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Messages - Sirmorphix

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TalkBack / RE: Markus Naslund to Promote NHL 2005
« on: June 23, 2004, 07:48:35 AM »
Plain and simple, the canucks rock.  As a season ticket holder, I weep at the thought of the loss of the 2005 season.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: April 13, 2004, 12:45:22 PM »
News like this continues to dampen my spirits about Nintendo.  How could they let Silicon Knights go?  Silicon Knights is probably one of the best things that Nintendo had going for it.  They had a second party developer, who was adding quality, well made, mature titles that, had Nintendo actually advertised any of their games sufficiently, would've gone a long way to help Nintendo break the image that they have been trying to lose.

Why is Nintendo intent on tormenting me?  All I know now is that I'm starting to take a lot of reassurance in the fact that I recently just bought a PS2.

In the original PSX version he has long blonde hair in the briefing, and it is died and cut because he doesn't want to be mistaken for Liquid.  In the remake, he only cuts his hair, and they do not mention the dye.

MGS3 is leading you to believe it's set in the 1960's but if it is, then the main character couldn't be snake because, well, snake would be way too young to look like that in the 1960's.  So if the game is set in the 1960's then it is most likely that you are playing not as snake but rather as someone else... someone like Big Boss.

I think the whole 1960's part of the game will be a short kind of prequel where the player play as... Big Boss.  Kind of similar to MGS2 where the tanker sequence of the game is a short prequel to the events that occur latter where you play as Raiden instead of Snake.  So in MGS3, if the 1960's part of the game is indeed a prequel and players later take up the role of snake once again, then perhaps we will learn more of snake and the somewhat mysterious FoxDie.

A bunch of FoxDie info and some Metal Gear Solid 2 spoilers in relation to it all:

In Metal Gear Solid 2, it is revealed by the Bizzare Ocelot/Liquid combination that Naomi passed Snake over for the FoxDie Program.  Now while Ocelot/Liquid believes this to be true, it's never proven wether or not it's actually true.  However it is also revealed in the Metal Gear universe through some of the books released through Konami that Snake breaks Naomi out of jail.  So maybe she has given him the antidote or maybe Snake knows how much time he has left or at the very least how the FoxDie was modified at the last momment by Naomi.  It's all very complicated.

The main reason why the FoxDie is not extensively spoken about in Metal Gear Solid 2 is because the main character is Raiden and not Snake.  It turned a lot of people off the game, but I think it was an interesting take on the game, where you play as a realtive rookie and get to see Snake, the hardened vetran work his stuff.  Seeing as how Metal Gear Solid 3 is supposed to be the last entry in the series I guess we're all going to see the final results of FoxDie.

While this thread has more or less nearly died, I'm announcing I have 100% dog tag completion in all difficulties.  This game is definately fun, but ever so short just like the original.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Final Fantasy:Guilty Wing???
« on: March 22, 2004, 07:32:32 AM »
I don't understand why everyone hates random battle so much.  Personally I couldn't care one way or the other.  If anything I almost prefer it, the only big exceptions that come to mind are Chrono Trigger and Earthbound.


Originally posted by: Myxtika1 Azn

Originally posted by: ThePerm
man...i don't remember the psx MGS beign so hard...still damn fun

Hmm... if anything, this version is a lot easier than the PSX one.  The ability to use your Socom in first-person makes taking out guards, cameras, and turrets a whole lot easier.  In this version, you didn't need to rely on stealth that much to get around.  

In the original, you weren't able to just shoot a guard in the head with the socom; you actually had to run near him and open fire.  Another thing that was hard was that you actually more of a reliance on Chaff Grenades.  You can't just stand out of their range and shoot them out.  For levels where you had to go through repeatedly -- which is a majority of the game -- this can make the game very hard.

Aside from shooting in the first-person perspective, did anybody use the other MGS 2 ability?  The hanging on ledges one.  I did not use it once in the game, and I'm curious to know if anybody else incorporated it into their stealth strategy and if so, where at?

Another gripe I have with the game is that they took out the music that plays after you defeated Sniper Wolf.  What is up with that?  Once I took her out, I upped the volume on the television in anticipation of listening to it, but was greatly saddened when it didn't play.  Why? Why would they do such a thing?

All in all, I like this game a lot.  The visuals are gorgeous, and the voice acting is excellent.  This difficulty in the game is pretty good, but it is nowhere near the level of the original.

