name otherwise @_@ damn someones on my brain waves, but anywhoo heres my entry.

Video Game Concept for Revolution :   Book of the Blue Moon : Wonderland

Story:  Legend has it that long ago there was a land called Jodia, where there was an age of where two races co-existed next to each other.   One of the races was called the Fei Ole, an ancient tribe of people who had learned the power to wield magic and the secret of alchemy.  These people gathered this knowledge from the sole book called The Book of the Blue Moon.  The eldest of the tribe would teach the secrets of magic and alchemy to the rest of his people.  The other group was know as the Kolei who we now know as the human race.  These proud people tended to avoid the Fei Ole because of the fear of being taken over by their magic enabled neighbors.  So, to deal with their fear the Kolei decided to make fierce weaponry and stocked every village with weapons of all kinds in case of attack.  The elder of the Fei Ole tribe had heard of what the Kolei were doing and quickly set out to set a peace treaty with  their  leader.   The treaty was automatically agreed to and the two races coexisted next to each other peacefully for centuries until........the Dark Day.  It is said that one day the sky turned the murkiest of black color and a magnificent yet horrible  dragon descended down on Jodia and went from village to village destroying and killing anything and everything that had to do with the Kolei.   Yet ad-midst it all a sad song appeared from out of nowhere while the dragon slayed the people of Kolei, and with that song the dragon disappeared into the sky from where it came.  It is said in this same day the Kolei gathered their remaining people and picked up their weapons of old and set out after the Fei Ole, the Fei Ole never admitted to setting a dragon upon their neighbors and friends, but the Kolei would not hear of it.  On that very day the Kolei killed every single Fei Ole in Jodia and burned anything that reminisced about their past.  The Kolei named that single day the Dark Day, to remember all who was lost to the dragon, and to the treacherous Fei Ole who had died never feeling remorse for setting the dragon on their friends.  Some say though that the small song they heard upon the dragon's exit sounded so eerily familiar.  Thousands of years have passed and now the tale of the two races are just a legend of old.  The human race has been as far as to anyone's knowledge the only race there ever has been roaming on the planet and the Book of the Blue Moon has been never been found................................til now................

::Cue in Modern day:: OK to make the long story short an archaeologist's son runs into an ancient city rune that his father just discovered and finds the book, upon opening it, the book basically sucks him in and hes found in a place called Wonderland.  When he ends up in Wonderland the book splits apart and pages fly everywhere.  He finds a wolf companion, that accompanies him on his journey.  All the worlds are music instrument based.  Each boss of each world is based off musical instruments.  With each defeat of the boss your wolf companion gains an ability which I will go into greater detail below.

Authors Note:  As much as I would love to write a novel about the story line of the game, I really want to break down to the neat concept ideas of the controller and how it would be utilized in the game.

Battle System:

Battles will be of old style where you touch an enemy on the over world map and are brought to a random battle.  The two main party members are you and your wolf friend.  Both have specific abilities and unique ways of fighting.  The main character relies on magic that he has learned from finding spare pages of the The Blue Moon Book.  While your wolf friend is controlled by a new battle system I would like to call, Rhythmic real time battle.  Both will induce a new way to play rpgs and will make this title stand out, not as something of old with a fresh new coat of paint, but a whole new experience!

Battle system: Magic

You as the main character can perform magic in battle.  Like I said in the above material, you gain new spells and abilities by collecting long lost pages of the sacred book.  The nice idea about this whole system is by the way you cast the spells.  Let's say for instance you wish to cast a fire type of spell.  It is a basic fire spell that you have learned in the beginning of the game and now wish to use it.  A circle like shape will appear on the screen and you with your revolution controller in hand hold down the nice big "A" button down and trace the circle like shape.   Now all that's left to do, to cast the spell is pull back your arm and thrust it forward, (thanks to the technology in the controller allowing the sensors to judge the distance from how close you are to the screen) thusly, casting the spell on your foe.  This technique can also be applied for status induced spells as well.   The more complicated the spells become the more frantic the casting becomes.  It could get to the point where your hacking and slashing at the screen by the end of the game with spells.  A timer could also be introduced as well.   Using no timer could just guarantee you to cast the spell without a problem, but the damage would not be as so pleasant and by using a timer it could just do the opposite, give a lot more damage.  Just imagine just simply pointing the controller at the ground holding down "A" and drawing a simple circle, and watching your character on the screen draw an ancient rune underneath himself causing an ancient circle of writing to wither and glow underneath him as a spell is being prepared to cast.  To me that describes a new immersive way to play rpgs.  Rather than just "hit a button" and be done with it.

