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Messages - greenwisher

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / RE:F-Zero GX Demo Times
« on: August 11, 2003, 05:11:45 PM »
Where did you get a demo???
I have a software ect. in town... but they didn't say anything about a demo!@!

oooh! i looked very closely at the degobah screens! I looks like luke does have his light saber!!! oh, yeah! It also looks to be full of characters, han, chewy, leia, lando, and of course Wedge!
I'm going to have practice up a little... but kenny you are so right the bonus disc will be kick'in! I only wish they had included a playable multiplayer level!  

I noticed on the opening page that Luke is using his light saber?! Does anyone "know" if the light saber is an option? I haven't seen any offical previews discuss the ground mission options yet. Thanks-

...a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... I heard there was a new rebel strike coming to the gamecube...and
I couldn't wait. I'm so excited about this game. Multiplayer, ground missions, capture the flag. It's all good, nay, It's great! I can hardly wait to preorder this game in september! Be sure to check out the web-site, and may the force be with your Gamecube...

Nintendo Gaming / New F-Zero Info. No GX and AX connectivity
« on: July 16, 2003, 07:41:45 AM »
Thanks for the info on spong. I've recently begun reading thier news. So far I can't complain about thier coverage, they seem to be fairly accurate and usually ahead of the curve. I'll be curious to see how this pans out. I wouldn't be surprised if they were right about the connectivity isssues. I haven't been to an arcade lately, but I don't remember seeing anything like this in the US. As for the jp review of GX I was surprised to say the least. I was hoping GX was the killer app we've all been waiting for. Of course LAN connectivity would have helped! Come on Big N!

Nintendo Gaming / New F-Zero Info. No GX and AX connectivity
« on: July 16, 2003, 07:03:24 AM »
I was reading this morning, they have news regarding the us version of f-zero.
I recomend ya-all take a look.

Nintendo Gaming / How will games be different on a new console?
« on: July 11, 2003, 08:18:32 PM »
"...these new consoles will last a long time and peripherals and software will drive them."

Perm, I agree that software will be a huge issue. Like it's not already. But peripherals? By that are you thinking hardware expansion or interactivity/connectivity hardware? I miss some of the goofy stuff nintendo used to come out with for hardware. What happened to my light gun? & "ROB"- Bring him back N! Back in some crazy he plugs into a port and plays multiplayer games as another player making sick comments while he kicks your @ss around the screen. :-D

Reader Reviews / Mystic Heros Review
« on: July 11, 2003, 07:44:18 PM »
visiting the local game shop i've been thinking about this title for awhile. It went on sale for $19, and I decided to give it a go. Here's the quick and dirty:

Story: Very strange translation of a asian foke story.

Game play/type: This game is similar to action/hack 'n slash games. It has very little depth, but does this well.

(-) the annoying:
I read the reviews on a few sites and they all said this game suffered from some major problems namely poor voice acting and bad translation of the main storyline. I have to agree. Don't buy this game for the storyline. It's crap. Also the constant battles can get tiresome.

(+) Gaming goodness:
This game also has some really tight aspects too.
I like the gameplay it's crazy and fun. Very fast, with a lot of button pushing.
There are so many enemies on the screen at one time, yet the game never slows down...very impressive.
The graphics are ok.
The mulitplayer/co-op is alright but nothing to get too excited over.

Make sure this is the type of game/gameplay you like. If so give it a shot. It's challenging and can be fun. the later levels are tough and can take a long time to work through. Please remember this game's strenght is it's game play. Don't buy it for the storyline.  

Nintendo Gaming / Anyone tried a console skins? They look soo cool
« on: July 11, 2003, 07:16:38 PM »
"Apparently the color is "homo-erotic" a word I will never tire of."  LOL
I never thought i'd hear the words homo-erotic discribe my gamecube! Yeah, I think my manlyness factor could call for a new color. I'm going to have order one of these after next month's paycheck comes in.
I think the carbon-black one might be cool too. soo many to choose from... he he...
Hey I read a review of them too...somewhere out there...looks like they work pretty good.