I think this game is honestly probably about as difficult as the original PSX version.  While the stealth elements are a lot easier, mainly thanks to FPS mode, however some of the guards seem much more aware than in the original.  I find that most of the new MGS2 abilities only really come into use when you're trying to get Dog Tags, which I've been informed do not actually serve a purpose for unlocking bonuses and are just for fun.  Pretty disapointing.

While I originally thought this game was easier than the original PSX version, I'm finding that my completion times are comparable, about 4 hours on hard mode.  I'm not sure what it is, I honestly believe that I'm just having a harder time with a few guards and a couple dog tags, and it's keeping my time up, once I complete my Dog Tag collection I figure I can get my time down to at least 3 hours or so.  

Well I just wrapped up hard mode in about 4 hours.  It would appear that the classic "Tuxedo" bonus is still in the game.  I guess tomorrow I start working on more dog tags on extreme...  I'm kind of debating just quickly surfing through Easy and Very Easy first to try and figure out where I keep missing my 3 or so dog tags.

Plus has anyone gotten the camera yet?  I seem to remember that it was unlocked by beating the game once in the original PSX version, but after finishing the game twice and having nearly 50 dog tags, I was hoping that I would've unlocked more than Bandana, Stealth and Tuxedo.  Any info on the bonus unlockables in TTS?

I'm hearing that collecting the Dog Tags doesn't unlock any special features...  I'm hoping that's not true, because if that's the case, then I'm really wasting my time.  Though I have Hard mode about 50% completed now.  It's a good thing I love MGS so much, because it's kind of silly how quickly the game can be beaten.

Anybody else completed the boss survival mode?  Took me a good 40 minutes to get through them all in total.

Yikes I have no idea what you guys are talking about, I just wrapped up MGS:TTS in normal mode and I found it very straight forward and easy.  I'm hoping that Hard mode is going to ramp up the difficulty pretty high.

I was just wondering if anybody had it yet either.  I took a vert brief look at Wallmart today between classes and unforetunately there wasn't anything there yet.  I'm thinking Thursday, but hoping for late Wednesday.

The IGN review for Twin Snakes is up.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: March 06, 2004, 02:21:27 PM »
There's apparently a short preview video out according to the Magic Box, but their link is broken.

Has anybody looked at the "Twin Snakes Secrects" news post on Nintendojo?  I want to look at it, but this game already has so few surprises in it for me.  So if someone had read it, I was wondering if it spoils stuff for someone who has already beaten the original PSX version.

Anyone thinking some online reviews will pop up any time soon?  I've been expecting at least a review from IGN by thursday, and Friday is already here.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« on: February 28, 2004, 12:19:20 PM »
Degenki Cube gave it a 9, 9, 10 rating,  EGM a 8, 9, 8.5 rating, and Game Informer a 9.25

When you compare that to the Gamepro review, I wouldn't be too worried about it at all.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« on: February 23, 2004, 06:55:13 PM »
I have yet to see ANY advertisements for MGS:TTS.  If this game even comes close to bombing, I'm going to be very upset.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Final Fantasy Rumors
« on: February 22, 2004, 10:02:53 PM »
I wish this was true, but I feel it in my heart that it is not.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« on: February 21, 2004, 10:04:31 PM »
Interestingly I have heard quite the opposite.  However to say that this game is more of a port than a remake is a bit of a ridiculous remark.  As it features a lot of reworked and new material, it's a strecth to compare it to a port.

- New Graphics Engine
- New/redone cinematics
- MGS2 moves (rolls, ledge hanging, First Person Shooting)
- Reworked enviorments (Areas have changes to allow for more use of the new moves)
- Improved enemy AI
- New voice overs
- Lockers, Dogtags, MGS2 weapons...

If you look at a port the features are generally:

- Improved graphics (higher poly count)
- Bonus level / bonus weapon

To compare say this game is more of a port than a remake is a bit of a slap in the face of Silicon Knights, Nintendo and Konami.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« on: February 06, 2004, 07:59:57 PM »
I couldn't agree more...  I was pretty upset with that spoiler-ific N-Query.  Something they managed to spoil for someone who has played the game several, several times.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Mario 64 on GC? With picture proof!!!
« on: February 06, 2004, 10:02:58 AM »
Old, old, old info.  PS, it's not Mario 64.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« on: February 05, 2004, 04:34:19 PM »
For those interested in further spoiling the game, new images and an IGN insider video showing little easter eggs of Nintendo and Silicon Knights related materials hidden in the game.

More spoilers from IGN!  Awesome.

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