Author Topic: Dave Mirra BMX 2 (it's better than anything Nintendo have developed)  (Read 3349 times)

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Offline Infernal Monkey

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Developer: Z-Axis
Publisher: Acclaim
RRP: Around $5 AUD

This is a very new game for your Nintendo Computer Video Entertainment System. It's by Acclaim, who have made countless amazing titles in the past, and look to have a very strong future. So you already know it's going to be something special (I felt the magic XXX/Why). Upon glancing at the back of the box, you will discover that the game is about Dave Mirra. Dave Mirra and BMX's. Maybe two of them, which makes the title of the game quite misleading. But still, I'm not complaining. They boast about 'Super High Rez' graphics that are apparently exclusive to the GameCube version, that's very good because I quite enjoyed Rez on PS2. If you're wondering, this game was originally made for the Amiga and 32X back in 2004.

They don't lie, no sir. The game features a vast number of levels, and each are made of over thirteen polygons. This is something no other console could ever hope to match (I'm looking at you, Sanyo VCR), and I wouldn't be surprised if Dave Mirra BMX 2 pushes the GameCube's silicon graphics to the limit. Referring back to the box of boasting, we also get a gigantic two exclusive levels. I am sure Amiga owners are crying as they read this. However, only one level is avaliable to play from the start, and you will have to complete goals to progress. Goals include 'jump over car', 'peddle backwards' and 'stay awake'. The game supports the control pad, which is refreshing.

Pressing buttons will perform what's known in BMX terms as a 'move', these are needed to complete the tricky well thought out goals. Mashing a number of buttons in a gibbon like vice grip of the controller will perform more complicated 'moves', which can often make your selected bike person spin around in circles or simply do nothing. One of my first goals was to perform a 90 degree turn in the air, it was set out by a person who sets out the goals when you approach them. To be honest, I was disapointed. Especially after playing the latest skateboarding game, Torn and Hacked Skateboarding for Sega Master System. See, 'moves' had meaning in that game. Such as the risky 'sex change' you were asked to perform during the first level. 90 degree turns don't excite.

What are the levels like, you ask? Are they filled with lava and coins to collect? No, I am afraid Acclaim did not get around to this. Some do however contain cars and water. Cars add a certain element of danger to the game, because they can hit you. Get hit and you're gone, you're gone. For a few seconds, then you reappear on the bike with a smile. Water can slow you down, because you instantly fall off your bike and snap your spine when you touch water. It's probably a good thing there's no stormy weather in the game.

Sound and music are very important in these type of RPG games, and Acclaim know their stuff. The game features a whopping seven songs, one of them by Godsmack. So you just know you'll get angry and punch the wall when you're playing this game. Acclaim quite obviously crammed as much as they could onto the disc, I don't think we'll ever see a playlist bigger than what's present in Dave Mirra BMX 2. Sound is limited to horns beeping when you get hit by a car (nobody slows down, everyone's out to murder Dave Mirra and co.) and "aaauuuugggh" yells when you're caught under a car and being dragged around the road.

Overall, this is a stunning game, and one that developers will be ripping off in the near future. Resident Evil 4, though amazing, has already been pushed off the top of the hill. By Dave Mirra. Dave Mirra and his BMX. But though the game is mind boggling in every way, it lacks skins and the option to play online with idiots.

Second opinion, Matt: This game's crap because it's not on PSP and PSP has Atrac and a big screen and it also has graphics, I rang up my Mum the other day and she said everyone's making games on PSP.

Presentation: 10 Simply jaw dropping title screen, it features the title of the game and a blue-ish slightly bump mapped background JPEG.
Graphics: 9.5 The smooth frame rate makes up for the complete lack of effort in a HUGE way. If only more developers followed Acclaim.
Sound: 2 The beeps of the horn, the complaining about society of Godsmack.. It just.. works. To be brutally honest though, we hooked this game up to our $80,000 stereo and it didn't live up to our obscene expectations. Sure, it'd sound perfect on a lesser system, but hell, why would you bother?
Gameplay: 5.5 Though everything has been polished in an insane degree and it's the perfect game, we can't help but whinge about the fact that you can't select a different skin for your rider.
Lasting appeal: 3.0 The single player is addictive, and will simply keep you entertained for months. Plug in three other controllers and get three mates round the TV and you've got the absolute best multiplayer title on any system. However, it lacks online play. Massive blow.
Overall (out of 10 / not an average): 7.9

Offline Mario

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RE: Dave Mirra BMX 2 (it's better than anything Nintendo have developed)
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2005, 02:16:40 AM »

I was going to pick this game up next time I saw it, then take it to the counter and purchase it, but no online play? No custom skins? Meh, I think i'll have to pass on this one now. Hopefully the developers incorporate both online play and custom skins into Dave Mirra BMX 3, because I really want this franchise to live up to its potential. Come on Z-Axis, third time's the charm!

Offline RABicle

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RE: Dave Mirra BMX 2 (it's better than anything Nintendo have developed)
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2005, 03:36:18 AM »
No head jobs? I give it 7.654/4000
Pietriots  - Post ironic gaming log.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Dave Mirra BMX 2 (it's better than anything Nintendo have developed)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2005, 11:27:58 AM »
No game with Godsmack in it could be bad!
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Dave Mirra BMX 2 (it's better than anything Nintendo have developed)
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2005, 04:23:55 AM »
I was not sure about moves, but 7.9!   This game must have graphics!
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Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:Dave Mirra BMX 2 (it's better than anything Nintendo have developed)
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2005, 07:56:09 PM »
Didn't I play this on my Dreamcast? It was awesome