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Messages - Marufy007

Pages: [1] 2
Nintendo Gaming / RE:They should make a Captain N game...
« on: October 14, 2003, 06:20:41 PM »
i kinda liked the old Captain N and Mario and Zelda cartoons. in fact, i have almost the whole seasons of all of those on tape. well, i dont have a lot of the mario world cartoons, but i have just about every mario super show (with zelda) except for maybe 3-4 of them. then i have almost all the mario 3 cartoons and the first 2 seasons of captain N. the 3rd one sucked because the illustration for it changed and they only lasted 15 minutes instead of 30 like they used to.

man, now i dont remember what i was originally gonna say! so much for being on topic!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:They should make a Captain N game...
« on: October 14, 2003, 08:16:30 AM »
Simon Belmont is another 3rd party character involved. He's from castlevania from those not in the know.

also, the original Gameboy was a character in the 2nd season. if they DID make this game, they'd need to update it for the times. Captain N is just too late 80's early 90's for this generation of gamers.

they also visited a lot of different worlds that were 3rd party games. youd be looking at a game bigger in scope then Kingdom Hearts. would it be cool? probably if they did it right! they could always just use only Nintendo games in that game and just call it Captain N: Kevin's Beer Belly Years. Lana could be fat and ugly with his baby and Kid Icarus could be dead, since Nintendo refuses to do anything with him.

then theres King Hippo and those nasty nipples of his...O_o

Nintendo Gaming / RE:square enix's next gamecube game
« on: September 28, 2003, 06:32:47 AM »
I wouldnt mind if the next Square game was a 3D remake of FF4, 6 or Chrono Trigger. or Hell just give us a Chrono Break or Star Ocean 3.5  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:is anybody else excited for V.Joe as much as me
« on: September 28, 2003, 06:29:07 AM »
i remember reading somewhere that Alastor had something to do with the first Devil May Cry game. i never played it though so im not sure.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:New Japanese Hardware & Software #s!
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:21:17 PM »
im really surprised with Namco. out of all the many discussions that have been on the boards since the beginning of the Gamecube, i dont think any of us expected Namco to support Nintendo this way, nonetheless be the company that helped Nintendo sell its most systems for one week at least! if anyone even tried to state this a year ago, im sure they wouldve been flamed to Hell with everyone saying that only a Square Enix game couldve done this.

Namco has definitely caught my eye. I never used to care much for them, but now they are making lots of games i really want (even non Nintendo system ones). they can definitely count on more of my money in the future.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:how do you get funny weapons in SC2?
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:11:14 PM »
you should be able to buy all the costumes easily. just make sure you have cleared everything out on normal and then extra so all the shops are available to you. be sure to redo a lot of the areas at higher levels too. especially the one that unlocks sub chapter 2. i forget where its at exactly but you have to be level 70 something. your name will say something different like lord of the basilisk or something. but you should be able to find everything easily. the only things i had trouble getting were the joke weapons until i unlocked sub chapter 2. i just completed everything today which was cool. have fun!

Nintendo Gaming / how to get all the soul calibur features?
« on: September 02, 2003, 04:38:26 PM »
ok i am only missing 4 features from SC2. im not sure the exact numbers but i believe they are feature 74 or 76 and then some in the 80's right before the arenas you unlock. has anyone got everything? ive beaten all of weapon master mode and i beat arcade with everyone. gameFAQS doesnt tell me crap either. can someone help me out here?

and in case you dont know how to view your features just go to collections and it will show you.  

Nintendo Gaming / in your Wrestlemania XIX superstar theme's
« on: August 22, 2003, 01:07:22 PM »
I guess this is a question for Rick more or less since he demo'ed the finished version.

on the gameFAQs board everyone keeps saying all these different stars have real old out of date themes like RVD having his old alliance music and not the breaking point song. Rick's impressions made it seem like only 3-5 characters were really missing themes. if anyone can give some sort of insight on this (especially Rick) that would be nice

i know im still a n00b, but if i did something wrong with how im posting or where i posted please dont rip me a new one for it. i've been reading the forums for over a year now and ive read the rules, but i guess theres always something that i overlook. thanks!  

Nintendo Gaming / Skies of Arcadia...
« on: July 18, 2003, 07:56:18 AM »
does anyone have or know where to find some hentai of Aika or Fina?

