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Messages - deathanxiety

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Iwata: Price Isn't Why the Wii U Isn't Selling
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:17:21 PM »
Hi all. First comment on a news story here! I have to agree with Iwata. Every time I go into a video game store,  i always look at the software titles the WiiU has and am always disappointed.

I currently own a 360, PS3 and Wii and have been looking at getting a WiiU but there haven't been any games that make me want to get one. At the moment I'm waiting for what Nintendo will do to Zelda on the WiiU which will make the decision for me.

Hopefully they can get some more software titles out because if the new Zelda doesn't hit the mark for me then i won't be getting one. It'll be the first Nintendo console I haven't owned since well the NES.

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