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Messages - Brett

Pages: [1]
Well, it's all relative, but running up the big flat shield was pretty intuitive to me. I didn't know the method shown in the above gif was even a thing. It does show how tricky tutorializing things can be though: how much do you need to hold the hands of players who don't figure out visual cues? One could argue that the hated tutorials that open Skyward Sword are inevitable because some people need the help.

One could also write an article on the wide variety of ways Skyward Sword lets you dispatch with enemies!

Yeah, sometimes you have to do it more than once. But there's no waiting involved. And the writer seems to have been unaware of it.

Aside from the electric blob things, there's not all that much waiting involved in the combat.

Uh, you know the guys with shields? You can run up the shield, jump over them, and attack them from behind. And you're almost certainly supposed to.

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