Battle:  Wolf Friend and Using Rhythmic Real Time Battle

This is one of my fave concepts of this game and I put a lot of thought into using the Revolution Controller for this part.  Your wolf companion will gain a new Instrumental capability from every boss fight.  OK let's imagine you just got the flute capability,  I am sure at this point you cannot make any sense of how a flute, a wolf, and a rpg battle system could mesh.  Here is the deal, it is now the wolf's turn to fight.  The main character takes out the flute, with this, the wolf completely undergoes a new changing, and comes out looking different.  Now your wolf friend is ready to fight.  You hold the revolution controller horizontally and hold it close to your body, and press the BIG "A" button to signal that you are ready.  Using the "A" button and the other two buttons down on the other end of the controller (a + b)  you have to rhythmically play a sequence of a tiny song on the screen.  The concept is very similar to music instrumental genre like games.  Yet, for every successful note you land, the wolf lands a successful hit on the monster.  For in between notes that hit the damage will accommodate to the preciseness you hit the note.  This could be even further expanded to using the "B" trigger to add a Octave note allowing 3 more notes to join in.  Realize this is just the flute instrument, imagine bongos/drums, clarinet by holding vertically, violin or cello by stroking left and right with the controller.   The possibilities are endless.

Control of the over world map:

 By turning the controller horizontal the player has access to the "D" pad and all face buttons. To this day Rpg's still for the most part are easily played on the "D" pad and can be easily done so for this one as well.  This allows you to fully play the game with just the remote, there is no need for an analog attachment, nor shell or skin.   I believe this controller has plenty going for it without any attachments and if I was producing this game I would be personally pushing my team to keep it to Remote only.  Plus, if you were to hold the controller like an instrument like I mentioned earlier, some would require both hands, and an attachment would be dangling and be just getting in the way of the experience.  

Mini Games:  Alchemy system

You will gain items throughout the game that can be used in alchemy; potions,cures,remedies etc.   Lets give an example and say that you need to sneak past a few guards and the only way for you to do so is to become invisible.  You simply press start on the Revolution controller and switch to you Alchemy set.   You now are at a simple screen showing a cauldron in the middle surrounded by bottles and flasks and a few bags of herbs that you've collected.  Next to the cauldron is an open book, now move the revolution controller to the book and click on it using the "A" button.  The screen will now pan into the book where, by flicking the controller left or right, you can actually turn the pages in the book until you find the recipe for invisibility.   Lets just say you find it and it requires a flask of orange oil and  two phoenix feathers.   You then click out of the book by pressing "B" and you are back at the main alchemy screen.  You see the flask that says orange oil and click it using the "A" button and drag it over the cauldron, by tilting the controller to the left or right it will dump its contents into the cauldron just like a real bottle would. Then you click "A" into a bag of Phoenix feathers and drag two feathers down into the cauldron one by one.  The potion is successful and a puff of smoke and color pop out of the cauldron, now all you have to do is stir it up.  By grabbing a long handled spoon via the "A" button you drag it into the cauldron and start stirring by moving the controller in circular motion.  This of course completes it and now you have properly synthesized a invisibility potion.  This not only mimics a side/mini game but functions as a necessary game play element and adds a bit of scientific fun to the game.

I believe this game has a lot going for it and with a proper development team could become a successful hit on the revolution hardware, plus a game like this would fall into the same category as Nintendogs for the Nintendo DS and simply put cannot be imitated on any other system.  The control settings for moving the over world map creates a simple interface simple to the NES which I am sure would attract a lot of non gamers.  The music and rhythm based battles accompanied by the magic  system, could easily catch on with non gamers and hardcore.  I think the whole concept would appeal to rpg lovers everywhere.