Nintendo Gaming / change some of the free games? w00t!
« on: July 02, 2003, 12:52:24 PM »
im not sure if Nintendo has stated how long they will keep doing this free game promotion, but dont you think they could change a few of the games if they run it any longer? Zelda is fine, but Mario Party 4 and Star Fox? why not move those 2 games down to players choice prices or something? they never shouldve taken out RE 0 either. at least if i wanted a free mature game, it was there. besides, they want to help third partys right? so why not add some of their games in? just a thought...


Originally posted by: Round Eye
Nintendo would not touch Micosoft with your dick.

Nintendo Gaming / I'm interested in an RPG.....
« on: June 09, 2003, 03:27:59 PM »
i have both skies and pso.

i was reluctant to get pso when i kept hearing it was only really worth it if you went online. well my friend picked it up before i did and i can say after having played it for about 7 hours straight my first day, i knew i had to buy it. yes its got more longetivity if you get it online, but if you also have a circle of friends who enjoy RPG's then you may be able to get by with just the multiplayer. everyone ive had play it with me (which is about 6 people) all like it and 2 have bought it. since i have a lot of friends i can play with, it doesnt get old for me. if you can hook some friends of yours into it with you as well and you know you can play it with them more then say once a month, then i recommend that. everytime i play this game, its usually anywhere from 7-11 hours i play it straight. yes, thats SICK but that shows you how much i and my friends like the game. we're far from your "gaming geeks" as well. i havent played video games like that since i was in middle school/high school. im lucky i didnt screw up this past semester at college with all the playing i did. so, DEFINITELY get pso if you know you can get people to play with you. the only bad thing is there is some minor slow down when it has 4 people on the screen. the forest area is bad, but the ruins area worked flawlessly. its all a matter of if your in an open area or in room with walls.

as for skies, its also great. but since you said you rlooking for multiplayer, then i cant stress pso enough. if you can, rent it first and play with a friend or two.  

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube controller, Really hurts...
« on: June 03, 2003, 05:04:40 PM »
im kinda surprised no one has mentioned anything about carpul tunnel and these problems with the buttons. just the other night i was playing Deadly Alliance and you have to use R to block which killed my right finger. its done that a lot before with anything that uses the R button a lot. i had it happen alot on N64 when doing the dash for mario kart since i had to jump a lot. i developed carpul tunnel when i worked at Wendys when i was 16, im 22 now and im starting to feel the effects when i play games now. i know typing can give it to you, but maybe some of us are just starting to develop a form of it. its not to say the controller isnt a problem either but maybe they are both related to some extent.  

Nintendo Gaming / GCN advertisements - NOA gets it right
« on: May 31, 2003, 05:07:29 PM »
you guys are forgetting one of the classics!

remember the funtastic color line of N64's? it started off with those different colored medievil armys going at eachother until it shifts to that guy who is shopping with his grilfriend and when she shows him the two bikini's to choose from it flashes back to those medievil guys wearing the bikinis and towards the end of the commercial the big fat guy in the bikini is picking a wedgie. i loved that commercial.

i also remember the one for Mario golf where the kid made it seem like he was masturbating making all those "moans" until it shows him holding the controller and his parents were knocking on the door wondering what was going on.

i totally forgot about that Mario World 2 commercial with the guy exploding. Nintendo must have had monty pythons the meaning of life on the brain when making that commercial.  

Nintendo Gaming / The article that reveals Nintendo´s true nemesis
« on: May 28, 2003, 08:15:12 AM »
i read that article your pointing to and i think its a good read too. whether its the main problem or not i cant say. i guess it wouldnt surprise me that some nintendo gamers could be "snobs" when it comes to other games. i can only buy so much though. if i named off every gamecube game i wanted to buy, id seriously have to leave college because id flunk out trying to play all those games and i wouldnt have money for books or laundry.

we just need a more diverse set of gamers on the gamecube. the problem with that though is to get those gamers you need the games that will appeal to them, but a lot of developers wont bring the games unless we have the people there to begin with.  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo has something even bigger...
« on: April 26, 2003, 10:51:42 AM »
this probably will never happen but what if...

what if Miyamoto's new Zelda IS a realistic Zelda given to Sqaure Enix to do as they please.

sure, i know turn based battles are something a lot of people nowadays are getting sick of, but what if the next Zelda featured tons of RPG elements that Square and Enix were/are both well known for? im a Square fan and RPG fan so i honestly wouldnt mind seeing this. if a more realistic Zelda with a darker story was considered, and Miyamoto wanted something "new and fresh" i wouldnt mind seeing what Square Enix could do with it.

what do you guys think about that?  