Nintendo Gaming / N's new code name revealed?
« on: July 11, 2003, 09:34:43 AM »
Ok maybe this should be in the fast forward section but, i thought ya-all might like to see this. claims they know the code name for the next N console.
Check it out at

Nintendo Gaming / Anyone tried a console skins? They look soo cool
« on: July 10, 2003, 09:16:19 PM »
Hey has anyone tried a console skin for thier cube? At 8-14$ it looks like they would be worth it. Plus the company says they don't leave a residue so if you get tired of it, you can take it off again. I think this nifty accessory might be a nice change to my purple...ahem... indego gc. Here's a link for all of you who are dying to know what i'm talking about:

I think i might give the copper a try for 7$.

Nintendo Gaming / Amazing Deals!
« on: July 10, 2003, 08:23:18 PM »
I saw that the price of LOTR two towers was drasitcally cut.
A used copy at software ect/ba-biaches was now 23$
Generally, I think this game is a "renter" but at 23 it might be worth all the replay with the 3 characters.  

Nintendo Gaming / mario party or monkeyball?
« on: July 10, 2003, 08:06:09 PM »
I've owned both of the games and have to say I think smb2 is much better than mario party4. Hands down. Mario party is a little slower pace than monkey ball. mb2 also is a kinda crazy- zainy-insane game (did that make sense? I didn't think so).  Anyway I'd definitely get smb2.

Nintendo Gaming / Killer 7 thread
« on: July 10, 2003, 06:39:01 AM »
It should be interesting to see this game with some more polish. Personally i like the look of cel-shaded games that use more vibrant colors. I think it's hard to see some of the onscreen action when the game is darker. But for 30% done it's looking quite good.

Nintendo Gaming / New nintendo periferal idea: 3d glasses?
« on: July 10, 2003, 06:26:19 AM »
thanks sir kero-
I was wondering if the cube and a tv could replicate what my pc can do! It Sounds like the tv would be a problem.
Oh, and playing 64 games with your glasses...that would be the bomb... I can see it now...well I wish i could...

Nintendo Gaming / Final Fantasy
« on: July 09, 2003, 04:55:53 PM »
"I personally think that the GameBoy Advance connectivity for FF:CC is a good idea. It's a unique thing and I like it."

I agree whole heartedly. My problem with the gba connectivity is that it's now LIMITING gameplay. It's no longer "enhancing" the game. I thought that was the original idea of making connectivity an option on the new N games. I feel as if N is trying to force consumers into buying more of thier hardware, hardware we don't need and shouldn't have to buy. I don't need a GBA. I enjoy my cube, and don't have time to play games away from home. I think N should push the LAN idea instead of the connectivity with GBA.
Food for thought...  

Nintendo Gaming / Ideas for Features about Nintendo GameSphere/Nexus
« on: July 09, 2003, 06:51:23 AM »
I wish people would stop calling it the "gamesphere" every time i hear that it makes me think of the southpark episode with the "okama gamesphere" that has to be where people got that idea....

Nintendo Gaming / New nintendo periferal idea: 3d glasses?
« on: July 09, 2003, 06:30:14 AM »
ok, everyone. I'm feel'in the groove... the glasses idea might bomb. Maybe the console world just isn't ready for this type of experience. The more I think about it, I am convinced it would be a hard sale for console owners until they experienced them. the first time i tried them was with unreal tournament and neverwinter nights. they make the whole experience very surreal.
Just to clarify, these glasses are nothing like virtua boy, and the software does not need to be designed specifically for the glasses. It's really hard to discribe the effect of the glasses, essentially they give any image onscreen more depth, a lot more. the company I purcased the glasses for has a list of games it's compatable with. Here's a link to the website: They also have a number of reviews by credible sources (ie. pc mag). All I have to say is try them.