Offline bustin98

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RE:Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 08:09:51 PM »
Name: Providence

Type: God / RTS


There are two factions of humanoids on a tiny planetoid. Both are looking for resources to advance their society. Being simple folk, they need guidance and inspiration to meet their goals. Various environments on the globe provide the resources they are seeking.

Goal: Prevent the opposition from gaining their resources while collecting your own.


Choose a 'team', the CPU (or online competitor) with have the other. The game starts on a simple grass field with a simple goal: the little guys need food. The 'people' will chase various wildlife around the field for a limited time. Use the wand to deform the landscape. Build up mountains, build down valleys, anything to help trap the wildlife so the characters can move in for the kill. Anything that kills the wildlife before the characters do do not count. Affect your opponents structures to kill the trapped animals, or change the landscape to affect how the opponent's characters reach the animals.

Other landscapes: ocean, jungle, desert, ice and snow. Each landscape has particular goals and resources that need to be found. As resources are found and society advances, previous landscapes can be revisited for different resources that were not usable without the new skill sets.

How It Works:

Use the wand to draw a selection box on the landscape, holding the 'A' button while the box is dragged out. Release the 'A' and pull the trigger to affect the selection. Push toward the screen to push the ground in, pull away to pull up. The resulting animation should reflect the action in real-time. Want an avalanche? Pull away then twist the wrist in the direction you want the rocks to fall. While it is intuitive for left/right action, turning the wand to face away from the screen and then twisting will result in rocks falling in any direction you choose. On the ocean, pull up a wall of water and send it crashing down (or watch it fall back into the ocean affecting everyone around it). The jungle will grow or die with the same movements, cause a giant tree to topple. Each landscape will have its own particular hazards for players to explore. The limits for how much can be pushed in or out will be reached when lava appears. A volcano will happen, but the lava will burn it to the ground. And lava will fill a hole. Other limits include water tension and how tall a tree can get before it falls under its own weight.

Watch out for your actions, for the characters have a mood meter. If they know they are being helped, they become enthusiastic. If they notice things going wrong, they'll become lethargic. Just think about the jungle, too much and they get frustrated by not being able to move forward, kill off too much and they get sad for the loss of habitat.

The d-pad on the wand can give simple commands (inspiration) to the characters on screen, a general direction to move, or group together, fan out, based on the level and goal. Rapid presses of the d-pad can help the mood (when the time is right).

If there ends up a microphone with the wand (not separate) blow to bring the speed of the wind up. When a certain speed is reached, draw a circle with the wand and if its good enough, a tornado is formed. Select the tornado to drag it across the screen for a small period of time. A limited number of tornadoes can be used. Sand storms on the desert, water spouts on the ocean.

The optional thumb stick will control the camera, turning left and right, up and down, zoom in, zoom out.

Break up the gameplay:

Occasional mini-game of smacking meteors out of the atmosphere. One will throw, one will hit. Target area provides something to aim for while limiting where the meteors can be thrown. Positions will switch so each will have a chance to play both sides. Action is wand based. There are no points, only whether or not the meteor hits the target area, though trophies can be awarded for great throws and hits. Throw your arm like throwing a baseball, adding a twist at the end to spin it if so desired. Alternate method so people won't feel like chumps swinging their arm around: setup like a pinball. A meter on the screen indicates when to press the button. The same will hold true for the batter. Either swing like a bat or rely on a meter based system. The drawback is you lose the control on how the swing is made.

Replay Value:

Play at home for practice against online players, as well as viewing an unfolding story of how the society is progressing. Mood from game play affects the story, and any tension in the story is apparent on the game field (characters occasionally stopping to beat each other or whatever else might arise). Choose to play a particular landscape for practice or go for story mode.

Online competition, choose a limited number of landscapes to compete on, or engage in a full out world domination. The online play will keep opponents on equal levels and track who you've played against so play can pause and be restarted later.


