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Messages - Lamech

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« on: July 26, 2004, 04:33:38 AM »
Microsoft and its precious Xbox is full of all sorts of weird rumors, very few of them are truem and even less than that have any base of any kind. Making the systems compatible just makes sure the Xbox survives, and Nintendo is NOT out of the race - even in the slightest. (Though I also am a Die-Hard Nintendo fan - VERY Die-Hard- though i don't think I'm alone - this being a Gamecube related site - a system whos majority consumers consisted of die-hard fans.... :ut of Breath: On that note, back to the norm ^_^

I dont want wireless stuff, not unless they can get rid of the need for Batteries, and also, if they do allow the multi system thing (which they should) then they are gonna need to find more channels or a new from of connection so people can actually use their controllers without being messed with by the other player's controller. Radio was much better that the original infrared kind of thing, but it limits quantity.

Oh, and the DS, which to be honest looked like a stupid idea, is starting to look a lot better. Iwata is hinting to all sorts of fun that can be had with the DS and its possibly extreme compatibility with the N5.

-just a thought, don't shoot me-

"My apologies to all the Xbox and PS2 fans out there - No one told you sooner - You bought them out of ignorance, its not your fault, you just didn't know better."

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo Revolution, Discuss it here!
« on: July 26, 2004, 04:08:14 AM »
I'm just simply curious by what you meant on that last sentence Caillan. Not sure I entirely understood it.

-Your Oddly Curious and Overall Way Too Inquisitive Friend,

Nintendo Gaming / RE:ps3/xbox to get crush by GC2?
« on: July 21, 2004, 02:58:37 AM »

According to an interview with the Japan Economic Foundation's Japan Spotlight Bimonthly publication, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has stated that online games aren't in demand.

look... now you made me quote... ::sniffles::

Read It

Nintendo Gaming / RE:ps3/xbox to get crush by GC2?
« on: July 20, 2004, 07:55:48 AM »
Revolution will not have online standard, Nintendo already said that online gaming is for computers, and until we have the technology to make it lag free, its not going to include it. but what will attract more attention to Revolution will be its unique game play... Nintendo made a very large contract with Gyration a couple years ago... try and guess what they make.

check it out

PS3 and XBOX2 dont have any new tricks, theyre just making better graphics - so is nintedo - Nintendo seems to be at an advantage for the next releases.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo Revolution, Discuss it here!
« on: July 20, 2004, 07:49:06 AM »
Hey guys, a little more news on what to expect with the N5 - Nintendo signed a very large contract with a company called Gyration... guess what they make? This may be their new way of gaming. Here's an article on it... but the one I read on IGN has seemed to vanish.

Virtual Reality

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Next gen more about entertainment than gaming?
« on: July 06, 2004, 06:06:01 AM »
Its already becoming apparent with PS2 and Xbox that entertainment is better than gaming... when more than 40% of the game disc is occupied by movies instead of game... thats just sad. Back in the day it was all about pure gaming. How many of you still play NES? Its still like the greatest system. Nintendo's going retro... I hope that means more gaming and less movies.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Cartridge Comeback?
« on: July 06, 2004, 05:46:18 AM »
People complain about theyre CD players and DVD players being obsolete, but theres two reasons why cartridges arent going to make you lose your precious things. Think about it, we are just now starting to phase out floppy disks and casettes... that took awhile.. nothing is instant. Youll still have CD stuff coming out and watching your back until you upgrade... which in todays technological world, you will. Your DVD player has a shelf life of about 5 - 8 years, just dont buy new ones all the time. We seem to be in the "disposable" era. Everything we make, we make to last a little bit, then throw it away and buy a new one because its cheaper than fixing it and its upgrading. Thats how every new media comes in. So don't fret. You'll find you love cartridges more. Durable and long lasting... no more cracked or scratched CD's sound good to you?

PS: Speaking about technology having a short life-span... I figure its only fair to warn you guys that those awesome Plasma TVs are being found in recent lab tests to have a life of about 5 years in the average home... if you smoke or anything like that.. 2-3 years... ouch. Spending thousands of dollars for somthing that dies that quickly doesnt seem worth it to me. Thought I'd warn you before you spend all your money ^_^

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Move forward nintendo!
« on: June 29, 2004, 07:40:22 AM »
oh yeah, one more thing from up above there ^

Anyone who wants a DVD player has one, and they payed the $50 one costs when they got it with Xbox and Playstation. And I have never seen a Nintendo pirated game, but it is a known fact that 1 out of 8 people who own a Xbox or Playstation own ONLY pirated games. And I must say its true out of the people I know. So I think Nintendo doesnt need to spend that extra money only to lose money. Peace Out.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Move forward nintendo!
« on: June 29, 2004, 07:28:34 AM »
I think nintendo made a few mistakes with the gamecube's late release, but the system and games are great. As for connectivity and all, if people want that in todays world they use their computer. Everyone is getting new computers within the last couple years, and with this upgrade consoles dont stand a chance at beating out internet games on computers. Nintendo's got what it needs, and it does know what it is doing. As stated in Game Informer Magazine, "Nintendo is the only company in the gaming industry with heart, all the others are just soulless machines."


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo Revolution, Discuss it here!
« on: June 28, 2004, 04:08:44 AM »
Nintendo said it wanted to revolutionize gaming; that means do somthing never done before in the entire gaming world. So expecting it to be just an attached screen, LAN, and Backwards Compatible is not enough to live up to what Nintendo proposed to do. All of these have been seen in the gaming industry before. What Nintendo claimed to be doing is not only save themselves, but the entire gaming industry from the horrible decline in game sales. They realized that all systems are basically the same and that somthing needs to be changed besides graphics. If they fail to do something unique, like they implied, they might have their first failing console system, the virtual boy repeat. But if they do come up with something new there is a 50-50 chance of it being loved and become the gaming system that all the other systems will convert to, or it will fail miserably. Its risky, but a risk that needs to be taken in today's failing gaming economy. We need somthing new.

Praying for the Best,

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