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Messages - Aussiedude

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Unending Viral Chain?
« on: January 04, 2007, 07:42:31 AM »
Let's hope then it's REAL english and not YANKIE english crap  


Originally posted by: Mario
Buy it from the Wii Shop for 0 points

Thanks Mario, I'll check that out as soon as I get some Wi Fi access again. I actually went into the shop but did not see it, my "dumb" brother was rushing me to get going.

Have a great new year!

I managed to get some Wi-Fi access today and do the updates (No problems, was actually quite fast and easy), but could not find where to download the browser.

Now I was quite pissed, and so was everyone else, so it may have been obvious, but would appreciate some help which menu to go to.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Unending Viral Chain?
« on: December 31, 2006, 08:08:51 PM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: Requiem I agree that the Wii has viral power, but sold out most of next year?

That could only happen if there are viral games. You see, a system is nothing without games and if Nintendo wants the Wii sales to continue, there going to have to pump out some magic throughout the year

Thing is, I've yet to sell a Wii using anything other than Wii Sports..

I have to agree 100%. So far ive shown the Wii to 3 groups of people and have sold 4 Wii's (WHERE IS MY COMMISION NINTENDO!). This NEVER happeneded with the gamecube.

And the game that sold it to them was Wii Sports, to a lesser extent Rayman. Apart fromm one (who was waiting to buy a PS3 but now isnt), none were gamers and I was amazed at how everyone wanted to play. Another major selling point was the Mii's. None really cared about lack of DVD playback (I was surprised about this).
I really thought Nintendo were just hyping this but I've been proven wrong.

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
« on: November 27, 2006, 08:40:20 AM »

Originally posted by: Pale

There is no turn based multiplayer in the single player mode.  It's strange that they left it out, but it isn't there.

Well I must say my anticipation for the Wii is now close to zero. I should have waited for the PS3 or got the X360.

Red Steel CRAP, MONKEY BALL CRAP, the two games I was most looking forward too. PLUS now you have to @#$%ing play < 8 ft from the TV what @#$%ing crap.
Worse launch ever (Im not a Zelda fan).

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:26:15 PM »
Is the single player turn based like in the original Super Monkey Ball so 4 players can play?

If it aint im cancelling my pre-order.

General Gaming / RE:The worth of PS3, your opinion?
« on: November 17, 2006, 09:48:25 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
A lot of the cost is for the Blu-Ray player.  I don't care about that.  I don't have the TV for it anyway and I don't want to adapt to a new video format (ie: buy everything again) anytime soon.  Personally I think DVD is good enough for me (I can hear my future grandkids laughing now).  With VHS I always noticed how annoying it was to have to rewind and how the more you watched a tape the worse the picture quality became.  DVD fixes the problems I had with VHS just like how CDs fixed the problems I had with tapes and records and I an content with those formats.  Hell PCs have reached a point where I'm content with things as is.  I've had my PC for a few years now and aside from more storage space I have not even once had a situation come up where I feel the need to upgrade.

So let's assume we could somehow remove the Blu-Ray drive entirely and the PS3 would still work.  Let's also assume that I am really interested in one of the launch games.  Whatever that would cost is what I would be willing to pay for it.  The PS3 price right now is just too expensive for me regardless of my interest level.

Well I was with you on Blueray for movies UNTIL today. Seen a  Samsung unit connected to a full 1080p screen, @#$%ing impressive, you could see all the pores in the skin so much detail. The Blueray player was $1200 AUD, which is not expensive for a first gen player (I paid $900 AUD for my first el-cheapo chinese clone DVD player), but the screen was expensive @ $6000 AUD.
In 12 months (maybe less) expect these price to halve, which will make the setup afordable. I havent seen a HiDefDVD format player, so cant compare.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wow, you Australians pay through the nose for games.
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:51:47 AM »
Well that %^&*ing sucks. $110 for a "NOT next gen gamecube game" means nintendo have already lost in Australia.  XBOX 360 older release games are going for 60 - 70 AUD, almost half the price of Wii games, and they ARE next gen. Even new XBOX360 games are going for less than $100 AUD, Aussies will not pay more than $100 for a game.

