Author Topic: Exclusive PGC RE0 Demo offer!  (Read 1626 times)

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Exclusive PGC RE0 Demo offer!
« on: September 06, 2002, 06:55:25 AM »
Dying to get your hands on Capcom’s RE0 Japanese Demo for
super cheap?  How about free? 
Our partners in crime Lan Kwei
can hook you up.

Lan Kwei just got a pile of the Resident Evil 0 Japanese demo discs and are giving Planet GameCube readers a couple special deals.

Realize, you will need either a modified US GameCube or Japanese GameCube (or if you’re Wordalicious, a Panasonic Q) to play this demo.

If you order now, you can pick up the Resident Evil 0 demo for a measly $15.  Shipping internationally costs around five bucks.  So, for 20 bucks, you’re good to go.

If you don’t have an import GameCube or are in the market for one, or you're looking for one of the shiny new Panasonic Qs, Lan Kwei will give you the RE0 demo for FREE if you order a GameCube or a Q from them.  Free juice is always nice. 

So how does it all work?

1. Order either the RE0 demo alone, or a GameCube or Panasonic Q from Lan Kwei.
2. Tell them when you order that you are a Planet GameCube reader.
3. Get some zombie proof diapers.

That’s it!  Special thanks to Lan Kwei for hooking our readers up!  

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