Takes advantage of the features of the controller
Puts you in control of a world and its landscapes
Online play


Learning curve of controls
Some people may feel uncomfortable swinging the controller around like a bat
Only 2 player (but try to imagine all the madness with more players)

Offline animecyberrat

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RE:Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2005, 10:05:44 PM »
I love that idea! Pinball is one of my favorite types of games and I lvoe it how Sega always incorperates it into their Sonic Games! On a side note to whoever wrote that entry, I am currently writting a short story, for a sci-fi magazine, that is along these same lines. Well mine is about a boy who enters another world via an Arcade machine, but I didn't use lighting. Anyways great idea and congrawdulations on winning the contest!

Question to the people held this contest, are yo guys submitting the idea(s) to Nintendo for consideration by any chance? It would really be a shame if this game never gets made.  
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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2005, 11:08:37 PM »
That pinball idea is indeed incredibly awesome. Congrats, Vitor.

I might post my (unsubmitted) game idea later.


Question to the people held this contest, are yo guys submitting the idea(s) to Nintendo for consideration by any chance? It would really be a shame if this game never gets made.

Game companies generall don't accept blind submissions like that.
Though, may I suggest that Vitor (and the other  people who submitted stuff) ought to pursue a career in game design.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2005, 11:35:17 PM »
I'm not sure how that pinball samurai game would turn out, in pinball games you usually lack precision, having the ability to guide the ball that precisely may make the game too easy. Plus I'd suggest that certain targets/combos can repair your flipper and restore your power shots and health.

Offline Darkheart

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RE:Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2005, 04:11:33 AM »
Actually I know someone who submitted an idea to Bungie, and they hired him on.  Whether they are using his idea or not, it still landed him the job!

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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2005, 07:00:11 AM »
I kept thinking I may have missed the announcement

Anyway, awesome choice, that pinball game sounds rad.  I plan on reading everything that's posted here and I'll submit my own once I get an internet connection back on my computer (my router broke just in time for the Wi-Fi Connection!)
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Offline Karl Castaneda #2

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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2005, 11:35:11 AM »
*Bumping at the request of a submission-wrtier*

Clairyne: The Psychic School

This isn't exactly what I submitted, but I wrote whatever I remembered, added whatever was inspirations came to me.  Then, when I got the file back, I merged the two together.  So although this isn't the original entry, the contest is over anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Genre: Turn-based RPG

Features: Single-player Campaign with Multiplayer-assist possible, Branching storylines, can play minigames
separately, some online and offline multiplayer modes, Music Room, DS Missions,
downloadable music to DS(which will play while it's closed and earphones are
plugged in, similar to the way Kirby Canvas Curse works when Pictochat search is
enabled), downloadable challenge missions during holidays.

Controller used: Nunchaku-style, or double-style.

I've always liked "Magic School" stories like Worst Witch, Mahou Tsukai Tai, and the latest I've heard of so far, "Harry Potter," so this is my take on the idea.  The school is for psychics who manage the balance of positive and negative mental energies in the world.  "Evil" people and actions are caused by a buildup of negative mental energy in a person, or by someone walking into an area where such energy is very dense.

Also, I've always liked the idea of explaining the unrealistic stuff that happens in games, instead of replacing them with realistic stuff, so you'll see a lot of things that may seem primitive, like the battles, but are explained while keeping with the theme of psychics.

Character Generation Engine
I've always liked quizzes that determined your stats like in Dragon Quest III and in Ogre Battle, so a similar personality test will determine what your character will look like, what "weapons" they initially can wield, and which students join your party.

You create your main character, customizing names, looks, home country, favourite weapons, personality, &c.

You are a college student, uniform and all, who lives at and attends a private school in your home country.  You never really got along with your parents for most of your life, so you were glad to be rid of them when you were accepted by the school.

You've known that you had psychic powers for a while, but only when you were pulled aside by your classmates one day after lights-out, did you discover that your powers were far more than parlour tricks.  They take you to a "new class," in the hallway, beyond a door that you never really noticed before.   In fact, even now you really have to focus to acknowledge that the door is in fact, there.  Upon stepping through, you are unknowingly teleported to a room within "Clairyne: The Psychic School," a school located on a secret island somewhere between B.C., Canada, and Japan.  Within the classroom, students are doing things such as fighting each other, waving their hands to create visual effects, or reading books without touching them.  Here you are told that these people are responsible for protecting the world from being flooded with negative mental energy, and then negative energy cannot be eliminated, but it can be controlled, managed, and redistributed.

