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Messages - Tael

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: They should make a Zelda RPG.
« on: September 15, 2004, 03:34:16 AM »
Link is a pre-defined character with a pre-defined role: he is the hero set to save the land from evil. He is completely inflexible in that regard (he has and always will be a hero fighting the good fight), which means there is no possible character development. You can't make a Legend of Zelda role-playing game with Link.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:HDTV on Gamecube?
« on: June 05, 2004, 05:35:13 PM »

Originally posted by: Lord_die_seis
KDR why doesnt PAL region cubes dont have HD support or pro. scan?
They do support progressive scan. The PAL games don't support progressive scan, but when using a Freeloader with NTSC games you can enable progressive scan and the PAL GameCube will output a NTSC progressive scan signal.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What is Too Human?
« on: January 11, 2004, 09:56:38 PM »
Polemistis - The main point still stands, a release date for Too Human hasn't been given by Nintendo or Silicon Knights.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What is Too Human?
« on: January 11, 2004, 03:23:35 PM »
Polemistis - It nows says "TBA 2004". IGN are just guessing though, no release date for Too Human has been given.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:idea for next mario kart
« on: November 28, 2003, 11:47:54 PM »

Originally posted by: Bartman3010
Yeah, the big problem with Double Dash is that the tracks arent all that challenging. Perhaps its just in case the LAN battles could get frantic? But either way, there were some pretty bad tracks in the game. Baby Park has to be the lamest idea for a track ever...
When where the tracks in a Mario Kart game ever that challenging? Baby Park is a great track, and it offers a good balance against some of the more complex tracks.

General Chat / RE:Official Aussie Thread Reborn
« on: November 28, 2003, 04:20:13 PM »

Originally posted by: PIAC
hey Tael, where abouts in Brisbane do you live?
I'm in Strathpine.

General Chat / RE:Official Aussie Thread Reborn
« on: November 28, 2003, 04:54:14 AM »
Alright, I finally decided to post here. For those of you who don't know me from other forums, I'm from Brisbane, QLD and I'm 21 years old.

Originally posted by: nitsujdark
reminds me of the time I tried to explain to Termin8 and either Mario or Infernal, the concept of counties inside states.   I succeeded in confusing them.
Really? it's not that hard, counties in the US are basically the same as shires in Australia.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Best solution for GC on on my PC monitor?
« on: November 23, 2003, 09:51:36 PM »
The VGA Cable from Golden Shop, the others won't offer any better image quality or higher resolution.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What is Too Human?
« on: November 23, 2003, 03:30:35 PM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
Too Human: Symlink to "Duke Nukem Forever".
Not really. Just because the concept for Too Human has existed for that long, it doesn't mean it's been in development for all that time.

Also, take a look at N-Sider's Too Human preview.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« on: November 23, 2003, 03:19:23 PM »
bryanee - Which magazine was it?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Australian Release Dates
« on: October 07, 2003, 04:01:35 AM »
PIAC - Why are you comparing US game prices to Australian game prices? If anything, the pricing of GameCube games in Australia should be based on Japanese game prices, considering NCL is in charge of Nintendo Australia. Most games in Japan are 6,800 yen (about $AU90), and with the 10% goods and services tax in Australia, the RRP of $AU99.95 is justified. Australia isn't getting screwed, the US is getting a better deal than everyone.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Gamecube Controller Screws HELP PLZ!
« on: September 22, 2003, 08:47:05 PM »
Grey Ninja - The screws on the GameCube system are GameBit screws. The GameCube controller has Tri-Wing screws.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Gamecube Controller Screws HELP PLZ!
« on: September 21, 2003, 06:44:43 PM »
Bill - The controller has Tri-Wing screws, not GameBit screws.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GameCube goes on-line?
« on: September 12, 2003, 05:20:33 PM »
mouse_clicker - Read Bill's and Internet Nomad's posts. It seems like some people still don't get it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GameCube goes on-line?
« on: September 12, 2003, 05:05:31 PM »
Why is it so hard for people to understand this?

If AOL is your ISP:
You use the AOL software  in the GameCube games (which Nintendo has licensed) to connect to AOL. Once connected to the internet via AOL, you'll connect to the Gamespy servers and can join or start internet games.

If AOL is not your ISP:
There will be an internet setup menu in the GameCube game (similar to the one found in PSO), which you will use to configure your internet connection on your GameCube. After configuring your interent connection on your GameCube, you will be able to connect to the internet via your regular ISP (not AOL!). Once connected to the internet via your ISP, you'll connect to the Gamespy servers and can join or start internet games.

