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Messages - Blankfall

Pages: [1]
General Gaming / Re: This is amazing! (Super Mario Beads)
« on: December 07, 2012, 11:50:08 AM »
Thanks for the share this is so awesome. Made my day.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Post your funhousiest game imagery
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:16:29 AM »
You WILL get it

Love this picture would have loved to take a picture with mario.

General Gaming / Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:08:32 AM »
Jet Set Radio on Android. Liberation Maiden 3DS. Catherine PS3. I liked the demo and decided to buy it. Pokemon black and white 2, but I have not played it since I cant seem to be able to catch a certain pokemon. So frustrating.

General Gaming / Re: Ever think Samsung will replace Sony?
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:02:53 AM »
Samsung is a good company with nice designs even if they are not all original they have a nice way of introducing it to the market. I would love to see them team up rather then enter the industry. I would not like to see anyone one of the big 3 falter. I mean Microsoft offers something so unique to think of a future without that kind of connectivity is crazy, because nothing will fill Micros shoes. No one will come up and copy them to the exact and get the formula right. Same goes for Sony and Nintendo. Nintendo will always be the weakest link financially, but it's what makes them the strongest console maker and video game developer.

Why would Halo 4 be nominated when it JUST came out? I know the VGA's are such a joke that no real gamer takes them seriously, but nominating a game that just came out last week would have been very bad.

I took a brief look at the nominees and was disgusted at some of their nominations. I hope one day the video game industry gets a serious awards show.

Sadly Real Gamers cant keep a multi million dollar company alive and kicking any more. So shows like this are needed to showcase some of the best games this year, and have people know whats hot so they can add it to there shopping list. In the end shows like this help the industry out regardless if our favorite game wins or not. I dont need IGN to give XenoBlade Chronicles a GOTY award to know that it is the GOTY (Atleast for the Wii )

General Gaming / Re: Graphics aren't an important feature on handhelds?
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:49:33 PM »
I have meet me a lot of hardcore gamers. I mean face to face, and I never heard one make jokes about Nintendo. Yes the system may house childish games that tend to sell better, but thats the consumers fault not the consoles creator. Microsoft and Sony would be happy to have childish games move major units. Those so called core gamers that consider Nintendo a joke or the Wii a joke IMO are just fan boys or plain haters.

The Xbox is easier to work with for a lot of developers because Microsoft is smart. they offer very resourceful tools for developers that are use to pc developing. If Microsoft would least Direct X to Sony then games wouldnt be so crappy when ported over. (speaking of next consoles not ps3 with direct x).

I will say the 3DS graphics are a major improvement over the PSP, and back when the psp was in its hey day it housed some of the most impressive graphics i've ever seen in a handheld.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Street Pass!
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:39:38 PM »
StreetPass was one of those features that got me excited when i purchased my 3ds in March of 2011. It was exciting getting my first streetpass and I even had 2 friends who bought one around the same time. However I have very bad lucky meeting new miis. Currently I have 17 miis in my plaza with 23 tags. Only five regions though all in the U.S. Military man so traveling was never a issue, but I cant seem to pick anyone up in the airports. Vegas was were i got the most tags at and that was around launch. Even got one in Iraq, but of course he was a soldier. I wish Nintendo fused streetpass with MiiVerse. Endless possibilities.

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