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Messages - GuiltyGamer

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / RE:GC2 to release before other rivals....but
« on: July 27, 2003, 03:19:46 PM »
The GCn been out for about 2 years..and the GCN 2 most likely will not come until 2004-05..which means the GCN will have a life of at least 3 years..and the max of 4. n54 had about that much right? Well I think the GCN has lasted a good enough time, and they need to launch b4 teh rivals..but not too soon, they could get beaten by Sony (a.k.a Sony made everyone believe they should wait for the better console..PS2, rather then buying a Dreamcast. The DC was a great console. Too bad Sega gone south...). Anyway, Nintendo ROCKS!

Name: Destiny

Backward Compatability: They should have it, they should also make it where the Destiny playes GBA 2 games!

GB Player: Not needed if the Destiny plays GBA 2 games with out any attachments!

A Hard drive: Would be nice, but I would still like to have memory cards!

DVD Compatability: I think they should have it! But make it a choice. Like have a Destiny, then a Destiny Q (Made by Panasonic), but this time it SHOULD BE RELEASED EVERYWHERE!!!!

Games: Must launch M rated title(s) to show that Nintendo wants to get rid of its "kid" imige, but have kid titles too! Have a Metroid..Zelda, etc @ launch. And have a new game, a Perfect Dark killer! Made by Retro Studios! Also be nice to have Too Human @ Launch too. They should push back RE4 and MP 2 to the Destiny, this way it will be out by launch!

A new Handheld: They should have one..armed with a Mobile P4, and the same size as the GBA, but with a flip screen. So you will have a little wide-screen! Should use Mini-DVD's like the GCN does, but the memory card slot will be the same size as the GBA cartiges. So it will be backwords compatible!

Online Playability: Hmm, can u say Super Smash Bros. Online?

Controllers: All Wireless, but the controls CHARGE like the SP does. So you never have to change battiries. Also have a energy metter on the controller so u know when to recharge it.

The System: Nintendo will take care of this..i know they will! And with ATi backing them..all they need a ll help from intel NOT IBM!!!

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