If Nintendo had not licensed this software from AOL, and AOL is your ISP:
You would not be able to play any GameCube games online, as you wouldn't be able to connect to the internet through your ISP(AOL). This is because AOL uses proprietary software to connect users to the internet.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GameCube goes on-line?
« on: September 12, 2003, 02:10:26 AM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
BigJim: Exactly how would AOL users get screwed if Nintendo didn't use AOL. Obviously, since you're sayin we don't have to use AOL, wouldn't the same apply for people who already do se AOL (rest their souls)?
Nintendo isn't using AOL for a network! Nintendo is licensing the proprietary software AOL use. Without that software in GameCube games, AOL users won't be able to connect their GameCubes to AOL's service as an ISP (because that software is used to connect to AOL), and therefore won't be able to play GameCube games online. As it is, AOL users can't play PSO in online mode, because PSO doesn't have this software on the disc.

Edit: fixed the grammatical error.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GameCube goes on-line?
« on: September 10, 2003, 03:59:32 PM »
Read BigJim's post, as he's posted the most logical explanation for this situation. Nintendo are making sure online gaming will work for AOL users, not forcing you to use AOL.

Nintendo Gaming / Official F-Zero Thread
« on: June 23, 2003, 02:46:18 AM »
Actually, it'd make sense to have a few unique tracks in AX, as even though the AX tracks are going to be different from the GX tracks, there still needs to be some extra incentive for GX owners to play the arcade version with the memory card features.

Nintendo Gaming / Acclaim drops all support for Nintendo!
« on: June 23, 2003, 02:33:40 AM »
Did you guys read the original post before replying? Pay more attention:

Current products that are in development and are not effected by the changes are: Legends of Wrestling III (Spring 2004), Urban Freestyle Soccer (November 2003) and XGRA (August 22, 2003).

Nintendo Gaming / nintendo's next system
« on: June 22, 2003, 05:17:07 PM »

Originally posted by: norebonomis
online gaming is the future. it's where visionaries saw videogames when it all started. now when is online gaming going to be mainstream? Maybe when Nintendo and game manufactures get off their asses and start upping the tech!!!
A lot of visionaries see the Armageddon as the future, so we should try to bring about the end of the world!

Everyone is trying to push online gaming, but for online gaming to become mainstream, it's got to grow and evolve at it's own pace. Making every game have online multiplayer isn't going to work, as most online games these days just use the internet as an alternative to split-screen or LAN mulitplayer, there's no evolution of gaming invovled.

We need innovative online "killer apps" to make online gaming mainstream. Whe I say innovative, I don't mean having a lot of players, or letting you play against strangers on the other side of the world instead of a friend next to you on the couch, but games that let you do something you never thought possible until you play it online for the first time.

Nintendo Gaming / What will Graphics Look like???//
« on: June 18, 2003, 04:01:32 PM »
Termin8Anakin -  In bmcg69's earlier post, a link was posted to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost website. If you don't feel like looking back through the thread for it, just click here.

Nintendo Gaming / *sigh* GameCube finally hacked.
« on: June 17, 2003, 10:48:09 PM »
joeamis - Sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you, but the point of the discussion is that the Master Quest ROM image had to be obtained from a GameCube disc, and that obviously means they've been able to get data from a GameCube disc to a PC for a while.

Nintendo Gaming / *sigh* GameCube finally hacked.
« on: June 17, 2003, 10:13:38 PM »
joeamis - The Master Quest ROM image is from a European version though, which could only have come from the Zelda bonus disc.  

Nintendo Gaming / Games to start costing more?
« on: June 17, 2003, 09:42:05 PM »
Yeah, and did they back up that claim? No, they didn't. If you read the article, the only other mention of piracy is this:

The actual manufacture of the game — including printed materials and anti-piracy code installation — is done by the console manufacturer. For this honor, the publisher pays an additional $10 to $11 per unit in royalty and manufacture costs.
It didn't state anywhere that the publishing costs were increasing. It stated the cost of development was increasing. So the original comment of "anti-piracy systems pressure the price tag" is just a mis-leading lie. You'll pay more because they're putting more time and effort into the game itself, not because pirates are making publishers charge more.

Nintendo Gaming / Games to start costing more?
« on: June 17, 2003, 09:31:11 PM »
The article didn't directly mention piracy as the cause for increasing prices, it said the developer was spending more time and more money developing games, because they're becoming more and more complex, and this means the developer needs to generate a bigger return to profit or break even.

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