something else im wondering about, i remember awhile back i saw an E3 advertisement for Nintendo and somewhere on it it said "be there or be Square" some people were wondering what the deal with that phrase was or the capital S being there. does anyone remember seeing that advertisement? and was the S capitalized?  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo has something even bigger...
« on: April 24, 2003, 10:42:25 AM »
if they want to surprise me big at E3 this year, plus focus on 3rd party support, then give me Final Fantasy 12 EXCLUSIVE!!!!!

then i will be shocked, piss my pants, whatever!  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo lowers profit expectations... again
« on: April 07, 2003, 08:02:33 PM »
I'm actually glad these "negative" things keep happening to Nintendo because maybe it will wake them up and they will change a few things about their company. im a big Nintendo fan and would probably support them to the end, but they do need to change how they do things. they are lucky in a way. most companies have trouble making good games, but have good marketing and what not. Nintendo seems to have it reversed. if they can find some way to change their image for the better, then im more then positive they wont pull a "Sega" not that i think they would in their cirrent situation anyway.

the interesting thing though is, once a company lost its image it usually never rebounded. once Sega's dropped, it was downhill for them. same with Atari. we have yet to see a console maker rebound after losing marketshare. maybe Nintendo will be the first. HA, maybe? they BETTER!  

Nintendo Gaming / --Mario Kart--
« on: February 15, 2003, 06:56:06 AM »
maybe you'll have to do more out of this world stuff like have warp pipes scattered all over a track that can either help or hurt you int he race, or maybe they will have a section of a track underwater that you drive through. im not really sure what Miyamoto and co can do, but i guess i dont push myself to be creative like him. anyone that can think up imaginary blocks in the air and that shrooms make you bigger is a helluva lot more creative then i am!

Nintendo Gaming / Soul Calibur 2 Discussion
« on: February 14, 2003, 01:22:23 PM »
oh boy THIS question again

as far as im concerned, i own MK: DA for Cube and so does my friend who HATES the cube controller for fighting and we both agree that fighting games arent THAT bad on the cube. yes the D pad is small but we both play MK effectively and without problems. this is a Midway game as well. since Soul Calibur is a Namco game (and yes this is biased logic but so what?) then i KNOW SC2 for cube wont be a problem. half the time its a problem because one person started bittching about something and then someone else hears it and then it starts spreading among others faster then AIDS in Africa! sorta like this whole KIDDY image thing!

but now that im done turning this message into a rant (when i didnt want to) i think im going to go back and play MK: DA now some more so i can be pissy with how bad the cube controller is for it, its not the best but its not as bad as people want to make it out to be!

really, im not usually this rude...i guess i just got aggravated!  

Nintendo Gaming / Soul Calibur 2 Discussion
« on: February 14, 2003, 10:36:06 AM »
ha ha especially if he says the typical Soul Calibur phrase: Burn in Hell or See you in Hell. whatever it was they would say!

"This soul strengthens the power of the Triforce."

that might not be bad either

Nintendo Gaming / Incoming SEGA GCN announcement!
« on: February 14, 2003, 10:29:16 AM »
if they wanna make me really happy then they can announce a Shining Force game! that would be super!

did you guys also see the rumor about Chrono Break and Chrono Trigger 2? i saw it somewhere on the n-philes forum. it'll be pretty neat if it happens! Square would make me cream my pants like back in the good ol days!  

Nintendo Gaming / Anyone else looking forward to Soul Calibur 2?
« on: February 14, 2003, 05:26:46 AM »
since the characters say actual sentences when they win...will Link actually talk? or will he do the usual grunt?  

Nintendo Gaming / Anyone else looking forward to Soul Calibur 2?
« on: February 13, 2003, 04:32:28 PM »
hell yeah im buying this baby!

a question i have is will Cervantes be in this game?

Nintendo Gaming / My Theory On Nintendo In The Modern World
« on: February 10, 2003, 06:33:59 AM »
ha ha, since we are talking about our first time playing mario bros. heres my little addition.

it was 1987 and i was 7 years old. i remember going to a friends house on a friday and he started showing off his nintendo he had just bought. his whole family hogged the system the entire time i was there. i got to play once, but no one told me how to jump! so instead of pressing A, i kept hitting up hoping i would stomp on that goomba in the first level. unfortunatly i died. that was my first experience with mario and nintendo...i later became known as "Mario" and "Nintendo Nut" among my peers once i got a NES for my birthday in 88. i even dressed up as Mario for Halloween. i didnt want a store bought one so i kept begging my mom to make one. it turned out pretty good. i had to wear thermal underwear so i could stuff a pillow in my gut and look fat without it falling out. boy was i hot! hehe, oh the memories!

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