I'll still get it (although Im strongly tempted not to since it will definately flop here now) but only a with one game until the game prices drop, it will make a good portable gamecube for all my old gamecube games. This means PS3 will be the system of choice for me when it comes out, (or XBOX 360 when the new design 360 comes out that does not overheat). If Im paying next gen prices I want next gen games with next gen graphics.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official DS Sales Thread
« on: October 13, 2006, 05:52:57 AM »
Japanese hardware sales - Oct 2 - 8

1. DS Lite - 124,137
2. PS2 - 28,264
3. PSP - 21,050
4. Xbox 360 - 2,101
5. Game Boy Advance SP - 1,532
6. Game Boy Micro - 1,273
7. Cube - 488
8. DS - 260
9. Game Boy Advance - 12
10. Xbox - 8

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Harvey Norman Starting to Support Nintendo Again!!!
« on: September 20, 2006, 08:09:25 AM »
Harvey Norman were flooding TV with PS3 ads prior Sony withdrawing PS3 to March next year here. It must have wasted them a fortune.
In any case, good they are supporing Nintendo again, but really overpriced in everything.

General Gaming / RE:Sony getting hit Hard lately
« on: September 18, 2006, 03:20:06 AM »
Seems like Sony have same problems as Nintendo in finalising inline.

Tony Hawk’s Project 8 will not support online play

"Neversoft is confident the PS3 version of the game will ship at launch in November, but it still hasn't received all of the software libraries and has no indication of how the online components will work on PS3, so it's not offering them," detailed the report.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Perrin Kaplan video post NYC press conference
« on: September 17, 2006, 01:59:32 PM »
Thank you BigJim, well done  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official DS Sales Thread
« on: September 17, 2006, 03:59:06 AM »
Another 1,093 faulty Xbox360's enter the Japanese market. I'll give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt,  1 of the 1,094 sold should work

The only reason I havent got a 360 is because of the failure rate, not that I forgot about it due to shortages initially.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Perrin Kaplan video post NYC press conference
« on: September 17, 2006, 03:50:35 AM »
Can someone trancelate the key points? Dont have broadband.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:So are games region free or what?
« on: September 17, 2006, 03:19:17 AM »
Well Perrin Kaplan  has AGAIN stated the Wii is region free. WTF is going on? Is Yarnton nobbing himself or what?


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Aussie Wii Release Details (UPDATED)
« on: September 17, 2006, 03:16:49 AM »

Originally posted by: Mario
The guy said Super Smash Bros Brawl last time I was there. =P

QED, the have n F'n idea.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Aussie Wii Release Details (UPDATED)
« on: September 17, 2006, 02:42:46 AM »
If you can get a clear answer out of Toys 'R Us please post it here. I checked yesterday and they said possibly it's Wii Sports WTF. Before that they couldnt even say if it would be a Wii game, maybe a Gamecube game.

Anyhow, I placed my pre-order ages ago with EB, the guy there promised to match whatever Toys 'R Us finally come up with.  Still tossing up on whether to continue with actually getting a Wii or not due to the higher than expected price.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Aussie Wii Release Details (UPDATED)
« on: September 16, 2006, 01:39:44 AM »

Originally posted by: 18 Days
Speculation is news at Aussie Nintendo.


Originally posted by: Aussiedude
Assuming the price of the controllers is correct (from N-europe) the cost of the Wii is WAY too much, comparible with X360.

Cost of XBOX360 premier system in Australia has dropped to $530 AUD, wirless controllers about. $70 (on special even cheaper), old games dropping to $50 AUD.

Target disagrees

Thats RRP, regular deals are MUCH cheaper than that.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Kaplan: "First Party Wii Titles Region-Free"
« on: September 15, 2006, 05:50:04 PM »

Originally posted by: Professional 666
Rick is saying that PAL Wii's might NOT EVEN OUTPUT NTSC AT ALL.

Hence the region lock outs.

GEEZ I feel like beeing highly insulting at the momernt but I will refrain...

I will put it simply so even a 2 YO could understand...

USA Wii - output NTSC
Take USA Wii with NTSC output and plug it into an Austalian/UK/Europe PAL TV.
The PAL TV AUTOMATICALY detects the input as NTSC and switches to display NTSC.

JAP Wii  - output NTSC
Same as case 1.

Australin/UK/Europe Wii - OUTPUT PAL
Take Australin/UK/Europe Wii and plug it into a USA NTSC
Well Im not american so I cant say for sure if your TV's will detect PAL.
This may not work an all TVs in America as they like to reject foreign standards,   (but I believe it will on most TVs), but its not the point. People in USA would not import PAL games. No need, you get them first and cheaper.

