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Messages - SatansNemesis

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I'm getting way more of a kick out of this than I should be.

« on: March 06, 2015, 12:03:53 AM »

« on: March 06, 2015, 12:03:14 AM »
I'll bring the popcorn.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Take your Dupe to the Funhouse Day
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:02:20 AM »
Calling you out, NotKhush.

« on: March 05, 2015, 11:58:44 PM »
Stop it Khush. You're making the rest of us dupes look bad!

NWR Forums Discord / Take your Dupe to the Funhouse Day
« on: August 12, 2009, 05:20:52 PM »
You can only post as your dupe in this thread. If you don't have one...get one. ;)

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Spider-Man 2
« on: October 12, 2004, 11:55:49 PM »
Reminds me of those really cool old beat-em-up games that were for my friends genesis back in the day. In fact I remember one being a spider-man game that was cool and fairly fast paced. I wonder if those games have inspired them any in this one.

lol...not even the most "bonded" trainer and creature could overcome that challenge, bad type matchup. "Squirtle! water gun atta-" *BZZZAP* Squirtle is fried by a thunder black out.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wireless Capabilities...
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:33:28 PM »
You mean the madness of nintendo's lack of internet support, the mystery of NDS internet potential, or something to do with warp pipe? Which madness are you talking about? There are many madnesses...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wireless Capabilities...
« on: October 11, 2004, 01:35:18 PM »
I doubt it would be like cell phones. Having a network like that costs a huge amount of money. Read the links in the earlier post about WiFi and the DS. It makes much more sense to use the WiFi that is already in place around the globe. People use it all of the time to allow their laptops and handheld devices to connect to the internet in places like airports, coffe shops, libraries, mass transit stations and even inside businesses or your own home. It's cheap, efficient and easy to use...typical Nintendo.

Besides, I was more refering to the idea of getting coffee and playing nintendo @ the same time. I am well aware of warp pipe happenings. Plus you shouldn't be so rude to people.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Will there be a game and watch revival?
« on: October 11, 2004, 12:50:49 PM »
Thats what I was hopping for, a collection of "next generation" G&W games, though you are right, M64DS looks to cover that area really well. Getting that along with one of the launch racing games (wichever turns out better).

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wireless Capabilities...
« on: October 10, 2004, 04:56:07 PM »
The beauty of the idea! On my off time I can go to the local starbucks and use the WiFi internet hotspot to play DS games while getting my beloved quad-almond-latte and a tasty pastery! And I could bring a friend so we could play co-op against the world! Victory through Java!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:those new batch of screenshots look incredible!
« on: October 10, 2004, 03:18:40 PM »
The graphics look a little like GC without the great bump-mapping/textures. But it is more like what N64 would look like if Rare had their hands on N64 development in 2002/03. Probably our best glimpse of what the N64DD looked like. Or if N64 had another RAM upgrade or had used CD media (for more storage space).

Nintendo Gaming / Will there be a game and watch revival?
« on: October 10, 2004, 03:12:24 PM »
Think about the DS compared to the old dual screen G&W games. I'm willing to bet that we will at the least get a collection or two of G&W games. But what could be really awesom is having a Game and Watch DS with a lot of entirely new games. Imagine the type of G&W style games they could create with the touch screen and mic. Could be very interesting.

What are your thoughts about the potential for G&W on DS?

That is true, if we get "new" legendary pokemon every game, it becomes "oh wow, another rare and semi-all powerful pokemon that is of [insert generic legendary pokemon type such as fire, lightning, ice or psychic]. I'll just add it to the other two dozen one of a kind powerful [insert generic legendary pokemon type such as fire, lightning, ice or psychic] pokemon that I have."

lol, that would then lead some to think "I have all the powerful pokemons so I am the best and I roxorz!!!111!1one"

Maybe they could make a game where you catch the same original legendary ones, but they have difficult to get evolved forms? Sounds less redundant. Could even have a way to add on extera story surrounding it.

As long as it has Scyther and Kabutops I'm getting it. Haven't gotten a pokemon game since silver because of a lack of Scyther (my favorite pokemon).

Heres an idea I just thought of: What if the game took place in the distant past when areodactyl and kaputops were not extinct and there were some 'pre-evolved' versions of the modern pokemon that are the "ancestors" of some modern pokemon. the unknown pokemon could be more involved and diverse as well. you could maybe choose form a small bird or a dog (of normal type) for your starting pokemon and in a grand battle near the end, depending on how you focused its training and types of attacks and such, it evolved into one of the legenday birds or dogs. Then in the special edition of the game you could get a small mouse/cat creature that would follow you and be like the "yellow version" for this series and later it evolves into mew. and at the end of the game, it shows that your mew, the partner of the -ancient legendary trainer- was the same mew that was used to create the feared Mewtwo.

