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Interesting that they would just casually mention this in a shareholder's meeting.  This pretty much means a 2025 Switch 2.  I'm both excited and nervous.  With the Switch Nintendo finally had good third party support again for the first time in 20 years.  But do they know why?  Is the Switch a happy accident or perfect execution of a good plan?  With Nintendo you never know.  Most of us are hoping for a Switch 2 but Nintendo might double down on Labo instead or something like that.  They're very unpredictable.

Though you would think that this announcement of an announcement could hurt Switch system sales.  Obviously you have to announce these things with some time before the launch but you don't want to do it too early.  And this isn't the old days where an announcement like this is largely unknown to the general public beyond hardcore enthusiasts.  This is on social media.  You can assume that the average consumer will be aware of this when they're Christmas shopping this year.
It'll probably depend on Switch hardware sales.  If hardware sales are keep at expectation or surpass them, then they'll probably hold off until early 2025, so they can get on last big holiday season out of the Switch without the general public knowing anything about a successor.

If Switch hardware sales start to sell below exceptions, then I could see them announcing the new system later this year to please shareholders that even though the Switch is selling worse then expected, here's the new system that will turn all that around.
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Boredom and Nintendo
« Last post by Luigi Dude on May 07, 2024, 12:07:13 PM »
Yep they always have a big Direct in June, as long as something like covid doesn't mess it up like in 2020.  And look at that, Nintendo just announced a big Direct in June this year that will show off the second half of the 2024 Switch games.
Interesting to see they forecast it to pass DS sales. It would be cool if it happens, but now that a new system is official, I think sales will drop like the end of Wii

You do realize they only need to sell over 13 million systems to surpass the DS?  The Wii still sold around 10 million units in 2011, which was the year they first announced the Wii U, and then it still sold around 4 million in 2012, the year the Wii U came out.  The Switch successor is not coming out this year and the Switch software is still selling way better then Wii software was it's second to last year, so the Switch sales for the rest of this year alone have a good chance surpassing the DS.

Plus the Wii still sold 1.22 million units in 2013, over 400k in 2014, and 100k in 2015.  That's over 2 million more Wii's sold after the Wii U came out.  With the Switch guaranteed to have better post life support then the Wii did, the Switch hardware will be guaranteed to sell a lot more then 2 million after it's successor is out.

At this point it is 100% guaranteed the Switch will surpass the DS at 154 million, and still has a good shot of surpassing the PS2 at 160 million.
There goes my prediction  :(
Okay, I just saw the other article  :-X
I didn't think the new system was official. They did not mention it in these results did they?
Interesting to see they forecast it to pass DS sales. It would be cool if it happens, but now that a new system is official, I think sales will drop like the end of Wii
All aboard the hype train
General Gaming / Re: 4th Annual NWR Four on Four
« Last post by M.K.Ultra on May 06, 2024, 10:12:51 AM »
Not only did I not finish a game, I sold my PS5 last month.  Whoops. 

There is a joke in there somewhere involving "Returnal"...

Still thanks for posting/playing. Part of the fun is planning out the games you want to play.
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