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Messages - The Real Mario

Pages: [1]
General Chat / RE:Nintendo Sued For Price-Fixing by FTC (history lesson)
« on: October 09, 2003, 04:56:00 PM »
Like others have said above me, those are incredibly bad business practices for any company to use.  Price-fixing was a marketting tactic commonly used in Japan.  Nintendo translated those practices overseas without being fully aware of the laws against it.  Price-fixing did not give the NES any part of the market.  The NES owned the market because it was the best/only game system with the best games.  The price-fixing only protected the NES from any compettiors.  Of course this didnt make Nintendo invincible because once the TurboGrafx/Genesis arrived, developers wanted to make games for the most powerful system.

General Gaming / RE:Sega ages for PS2
« on: October 09, 2003, 04:41:27 PM »

Originally posted by: ThePerm
spell ages backwards youi get Sega...spell Sega back ward you get Ages

Ahh, that Sega/Ages thing brings back memories.  Does anyone here remember the old rumor of a DC/GC Online RPG starring characters from the Mario series and the Sonic series?  Sonic and Mario had to team up against Ages (Sega spelled backwards) and Odnetnin (Nintendo spelled backwards).  It was a cool rumor, but I cannot see anyone being able to splice the Sonic and Mario universes together.  But then again, if Square could do it with Kingdom Hearts, it could be done.

I just realized how off topic this post is.

General Gaming / RE:Your First Game Ever? (1st RPG? Adventure? Shooter?)
« on: October 09, 2003, 04:35:27 PM »
First Game: Super Mario Bros.

First Adventure Game: Legend of Zelda

First Interactive Game: Torrin's Passage (Bet ya never heard of it)

First FPS: Turok (I hated it, I got all disorientated)

First Platformer: Super Mario Bros

First RPG: Pokemon RED (Not my first b/c i cant remember my first, but it was the first RPG I was compelled to play again after i finished.

First Fighting Game: Street Fighter II

First Beat-em-up: Gauntlet

First Shoot-em-up: Mega Man X

First Racing Game: F-Zero

...Good Times

Nintendo Gaming / RE:NCG Editorial
« on: August 09, 2003, 11:13:05 PM »

TextIf they REALLY want to go all the way with their gaming-only theme, they should build in GBA and GameCube support and promote the 3 systems in one

No! That would be the same mistake Sega made when they decided that they could afford to promote the Sega CD/32X, the Game Gear, and the Saturn all at the same time.  The public would be confused on what to buy

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Sonys PSP vs. GBA- Does Nintendo have a chance?
« on: August 02, 2003, 08:20:23 PM »
Rich, I agree with you on all counts except the one about 3d games.  There are many games out there that push the GBA hardware into 3d development.  Although the GBA wasnt bred for it, dozens of games try to bring the console experience to its small screen brethern.  Its painfully obvious that publishers want GBA games to be in 3d because 3d sells (though, most of the 3d games on the GBA are quite good).

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Next Wave: A War of Chance
« on: July 28, 2003, 03:27:11 PM »
Actually, he's right about the Cube's lack of buttons.  Or should I say button.  The missing shoulder button on the GameCube is really annoying for 3rd parties converting their ports to our beloved cube.  I cant even count the number of times I've restarted myself in SSX Tricky b/c the reset button is one of the main buttons instead of the select button like on the PS2.

Nintendo Gaming / Dorimaga scores
« on: July 23, 2003, 01:16:54 PM »
I sent the FFCC review through a translator and below is the transcript:

As for graphics clean, as for atmosphere fresh, also the system surface secure
There is no refreshing impression in the battle which occupies the most of the game
Enjoyment of growth of ƒLƒƒƒ‰, you cannot feel the achievement impression of explaining setting up
There is no part which it can intervene in the story and the event and just accumulates "the drop" intently
"You are surprised" to being ventured and almost there is no "discovery"
Multiple number of people just increase as for the story which is done are same
As for how to show the world view taste
Battle with "in the cursor adjusting is too simple beginning and ending"
The scene which forces the repetition conduct on the system is many
Ability in the growth element which action is difficult to realize doubt

Nintendo Gaming / New Super Smash Bros.
« on: July 21, 2003, 10:35:33 PM »
The different form thing is an awesome idea.  But on to the reason I'm posting.  I think an awesome idea/name for the next Smash Bros. would be Super Smash Bros: 3rd Party.  This game would include characters guessed it, 3rd party developers.  For the developer to get its character in the game, they'd have to put an exclusive game on the cube (or whatever system this is on) starring this character.  There are probably flaws to this idea of mine, but the way I see it, Nintendo gets more exclusive 3rd party games and 3rd party developers get a free plug for their game.  Everybody's happy.  And maybe, we'd find out if Sonic can hang with Mario

I wouldnt say that Perm.  I think what was meant by that was putting promo videos in gaming magazines a la EGM and people would end up playing them on the DVD players on they're ps3/xbox2

Nintendo Gaming / The N5
« on: July 19, 2003, 09:46:10 AM »
Actually PIAC, the MegaDrive was another name for the Genesis

Nintendo Gaming / GC2 to release before other rivals....but
« on: July 18, 2003, 10:06:14 AM »
Nintendo has to release before the competition simply because they cant compete with Sony and Microsoft's marketing budget.  When the Xbox came out Microsoft spent half a billion dollars just marketting the thing.  In one of my old game magazines, they had 20 xbox ad's.  And Sony's no slouch either.  The fact remains that Nintendo has release early, even if it's only by a few months, or they will be lost in obscurity.

General Chat / The Videogame Name Game!
« on: July 17, 2003, 08:39:00 PM »
Road Riot

What I've seen is the way to a mainstream gamer's heart is through Madden.  That and hype is what basically sold the PS2 at launch.  So using this thinking, Nintendo should get Madden exclusive for two years.   This will surely bring the average gamer to Nintendo as everyone loves Madden.

Nintendo Gaming / Tell me why Cube gets so few RPGs
« on: July 16, 2003, 09:14:42 PM »

Originally posted by: Ymeegod
In 1988, Nintendo had signed an agreement with Sony for a SNES/CD-ROM Drive combo called PlayStation.

Ymeegod, do you have a link for that information?  Because it doesnt make sense for Nintendo to sign an agreement for a SNES/CD-ROM drive if they could just make the whole system disc based.  I mean, the agreement was signed 2 years before the SNES was released, (probably sooner in Japan not sure there) they could've redesigned the system to be disc based with that much time before the console launched.  

Nintendo Gaming / nes 2?
« on: July 11, 2003, 09:36:35 AM »
And then there's the fact that the system's graphics would be a major step backwards for Nintendo.  No one's going to want to port games to this proposed system, because the current generation games would have to be stripped to run on it.  Nintendo's controller evolution would also revert because to make this system portable, you're going to have to take off the joystick, and the triggers just for starters.  It just has too many downsides to warrent such a gamble.

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