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Messages - marsbarrow

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE: Japanese Nintendo DS Pre-Sales are Strong
« on: October 22, 2004, 05:14:14 PM »
At GameStop, there will be demo units in store in early November.  You have to remember though, that there's only going to be about 1 million units available this year in the U.S., so Nintendo does not need to advertise at all (or hardly).  I'm sure the news will have stories all during the holidays about this "hot product" that is impossible to find.  Nintendo is smart--advertising will come early next year after production has ramped up.  If you want to be smart--reserve now!  Trust me.  

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo Fusion Tour Returns
« on: August 11, 2004, 03:06:47 PM »
Last years musicians were much better but I'm glad to see Nintendo is supporting a cool event.  I'll probably skip because 'Story of the Year' is a pretty lame band from what I've seen of them on televison.  Here's hoping for better bands next time.

TalkBack / RE: Advance Game Port Now Available
« on: July 02, 2004, 10:01:01 PM »
Why is this in the news?   I've seen this thing at GameStop since before the end of last year...  whatever.

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo Says New Console Probably at E3 2005
« on: May 27, 2004, 12:58:18 PM »
Would we all assume that there will be very few details on the Revolution at E3 2005 considering the system won't launch for a year and a half afterwords and also that the incredible looking new Zelda (GCN) game will be playable.   You have to think that Nintendo would basically just be previewing the system that early... maybe releasing some tech demo videos and some general information.  I honestly wouldn't expect to actually see the system at the show that early: especially if it is 'Revolution'ary.   Nintendo will most likely be promoting more DS games and the last of the big GCN games.

TalkBack / RE: Crave Ships Future Tactics: The Uprising
« on: May 08, 2004, 06:02:14 PM »
"At a bargain price... uh-oh?"?

More like, "sweet, another decent game to play at an even better price!"

TalkBack / RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 24, 2003, 11:25:42 PM »
Some of you were wondering how much Micro$oft was losing from the Xbox (live/hardware sales).  Well here's the proof from Puget Sound Business Journal.  It's a little old but it shows what has been going on and how hard of a hit MS is taking.  I could honestly see Micro$oft exiting the console business way before Nintendo ever would.


In addition, the Xbox continues to lose money. Lots of it.

According to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Microsoft's Home & Entertainment division, where Xbox resides, lost $190 million in the fiscal quarter ended March 31, nearly twice the $97 million lost during the same period in 2002.

To stanch the bleeding and close the gap with Sony, Microsoft unveiled a slew of highly anticipated game titles, an enhanced version of Xbox Live and a brand new digital media component called the Music Mixer at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, in mid-May.


TalkBack / RE: Eidos Interactive's New Look
« on: August 01, 2003, 03:24:25 PM »
Wow.  Eidos Interactive's new logo blows major hard ones.  I could've made something better in about 15 minutes with Photoshop or MSPaint.  

But in all seriousness, I am excited about the reorganization and the new direction that Eidos seems to be taking.  Hopefully this'll mean better games from a more dedicated company instead of sloppy rush-to-market games.  Let's hope for the best.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Component Video Cable
« on: August 01, 2003, 03:20:20 PM »
OOPS... Let's try this again.

I have had the Component cables for close to a year now (hooked up to my Samsung 47" widescreen TV) and let me just say that the image quality is quite amazing.  If your TV has component inputs (RGB), it's quite likely that it'll run in progressive scan.  Anyways, back to the picture of the games...  it really looks good on the games that support it.  If you don't mind the games looking a little rougher around the edges (more pixelated edges--less of an anti-aliased look), then please, spend the thirty bucks and Nintendo's online store; you'll be forever glad you did.  Personally I think games like Mario (lower framerate, some low-res textures) don't look so hot, but everything since looks nice.  Games like Super Monkey Ball2, Eternal Darkness, Metroid (especially), Nascar Thunder 2003 (brighter colors), Wave Race: Blue Storm, really benefit from component cables.  I guess what it comes down to is the developers supporting the video display in the first place...  I know F-Zero is gonna blow me away at true 60fps (which can only be witnessed with component cables) and many third parties now support this feature.  All we need now is someone (PlanetGAMECUBE?, IGN?, GCA?) to make a nice database of what games support progressive scan (and DPLII, while you're at it) ;-), then we'll be all set.  Hope that helps a little.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Component Video Cable
« on: August 01, 2003, 03:10:48 PM »

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