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Messages - Blur256

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Hacker Reveals Wii U CPU Clock Details
« on: December 02, 2012, 05:41:22 PM »
Sure the cpu is slow However, today's gaming standards are geared toward the gpu. Without a fast gpu a system is pretty much useless while trying to run today's standard of games. Also, what people fail to realize is the fact that we haven't even seen the Wii-U's true potential, just wait till next year and we finally get a glimpse into games that are being made specifically for the system. Also, from what I hear nintendo has some sort of software in the system which actually ghosts the systems true clock speed on the cpu, either way only time will tell.

TalkBack / Re: Comparing Wii & Wii U Launch Lines
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:26:30 PM »
I'm so jelly about you. I've allways wanted to camp out but where I live everybody just cares about Gears of War and Halo and all that kind of games. It really sucks. Not to hang out with your friends or whoever outside a store for a major event. Yeah....
Why would you even care if your friends like gears or not? My best friend loves nintendo and a couple of our other friends love PS3 and Microsoft. However, when there is a major release such as a new gears, god of war, or Modern Warfare I will still go with them. It doesn't matter if my opinions differ from theirs its the fact that they love games just as much as i do.

TalkBack / Re: Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition Impressions
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:04:14 AM »
Well I haven't had the opportunity to play Batman however Blackops II was one of those games with some frame-rate issues and severe graphical tearing while in multiplayer split-screen. A friend and I played the hell out of zombies and during that time we experienced being thrown from the front of the bus to the back when it would cross the fog boundaries, being thrown out of the bus, and had issues with items used to upgrade the bus not appearing at all in any of the unpowered doors(this was all experienced during tranzit). In bot multiplayer we had issues with extreme graphical distortion during gameplay, such as dieing and your character would seem to stretch out at extreme sharp jagged edges all across the screen. After the game was patched the issues seem to be fine. All in all once the third-party developers decide to patch their games all these issues should be fixed, so don't take this stuff to heart, after all its a new console with some gourgeous games on it, incredible interfaces, and a very brilliant connectivity.

TalkBack / Re: Scary Nintendo Memories
« on: November 03, 2012, 05:46:14 PM »
Seems like people are forgetting about Eternal Darkness for the gamecube. The sanity meter in that game did some crazy things especially the one that Told you it was reformatting the memory card.  :D

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