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Messages - tmoney

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Nintendo Gaming / Dengeki Charts
« on: July 19, 2003, 05:30:18 AM »

Originally posted by: Fish
Meanwhile Xbox almost catches PS2 in US(June):

PS2 261,127*
Xbox 239,614*
GC 149,408*
GBA 317,662*

I have no idea are those correct, my idiot friend keep posting me NPD info in ICQ but he never gives a source so wouldent know.
EDIT: Meaning he sais they are NPD but never postes a link

People on other forums are saying those are fake.  Don't believe them.

Nintendo Gaming / Futurama yay or ney?
« on: June 08, 2003, 08:02:11 AM »
Where is this "confirmation" that Futurama won't come to the US Gamecube coming from?  At first I heard it was cancelled - then I heard it was coming out two months after the PS2 and Xbox versions.  Then IGN said it was cancelled again.  The official Futurama game website has only the PS2 and Xbox logos on the pages, but in the actual video trailer it still shows the gamecube logo at the end.

I honestly think that the Gamecube version would sell pretty good.  I know I was going to buy it.  Oh well.

TalkBack / Nintendo Sales and Profits Fall Again
« on: May 22, 2003, 11:33:33 AM »
This article is worded a little poorly:

"Nintendo's goal of 10 million GameCube systems sold through its fiscal year ending in March wasn't met, as today it was announced that 9.55 million systems have been shipped out."

It makes it sound like 9.55 million have been shipped as of today, but in reality the press release says "As of March 31, 9.55 million GameCube machines have been sold around the world"

Perhaps the author of this article should fix that to avoid further confusion.

And missing their sales target by 450,000 units while making over $500 mil in profit isn't really all that bad, but let's hope they pick things up a little bit or they'll be in third place worldwide in no time.

Nintendo Gaming / Dengeki Charts
« on: May 16, 2003, 05:50:35 AM »

Originally posted by: Mingesium
5/5/03 - 5/11/03

14) Pokemon Sapphire 10,936 (2,169,276)
15) Pokemon Ruby 10,873 (2,115,342)

Pokemon Box comes out on the 30th. Each should be interesting how much Pokemon Box sells since it's just a pokemon organizer.

Isn't Pokemon Box cheap, and doesn't it come with a link cable or something?  I bet most of the Pokemon crazed freaks that actually own a gamecube will buy this game.

TalkBack / GameSpy is a GameCube Developer
« on: March 13, 2003, 09:42:31 AM »
At one point Sega licensed their Sega.Net libraries to Nintendo - but it seems that since Sega isn't even using Sega.Net for the Gamecube - why would anybody else?  Maybe they'll suprise us and add some online Moneyball content.  Or maybe Sonic Adventure DX will have downloadable content like the Dreamcast did.  Who knows.

Gamespy signed an agreement with Nintendo about a year ago (around E3 last year I think) - so I would imagine this software package should be pretty complete and hopefully easy to implement.  Tony Hawk 3 and 4 for PS2 both used Gamespy technology (I'm sure TH3 did - not 100% sure about TH4).  At the very least let's hope Tony Hawk 5 for Gamecube will have it in there!

The only thing that sucks about the Gamespy tunnel option is that it isn't exactly a snap to set up and run - requiring more than your average Nintendo gamer may be able to do just to play online.  But you can count me in.  If Mario Kart has LAN capabilities - I will be all over Gamespy to get it online.  It would be nicer for the libraries to be built in to the software - but having both options will be good for developers.  I hope we see more at this years E3.

Nintendo Gaming / Modern GameCube games Need Difficulty Settings
« on: February 25, 2003, 12:04:24 PM »
I think you've got a good point there , but I think you are making some broad generalizations that aren't entirely true.  I entirely agree that adding difficulty settings can make a game more enjoyable in some cases.  Take Timesplitters 2 for example.  Easy mode is no problem at all - it could take just a couple hours max.  Normal is a pretty fair setting - it could take a few days.  But hard is really hard.  I got up to level 6 out of 10 maybe - and that was after some pretty intense gameplay - and I have yet to get back to it and beat it (Skies of Arcadia and Zelda broke me away from it).  And it was pointed out already - Resident Evil 1 would let you choose your setting at the beginning - I never played easy.  I'm also playing the Zelda Master Quest - without ever playing the "easier" normal version (yes - I am embarassed to admit I never played it on my N64).

But unless I'm missing something - Rick is being a bit misleading about Metroid in a sense.  There is a "hard mode" that gets unlocked by beating it on easy - but you can't choose hard mode for your first time through.  I probably would have chosen hard if the option was available - but to be honest - I just wasn't ready to start over and beat it again right after I beat it the first time on "normal".  Maybe someday I will get back to it - but I really wish that they had made that option available from the get go.  Same thing with Resident Evil Zero I think.  I beat it and I guess a harder version is available now - but I just didn't go back to it.