So there is absolutley no case for region coding USA NTSC discs, they will work everywhere. There is also no need to even have PAL discs. Nintendo realised this when they released the last Metroid prime for the Game Cube in Australia, it was region coded BUT NTSC format.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Kaplan: "First Party Wii Titles Region-Free"
« on: September 15, 2006, 01:25:11 PM »

Originally posted by: RickPowers

Originally posted by: Aussiedude

Originally posted by: RickPowers
This is just miscommunication.  The PAL Wii won't be region free only because PAL hardware doesn't work on NTSC tvs, and vice-versa.  So Nintendo of Europe just decided to enforce the region lock to simplify it.

Im sorry Rick you are wrong.   While im not sure if NTSC TVs will play PAL, all modern PAL TVs (not older than  10 yrs, even older in most cases) will play NTSC (this was done mainly as a lot of movie DVD's are released here in NTSC format). So I dont even see why Nintendo must release games in PAL let alone put on a region lock for this reason. The last MP GCN disk was released here (Australia) in NTSC.

I'm pretty sure I said PAL hardware.  Where exactly am I wrong, again?  If the Wii can only output a PAL signal, then it doesn't matter what the TV is capable of, right?

PAL hardware doesn't work on NTSC tvs, and vice-versa.   This is wrong, NTSC ie vice-versa hardware DOES work on PAL TV's (over 99% of them at least).   Our TVs are multi system, heck mine even plays SECAM.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Kaplan: "First Party Wii Titles Region-Free"
« on: September 15, 2006, 12:34:09 PM »

Originally posted by: wandering

Geez, can you screw us anymore Nintendo?

Right. Nintendo SAYS publishers can choose whether or not they want region-locking...but doesn't that imply region-locking will cost more? I'm sure ALOT if not MOST publishers will want that region locking...and here Nintendo is trying to force what they want down dev's and publisher's throats by saying that, if you want this standard feature, you'll have to pay more money. Now, do I want games to be region free? Personally, I don't care. I don't import games so whther or not they are region locked doesn't matter to me. But I bet devs WILL care, which will lead to less third party support. Really, this is starting to look like the Cube all over again. Actually, it's stuff like this that is the reason I won't be buying a Wii at launch. I can't guarantee that the console will be a success - why should I risk $250 when I'm not even sure the conosle will do well?

I agree. Im seriously considering cancelling my pre-order, unless the prices for the controllers in Australia have been misquoted ($100 AUD WTF). At this price it aint much cheapr than the X360 premium here in Australia (only about 30 USD at tops). GCN was a TOTAL FLOP here, at these (not so)Wii prices the Wii is sure to follow.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Kaplan: "First Party Wii Titles Region-Free"
« on: September 15, 2006, 12:27:15 PM »

Originally posted by: RickPowers
This is just miscommunication.  The PAL Wii won't be region free only because PAL hardware doesn't work on NTSC tvs, and vice-versa.  So Nintendo of Europe just decided to enforce the region lock to simplify it.

Im sorry Rick you are wrong.   While im not sure if NTSC TVs will play PAL, all modern PAL TVs (not older than  10 yrs, even older in most cases) will play NTSC (this was done mainly as a lot of movie DVD's are released here in NTSC format). So I dont even see why Nintendo must release games in PAL let alone put on a region lock for this reason. The last MP GCN disk was released here (Australia) in NTSC.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« on: September 15, 2006, 05:02:43 AM »

Originally posted by: thejeek
Wii - Europe - shafted again, as usual...

EDIT: I've had it. I'm not buying one until it costs me no more than it costs people in the US and Japan.

Exactly how I feel; willing to pay the extra for th console, but DOUBLE for the controllers WTF

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Aussie Wii Release Details
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:49:36 AM »
Assuming the price of the controllers is correct (from N-europe) the cost of the Wii is WAY too much, comparible with X360.

Cost of XBOX360 premier system in Australia has dropped to $530 AUD, wirless controllers about. $70 (on special even cheaper), old games dropping to $50 AUD.

Max cost of X360 with 3 extral controllers is $530 +3*$70 = $740 AUD
Cost of Wii with 3 extra controllers/Nunchucks is $696 AUD

So Wii is only $46 cheaper than X360, nothing when you consider cheap X360 games available, plus you get Hi definition, DVD player and Hard disk drive. ($140 cheaper if you add the much needed extended warrenty for X360)

Unless Nintendo drastically reduces prices after "early adopter" sales, it has lost the Australian market.  Although I am willing to pay that much if Wii is successful, I am reluctant to do so and be left with another unsupported  system (aka GCN) on my hands.


General Gaming / RE:Sony getting hit Hard lately
« on: September 10, 2006, 12:32:27 PM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k

I think it's real.

Well I'm a qualified electronics engineer (retired now) and that sounds authentic. If its fake its well done.

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