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Messages - gregmde7

Pages: [1]
General Gaming / Re: Do you still buy games for dead consoles ?
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:07:38 AM »
I've bought plenty of games for dead consoles, and I got more on the list! I actually remember one of my favorite games of all times for the Sega Genesis, the game "Shining Force". I had no idea they had more editions made for other systems, and I just found out - and I WILL be buying those Shining Force games, I just hope they are as good as the original Genesis game!

Has anyone played them?

General Chat / Re: The NBA thread
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:53:27 PM »
Crazy this thread was started in 2009! Anyways...

I'm actually surprised that the Heat beat the Celtics the first game. And very surprised what the Hawks did to the Magic - I thought the Magic were going to actually win it all.

Now that Orlando is out of the mix, it's down to either the Lakers or the winner of the Heat\Celtics series.  Of course Chicago is an awesome young team too, but I just think a little bit too young to pull it out this year.

If I HAD to make a prediction, I'm going with the Lakers, they got the experience, and the best player in the league.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:49:42 PM »
Unagi, i also loved Drag Me To Hell - I have seen it like 10 times on showtime, lol.

I give it a 8.5, I think it was a good horror flick.

I'm actually watching "Orphan" right now. I think I have seen it before, but so far I give it a 6 - it's pretty predictable. They adopt this girl and she is basically a little psycho - definitely can already tell what's going to happen.

General Chat / Re: Holy ****, Osama Bin Laden is dead!
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:46:52 PM »

I can't believe that it took them this long to actually get him though. Didn't we supposedly kill him a few years ago?

I think this time it's actually for real, but I think they should show a little bit more proof than what they have - he was the most wanted man in America by the way.

General Gaming / Re: PSN = Privacy? Security? Never!
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:40:01 PM »
I'm not sure, but I will tell you one thing - it has been way too long that the PSN has been down now. I mean come on, it's been over 2 weeks now. With a company as large as Playstation is I just don't get how it can take you 2 weeks to get this issue fixed. Of course it is a really big issue as credit card information and other personal information is on the line - but can't you reopen the network while doing your other work?

it's getting very frustrating!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Updated! Forum Rules!
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:27:33 PM »
I'm a part of the "internet marketing" community and unfortunately these spam bots are a huge part of the business. I can't tell you how annoying it is to have people post crappy posts to get there "link count" up or posting the same thing on every single forum (using spam bots of course) promoting some kind of make money thing.

Luckily it's nothing like it used to be though...

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