Your party basically goes around, flattening out pockets of negative mind energy as it occurs in various people, places, and things.  Here's where the story branches out, and one ending, for example, could be that at the end, the heroes find out that they've only been building a large pocket of negative energy right at the school, by keeping the rest of the world safe.  They go back and discover that the energy is so strong that the entire school is overtaken by it, and has become a horrible place where dark rituals and bloody sacrifices take place.  The party seals the school so that the negative energy stays contained within the school forever ... until the sequel releases.

The meat and potatoes of this game, like in most R.P.G.s, is a satisfying exploration engine, and an intense battle engine.

Movement is done with the analog stick, "Nunchaku" attachment.  The default is to control the leader, while the other two follow with A.I. based on their personalities.  A particularly ingenious party member may be able to solve really tough puzzles for the player, when he gets stuck, but at the same time, a clumsy, or a seemingly useless personality may just happen upon a lucky chance or two.  z1 will switch characters and command the previous character to stay still, while z2 will switch characters and cause the previous character to follow.  z1 and z2 together will cause everyone to return to following the currently controlled character.

Negative mental energy in the environment, in the air and terrain, will be visible to the psychics as a dark shimmering effect in the affected area.  The player can draw a "selection lasso" with the controller by pointing the controller at the screen and holding the "B-trigger."  This will start to draw a line that follows the controller's movements.  If the "B-trigger" is released while drawing, then the line is cancelled.  By closing the selection lasso upon itself, the closed area begins to shrink, much like the way bubbles form in "Yoshi Touch and Go," and any negative energy trapped within condenses into Negative Energy Manifestations (or N.E.M.s).  N.E.M.s take the form of monsters and legendary figures from local myths and legends, and the amount of energy and even the precise location as to where it's condensed will determine what forms from the mist.  In Ireland, expect mischievous leprechauns and such to form from small collections of negative energy, while a selection lasso that takes up the entirety of Vlad the Impaler's residence in Transylvania may summon the hideous form of Dracula himself!

Once formed, N.E.M.s will be attracted to the positive mental energy in living things nearby, and so they will try to merge and cancel that energy through physical and psychic attacks.  The player can initiate battle by

1. touching any N.E.M.s.  This will start battle with both sides relatively even

2. by getting hit by a N.E.M. attack, will start battle with the attack(s) made mimicked using the in-battle graphics, and the character(s) hit taking damage, while their time bars start at half the fill-level they normally do.

3. by striking a N.E.M. with any attack available to any character in the party.  This will initiate battle with all characters that use that particular style of attack, getting a free hit with average damage calculation, before beginning battle with their time-bars at 150% their normal fill-level.

Multiplayer is possible in this mode with each character being controlled by a different controller.  Just start inputting to take over a character in the second, third, or fourth position in the party listing.  Rearrange the party listing to choose different characters.Press the Start Key on a controller or dock it to deactivate manual input and return the character to A.I. mode.

Saving can be done at most any time, except inside of battles.  Your character is taught a power word, that invokes the minds of all psychics in the world.  By using that word, a psychic invokes all the minds in the world to take or send a mental image of everything that defines you at that point in time.  This does not disrupt, or even disturb the minds of other psychics, however it takes some time, and great concentration on the part of the user.

Characters may equip as many weapons as their mental capacity will allow.  A characters' mental capacity for weapons grows as they master previous weapon-types.  Most gun shops, sports equipment stores, or sword/knife shops will usually have an area for psychics to enter, unbeknownst to any non-psychics, where psychic weapons of all types may be traded.  Psychic weapons are equipped by the seller basically transferring the idea of the weapon to the buyer.  From then on, the buyer has that weapon permanently written into his or her mind.  Only someone who has worked as a seller has the skills to perform such a transfer with any reliability.  Multiple weapons of the same type can be kept in this way and are chosen from randomly when invoked by the player, but if the player wishes to limit the weapons from which the random choosing takes place, then the player may "activate" or "deactivate" the weapons on his mental weapons rack, until the desired setting is reached.