But Tony Hawk 4 has about 6 pro points that I just can't quite get - and there are 4 or 5 blue coins I never found in Mario Sunshine and I still haven't beaten FreakStyle.  Some games can be pretty challenging.

Actually - FreakStyle makes the point valid the other direction (sorry - stick with me - that will make more sense in a second).  My wife likes to play through games with the girl characters while I play as the guy characters.  She beat SSX tricky pretty well - and even Tony Hawk 3.  But FreakStyle had such cheap AI racing that even when she was racing well (better times than me somtimes) - she would lose.  She eventually caught on that if you just race normal the first 2 laps and then get the shortcuts and race flawless on the last lap you will beat it.  She would have enjoyed it more if she could have just toggled the difficulty down a bit.  It should be easy to set difficulty in racing games.

But then there are disappointingly easy games like Star Fox Adventures.  I thought the puzzles in there were a bit weak when I played it through before - but now that I'm playing Zelda - looking back at SFA makes me even more happy that I traded it in (after beating it of course - hoping it would get better at some point).  The flying levels were a complete waste too.  BUT I DIGRESS.

It is disappointing sometimes that developers don't take the time to add difficulty options - but what I find even more disappointing is that they make these settings only available the second time through a game.  I would like that trend to stop.  If you are going to take the time to make a hard mode available (which - yes - it takes a lot more time and resources to do now than it used to) - let us more experienced gamers choose it up front.  Sorry to ramble on.

TalkBack / Zelda Date Break?
« on: February 12, 2003, 03:01:32 PM »
I feel I don't really need to post this anymore - but I did get it from my EB down here in the Tampa area of Florida - and I hadn't even preordered ahead of time.  I just walked in and plunked down my 15 bucks and walked out with the bonus disc.  My buddy up in Maryland said his EB won't give it to him though - and he has been calling them all day.  It's entirely up to the stores now I guess...

Good luck.

Nintendo Gaming / Rumored Online Games... so far..
« on: February 07, 2003, 09:24:11 AM »
Golf isn't exactly the best 1 player game ever - and I have lots of friends that live far away that I would like to play a round with every now and then.  I'd just like to have tournaments with other people - mostly people I know - but I wouldn't mind testing my skills against strangers either.  As far as downloadable courses goes - I would be amazed if they could fit an entire 18 hole course download onto a memory card. I suppose they could do it one hole at a time though maybe.  We'll just have to wait and see.

Problem with a game like Mario Golf is that pretty graphics and a few new course layouts isn't enough to make it a top selling game.  Sure - they'll sell more to Nintendo fans than EA sold Tiger Woods golf, but I have a feeling that Nintendo will be doing something to seperate it from the other Golf games out there.  Something to make it worth buying even if you have Mario Golf on the 64.  GBA connectivity won't be unique enough - even the N64 had a link with the Gameboy Mario Golf.  Yes - there will be GBA Connectivity - and potentially downloadable courses for GBA Mario Golf (MUCH smaller download) - But there has got to be more than that.

Hasn't Camelot been working on Mario Golf and Mario Tennis for like two years now?  They're up to something...

Nintendo Gaming / This Zoonami Exclusive Game
« on: February 06, 2003, 08:26:23 AM »

Yeah - we don't need another new Goldeneye.  Timsplitters is the new Goldeneye.  It's obvious that Free Radical has the ability to take on the First Person shooter.  TS2 isn't as refined as Perfect Dark maybe - but they also didn't get to unreasonably delay it for two years like Perfect Dark was.  Give free radical a little more time and I think we will have a perfect First Person shooter.

I really wish there was some kind of hint as to what Zoonami was making.  I'm pretty sure it is NOT a Nintendo Franchise - it just doesn't seem right.

I don't even know where to begin speculating about what it IS though.

Nintendo Gaming / Rumored Online Games... so far..
« on: February 06, 2003, 05:55:37 AM »

It really doesn't matter if it is Nintendo or Camelot developing a Nintendo Franchise.  If Nintendo wants it online - which I hope they do - it will be online.  It would be pretty cool to be in an online Mario Golf tournament.

AND - some speculation - what if 1080 was delayed to add some online functionality?  I understand the game was good and plenty Nintendo fans would probably snatch it up if it was still being released this month like they announced a few months back - but what if Nintendo wants to seperate it from the other snowboarding titles by making it the first online snowboarding title?  Of course - I wouldn't be totally suprised if EA releases an online SSX title later this year.  SSX Tricky sold pretty well I think.

Nintendo Gaming / Rumored Online Games... so far..
« on: February 05, 2003, 08:51:45 AM »
Are we talking just 1st party?  If not - I expect these online games to hit the cube this year:

- Super Monkey Ball Online
- Madden (yeah - they are cancelling SOME sports games - like probably Tiger Woods Golf and Nascar - but not Madden)
- Tony Hawk 5
- Timesplitters 3

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