Nintendo Gaming / New nintendo periferal idea: 3d glasses?
« on: July 08, 2003, 07:06:50 PM »
Greetings all:

I've had this idea floating around in my head for a little while. I've had the chance to use a pair of 3d glasses on my pc that works with my nvidia card. I've found it to be a very cool experience. It really surprised me. For single player games the glasses really make the image "pop" off the screen. I see that now some of these glasses are avaliable for around 30-40$. Then I started thinking... hey why doesn't nintendo make this a perifial for thier new hardware?
It seems like ati would be able to deliver the same experience on the new cube...just plug it into a controller port or use the same wireless tech as the wavebird?
I think this is a "do-able" idea, and very unique for consoles. However, I'm unsure about a couple of things:
1. would the same effect work on a tv?
2. cost of development to high?
3. how hard would it be for nintendo entice a 3rd party to mofify thier hardware for the cube?

If nintendo made this I think it would sell like crazy. Just imagine...playing animal crossing in just kidding but zelda would be cool.
Let me know what you would all-ya-all think.  

Nintendo Gaming / More Nintendo brainstorming
« on: July 08, 2003, 06:43:34 PM »
I have to agree with holy paladin...
nintendo does not have a software problem, it has an image problem. I also had a similar experience with my cube. I have started to take it to parties and on vacation. Once people play the games they LOVE the cube. But that's the prob. getting people to play the games... The cube itself, my lovely "indgo" color looks kinda "kiddy."  So needless to say it doesn't help the image problem any. Gamers my age "23-30" unfamilar with the cube pass it off right away due to the hardware's looks, and the popular belief that nintendo is a system for little kids.
It looks like the price point and some of the great games coming out this fall will help the cube in the long run, but I'm not looking for any dramatic changes till the next gen console comes out, changing your Image takes a lot of time.

Nintendo Gaming / Final Fantasy
« on: July 08, 2003, 06:13:28 PM »
I recently sent a letter to nintendo regarding the gba requirements for ffcc. Needless to say I don't think it'll change thier mind, but i'm just so "seriously miffed" about the whole idea that I had to send them a letter. I even considered starting a grass roots e-mail to nintendo. I would have also sent it to square but have been unable to find the offical site. If anyone has seen it please post and let me know. Here is a copy of my letter and nintendo's response:
Greetings Nintendo,
I am a avid fan of the your company and all it's
innovative products. I have been eagerly awaiting the
latest installment of the final fantasy series coming
to the gamecube. After reading reviews and news from
the recent E3 conference I was very concerned over the
multiplayer aspects of ff crystal chronicles. More
specifically, the requirement of a gameboy advanced
for multiplayer gaming.
I believe the review stated that the game requires
players to use the gameboy advanced to access the
multiplayer game. This requirement is a very expensive
and limiting constraint that may affect my choice to
purchase the game. I enjoy playing multiplayer games
on my gamecube, however I do not currently own a
gameboy advanced.
While I understand that this feature is intended to
"enhance" the game, I feel that this also seriously
limits gameplay as a major aspect of the game will not
be accessible without a gameboy advanced. Essentially,
this would not "enhance" the gameplay as it does for
other games such as Splinter Cell and Zelda.
In some ways, I (and a number of my friends who own
gamecubes) feel this limitation on gameplay would be a
further departure from our "gaming demographic." We
are working professionals (and lifelong gamers) who do
not have a need for a gameboy advanced, as we do not
have time for gaming while away from home. I hope this
is not a trend that will further limit future titles
available for multiplayer games. I have had a number
of friends recently sell their gamecubes, looking to
competing companies for their large selection of
third-party games. To an avid and outspoken Nintendo
enthusiast this is very disappointing.
I am writing this letter in the hopes that you will
seriously reconsider the system requirements for this
particular title. With the limited number of
multiplayer role-playing games available for the
gamecube, I have been eagerly awaiting this title for
sometime. It would be very disappointing to have
another title that I may not be able to play.
I have found that Nintendo tends to be a very
thoughtful company with innovative products and ideas.
I feel that my thoughts reflect a number of
individuals and hope that my letter is seriously

Thank you for your e-mail.  We appreciate your feedback regarding the
multi-player capabilities of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.  I am
going to forward you comments along to the appropriate departments here
at Nintendo for further review.
wow, great....

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