Incentives to use a wide variety of weapons comes from different weapons affecting different types of psychic defences to varying effect.

Battle is of the Active Time Bar format presented in games such as Grandia 1 & 2, and Final Fantasies 4 and onwards.

Characters have an indicator that fills over time.  Once filled, the corresponding character can be "Activated" by pointing the controller at that character and pressing "A."  Once activated, a character's time bar shows up to the top of the screen and starts counting down until it is empty, where it returns to its original position and starts filling again.  During the time that his or her bar is at the top and draining away, a player may use as many attacks as desired (see Equipment & Attacks.)  When the time bar is empty, the corresponding player steps back in line and the time bar starts charging again.

The time bar's "active count down speed," amongst other stats can be changed to reflect a more powerful character as the characters level up.  This is to allow for an exponential power increase, meaning that not only more powerful attacks, but also more attacks per time are allowed as a player gains levels.

Multiplayer is possible in this mode, as well.  Any controller can be used to activate any character who's time bar is full, and for the duration of that character's active time count-down, that character will only respond to the controller that activated it.  Multiple characters can be activated at the same time in this way.

The time available can also be manipulated by currently worn equipment and active psychic abilities.

Items are used by the player holding the "A" button, which brings up an arrangement of icons on the screen, each representing a type of item.  The player need only aim at the item desired (which will highlight as it is pointed to) and release "A," then aim at the recipient of the item (who will also highlight as pointed to) and pull the "B" trigger.  If multiple uses of the item are needed, then (providing the action-time needed is available)  use of the same item is done by simply tapping "A," aiming, and pulling the "B" trigger again.

A character wielding a sword is made to attack by the player swinging the controller at the screen, aiming across the enemy or enemies to be hit.  The character will stand in place, or perhaps take a fighting stance while swinging their blade.  It doesn't matter if the character is near enough to the enemy or not, because a "psychic slash" of that weapon will mimic the player's action at the screen.  If the line traced in this way doesn't pass through something that can be hit, then a "miss" sign shows up on the screen.  Any character hit by the slash takes an amount of damage determined by the attack stat of the sword-wielder, the length and straightness of the line, and what parts of the enemy were hit (critical-hits are determined in this way, too).  High-damage attacks are done by tracing as wide a line as possible across the screen while both hitting the enemy and avoiding allies.
The attack amount is also divided evenly amongst the number of "hittable objects" that were intercepted by the slash, and rounded up to the nearest integer.

Sword-wielders may also stab.  Stabs are faster, requiring less motion on the part of the player; however, a shallow enough stab will be too weak to damage the target.

Some psychics prefer to use their powers to express themselves through battle, rather than relying on weapons designed by others.  These are referred to as "Magic-Psychics."  Magic-Psychics tend to develop unique abilities suited to their personalities, however, some personalities are more attuned to weapon-use, and training up in "Magic" would offer less effective means.  Magic is cast by tracing a pattern in the air with the controller, then aiming at the intended recipient and pulling the "B" trigger.  More complex patterns result in more complex spells, however they also take more time to cast, resulting in less moves per "action-time" during the turn.  

Guns are the easiest to use.  Simply aim at the target(s) and pull the "B" trigger as many times as action-time will allow.

Bring the arm back over and behind the head, Hold the "B" trigger, swing the arm, and release "B" during the swing.  Trajectory and damage are determined by the angle of the swing,  and when the "B" trigger is released.  Critical hits are easier with this weapon, but it takes a while to learn how to use properly.

Repeatedly flick the controller while holding it sideways to throw shuriken. More damage than psychic guns, but harder to aim.

More weapons would be available, some completely unheard of, with equally fantastic implementations.