Just some thoughts from my closet pokemon fandom.

Also, IGN says that the official colors are Pearl and Diamond, no mention of Platinum in the article.  

TalkBack / RE:New Wario Ware On GBA
« on: August 06, 2004, 11:15:03 AM »
If they are going to port it to GC then I wonder how they are going to detect the rotations...I smell a potential GC/GBA connectivity horror! :0

TalkBack / RE:Bad Games, Bad Reviews, Fewer Profits
« on: May 26, 2004, 11:12:54 PM »
Developers are going to suffer on this one. They are forced half of the time to make those pathetic games because of bad time frames and over expectation on the part of the publishers. I recal reading several developers diaries where they wanted a little more time for quality purposes but the publisher forced them to go gold too early and there were under developed features and bugs left and right. Developers are cought between a rock and a hard place and will have to work around this by cutting back on features. Even if they are great features, the games would have to be trimmed down to ensure timely milestones. Look at Rareware games: Banjo-Kazooie was delayed for over a year by nintendo for quality assurance. Return of the King had less than a year to be made, and even though the game engine was already set up, the 2-player mode had a few bugs in it that were really frustrating (i.e. the escape from the paths of the dead level...) that in a month or two could have been fixed. Games based off of movies should be started as early as possible to ensure quality work time before the essential deadline of its namesake film's release.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario 64x4
« on: May 19, 2004, 11:16:05 AM »
Crystal Chronicles uses the sp d-pad when playing multiplayer, though there was no jumping involved.

They did say that they were redesigning the shell before launch, they could throw some sort of analog button on there too in the process.

Anyone remember the old turbo NES controller? That had a small thumb sized button that could be rotated in 360 degrees. Don't remember if it was analog though. Would be a nice solution though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Can I use my laptop to play Game Cube?
« on: May 18, 2004, 11:42:47 PM »
Does the TV in the hospital have the old screw-on cable hook up? Like the NES/SNES had? They sell a converter in most stores that allows you to hook the GC up to the old cable jacks behind the TV.  

Crystal Chronicles all the way! That game was born to be on the ds. Use the top screen for the action (its wireless so its easier to play together) and the stylus can be used on the bottom menu to select items and such. That way you can still move around/attack while moving in the menu. This is a high potential game.

Though one thought, if the DS is backwards compatible, can it be used as a controller for GC games? That could give me an excuse to get one and keep my sp. And could be considered a plus for people looking to buy one.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Eternal Darkness 2 Marketing Tactic: Reasons
« on: May 18, 2004, 02:02:12 PM »
If you look at that scentence it does make a little sence, the only part of their relationship that changed is that sk is now 3rd party. This implies that they are still working together. It would be like rare going 3rd party and still making games for gamecube instread of being bought by M$. Maybe they wanted to get on w/ making Too Human now and then they will work on other 'special' nintendo projects once their big pet project is out of the way?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Burnout 3 GC bound
« on: April 29, 2004, 11:05:01 AM »
I want burnout 3 to have a LAN mode, though it'll be ok if they don't put one in there, but I love LAN gaming better than online stuff. It's funner to play games like Counter Strike and Mario Kart w/ people in the same room.

TalkBack / RE:EA Announces The Third Age
« on: April 27, 2004, 11:31:23 PM »
Am I the only one who, though thrilled with the new turn based stuff, is more dissapointed that they won't be making the trilogy game in the same action style as the last 2? I was really looking foreward to more co-op mode.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Capcom should give us RE2 or 3 or CVX as a bonus
« on: April 26, 2004, 11:53:34 PM »
I'll give you a reason Infernal Monkey, they didn't even update the graphics, and since I already have it for N64 and it was my favorite one of the series it would be silly to buy the same game again. I really really wanted them to remake it at least graphically. Since they didn't I have no reason and no desire to buy it. And I have no reason to buy the others too. If they had just spent a year or so on each port w/ updated graphics and a few bonuses, I would have gotten each of them @ release time and I think others would have too. They messed up on that decision, and they suffered for that bad decision in sales. IGN had a chart that showed sales of ALL resident evil games up to zero and my theory from that data was that polished up versions of 2,3 and CV would have sold at least 2.5-3 times more than what they did sell. They can still change it in my mind, recall the old pathetic ports and build new ones, but I know they won't do it...sad. And I had wanted to get freaked out again just like my first time with the game when I was in the police interrogation room and knew the other side was empty cause I was just there and then the licker came through the glass and scared me so bad that I jumped up and fell around behind the couch I was sitting on...It was great, even though I died and had to do it again. I wanted to see that in GC quality graphics.

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