Multiple wielders
Because weapons are interchangeable instantly, being psychic manifestations of real weapons, a character proficient in multiple weapons can slash, cast, shoot, throw, &c. all on the same turn, provided enough action-time is given to do so.  Incentives to do this are from enemies with variable resistances to which the player must dynamically react, or those that have weaknesses to one type of brain-wave, covered by barriers with different weaknesses.  

Using two controllers
A character who has skill in using two weapons at once may be controlled with two controllers.  It's tough to aim with both hands at once, but more opportunities open up such as dealing full-damage to two targets at once, or double-full damage to a single one.  

If the two controllers are held together, then it'll only count as a one-handed attack, though.

"Make-stuff" Engine
One of the big draws of R.P.G.s is the ability to experiment with items to create new items, weapons, or in some cases, worlds.  In this case, finding things that have a strong psychic energy attached to them, such as mementos, heirlooms, or even otherwise worthless trinkets that were held by a dying person, you can take the mental energy and combine it to discover psychic weapons, armaments, or clues to puzzles.  Combining these items would involve any lab, with a psychic room.  Within, the player would use the controller to mix and mingle psychic energies with various fluids, powders, ideas, and such, pouring one thing into another, stirring the mix, and perhaps even scooping out a sample to look at more closely.

Minigames are an essential part of R.P.G.s, and in some cases, they branch off into their own games later on.  Here are the kind that can be incorporated into this game.

Sword-psychic's game - Tournament Fighter:  The intricacies of sword-fighting are brought out in this minigame as each swing, thrust, and parry can mean victory or defeat.  Can be played in online Multiplayer Vs.   No manual body movement controls, all player-control is the controller movement as the sword.  The focus is on striking and parrying.

Magic-psychic's game - Music/Rhythm: The Magic Psychic needs to be able to coordinate movements accurately and with good timing.  This game is an exercise in stamina and body coordination, to various music tracks and remixes from the main game.  Can be played in offline Multiplayer versus, with 1 or 2 controllers per player.  The controllers act like Samba de Amigo maracas.  

Gun-psychic's game - 2D Sidescrolling Platforming Shooter:  One of my favourite game genres.  Move with the analog stick or d-pad, aim by pointing with the controller.   It is possible to aim in one of 360 possible directions this way.  The gun is on full-automatic, it is constantly firing, and the ammo is unlimited.   Jump with the B-trigger.  Can be played in online or offline Multiplayer cooperative.  

Other games may be available based on various characters' weapon proficiencies, personality, or back-story.

DS Missions Engine
Certain missions and minigames may be downloaded to the DS, to be played either for bonuses in the main game, or for a vs. multiplayer challenge to take on the road, or just to have something to do regarding the main game while the player is out.

On the moon:  When negative psychic energy builds up in the moon, then weather and tidal catastrophes are caused.    Why does psychic energy build up in the moon?  A secret boss lies within, which is discovered when all the moon missions are completed.  At any time that the players visit the moon for a mission, the DS interface is used.  The data is downloaded, and may be carried away to be played while the player is out, on the bus, on breaks at work, or waiting for a friend at a meeting spot.  If the player does not have a DS, then a DS is shown on the screen, and the touch screen is manipulated by pointing the controller at the screen and pulling the B trigger.  If any buttons are used, then they will be mapped to the "A, a, b, SELECT," and "START" buttons on the controller.  

2D Sidescrolling Shooter: Move with the D-pad or ABXY buttons, aim by touch, Jump with L or R.  Can be subsequently downloaded to up to 3 other DS systems for multiplayer co-op.  360 direction aiming, as usual.  The levels change to incorporate multiplayer-puzzles and challenges, and the enemies get tougher.  When the game is reconnected, "make-stuff" items are generated based on the player's or players' score.  Different levels from the Revolution version.  

All DS Downloadables may be additionally downloaded with an assortment of "Make-stuff" items at the player's discretion, and when that player walks by someone else who also has some Make-stuff items with them, the two DS systems exchange data, and a new assortment of items is generated.  Some secret items can only be generated in this way.

Something Neat:
When you get a Game Over, a message appears, "Don't have negative thoughts, remember your mantra," before the player rematerializes at the last place they saved.  A reference to one of my favourite N.E.S. games.  
I am Karl Castaneda's news-posting clone, also known as Karl Castaneda #2. I have an inferiority complex, thanks to my being a clone. Fear me!

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2005, 12:09:54 PM »
Woah, I completely forgot about this thread =o

I don't know if I even have my submission anymore >_>  I went on a massive cleanup like a week ago and got rid of a bunch of old word documents and school stuff, this may have been included...If I said I'd be willing to retype it I'd be lying, and no one really cares anyway  If I have it though I'll post it, but it was pretty rubbish anyway.
kka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wa

Offline FireEmblem87

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RE:Dream Game Revolution Mega-Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2005, 06:08:51 AM »
Hello! Finally in from a bunch of sign up errors, sorry I'm just a few months late.

I had planned on posting my "Staff of Exodia" idea here when I first saw this thread, but I'd not been able to sign up for the forums until now. Heh, and yes, darkheart, this is kind of a similar concept to yours.


Title: The Staff of Exodia
Genre: Rhythm-based RPG
Platform: Revolution
# of Players: 1-4 (alternate)
Online compatible: No


An RPG in which your primary weapon is a legendary staff, which you control in battle by your movements in real life.


In a kingdom in a far away continent, the focal point of the city is the giant monument which houses the legendary Staff of Exodia, the most mysterious of the magic staffs (Which are the primary form of weaponry in battle). A few days after the start of the RPG (the first of which would involve the usual "learn your way around the city, talk to everyone, train with your old sensei" beginning quests), a huge earthquake rocks the country, and ancient warriors begin to arise from the various tombs from around the continent. You and three acquaintances are the only remaining survivors trained to wield these magical staffs in battle, and thus begins your quest to discover the source of the quake, and return the ancient warriors to rest.

How it would work:

This concept would involve using both the remote, and the nunchaku add-on for the controller. For moving around the world map or towns, simply use the analog stick. The "A" button would be used to examine objects, the "B" button would be used for running, the "Start" button would be used to pause the game, "Select" would bring up the Item, Equip, and other standard RPG windows. Also, while the menu is open, the motion sensor in the controller is used to navigate menus similar to a mouse.

Now this sounds pretty cliche so far, but the battles would be where it gets interesting. When you enter a battle with an enemy (not random, enemies can be seen) on the world map, you are given the typical menu, Attack, Magic, Items, Run, etc. When you go to Attack mode, this is where the music takes an important role. Battle music will be extremely varied, rather than most current RPGs sticking to one battle soundtrack, and also very upbeat. This is when you switch to a first person view of you holding the staff. A window showing the actualy notes for the melody will go along, and as the notes hit, you move the staff (the remote controller) in different directions: The four cardinal directions, the diagonals, and front and backward, and different combinations of which will result in a combo attack, and certain combinations (which can be found either by exploring and locating different ruins on the expansive world map, or by accidentally performing these in-battle, though unlikely) will be located on the walls of old ruins, and other similar hidden places. When one of these special combinations is performed (up to 15 movements in length later on in the game), you may learn a new Magic attack. The more accurate your timing, the higher the level your Magic attack will begin at.

When performing Magic attacks, a diagram showing a pattern will appear on the screen for a few moments, and you must attempt to trace this pattern as accurately as possible with your hand movements. The closer you are to the pattern, the more damage your attack will deal to the enemy. Also, the closer you are to the pattern, the more experience points that spell receives. The more EXP each spell gets, the higher its level becomes. The pattern increases in complexity the higher you level it up, keeping this from becoming too monotonous.

Up to four players can participate in battle using their own remotes in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th player positions. No nunchaku controller is necessary for the other players. Of course, all three other characters can participate as computer AI as well.

Other items of interest:

This RPG would also involve many puzzles as well, such as using the motion sensor to pull a lever to a precise point to open a door; guiding a rounded stone through a "labyrinth" type puzzle by tilting the remote controller, and various other puzzles.

You can also design your own clothing for the characters, to an extent. Choose one of the many costumes, and you can design your own paint colors using a paintlike program to color the fabric to your liking.
If there was HTML, there'd be a cool sig here.