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Messages - pimpcube

Pages: [1]
General Chat / RE:Jokes reborn
« on: December 02, 2003, 06:55:54 PM »
omg omg omg
no one remembers
he's been here for 2 years, but hasn't posted in forever
anyways i got the answer to the riddle, i couldn't resist.
the two boys get on the boat and go across
one boy gets back in and goes to the island
the dad takes the boat across and leaves the boy on the island
the other boy then takes the boat back to the island, and both boys return


General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 22, 2003, 08:42:32 PM »
Bilditup, i think u r referring to mao zedong.

Nintendo Gaming / Cartoon/Anime games you'd like to have?
« on: March 22, 2003, 08:29:39 PM »
don't hate, i agree. cowboy bebop would be my dream anime game, but only if it were done right.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 20, 2003, 05:49:49 PM »
brian, u can put into words my thought/your thoughts/pro-war thoughts a lot more elaborately and completely than i can... thank u

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 20, 2003, 04:05:53 PM »
marcus and gamer donkey, i think u both missed my point. i never implied that the u.s. wasn't part of the union, nor did i say that the un was of no use. wat i was saying is exactly what every pro-war post in here has been arguing, which is they are doing the right thing, whether u like and the whole world likes it, or not.
the u.s. can be ruler of the world if it wanted to, but it won't. indeed at times it may seem that the u.s. is taking advantage of the power, but imagine any other country with this power. u can't tell me that france wouldn't take advantage of it. history proves that the people of the country are  bitchy and conceited, and they'd love to be in our position. also, in turn, the u.s. isn't exactly ignoring the un. i'm sure the president feels the sting of the un countries criticisms and lack of support just like eminem feels the comments made against him by critics and the people alike. however, u.s. motives are for the most part, clean and moral. i mean, the government isn't exactly an angel, and we might take something home with us, although .highly unlikely, as the whole world IS watching. and that's the part of it that hurts the position of the u.s. the world is, in fact, watching. no support. no troops. no supplies. just countries "wanting to fill their own agendas" as one other poster said.

another thing, thanks for leaving this open rick. voice ur opinion too!!! this thread got me posting again, and it is very helpful and educational. truthfully, i've been open-minded about the whole thing. but from what i've seen, and believe, war is the one and only solution. we would have avoided it if possible, but it wasn't.
in addition marcus, the iraqi people are really upset with saddam. he is killing off the people that may say one thing against him. he is a tyrant, a dictator, and the people can't, and won't, do anything about it out of fear. the whole country lives in fear, and the u.s. is the "hero".

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 20, 2003, 01:27:32 PM »

I'm 100% antiwar. So personally, I'm sick of the news coverage of it on all stations here, and interupting my tv! So I've spent a lot of time playin' Xbox and Cube. But really, I do think Saddam needs to be taken out.

thank u for proving how absolutely mindless the american public is. america is more worried about "american idol" than the serious situation at hand. 100% antiwar and u think saddam needs to be taken out?? how do u propose we do that, sit around with our thumbs up our asses all day like almost every country within the UN?? saddam is never going to cooperate, and yes, i think bush made the right decision about going to war. the u.s. has been patient for too long, and the UN is not patient, but rather full of crap, especially france. its sad that when other countries call for our help, the u.s. comes to the rescue, yet, when it is our turn, our time of "need", these countries turn their backs on us. by "need" i mean we don't need any physical help, but rather support by the whole world. everyone seems so urgent and quick to make the u.s. look like a terrorist, a hungry animal looking to gobble up anything, an imperialistic whore that's willing to take over the world. what we really are doing is liberating the iraqi people. almost every iraqi person has a family member that they lost to saddam. action needs to be taken, and the time is now.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 19, 2003, 06:21:26 PM »
those anti-peace protestors/supporters whine about nothing. they don't want to close their eyes before the pale truth, that this war is necessary. shifty basically summed it all up with his comments. war is necessary, and is not initiated because of the want for oil.
however, i was talking with my cousins about this situation. so much became clear to me about the american people. look at the protests that go on in the street throughout the country. they all support one thing: anti-war. that is because all the abnormal and influenced people are out there. all the people that support war are sane and hard-working people that stay at home rather than go around marching for war. Now, u might be wondering what i mean by "influenced". (there's a lot to say so bare with me, i mite not put this in any order that may make sense) first, older cousin, who is a freshman in college, told me of his anti-war music teacher. she told the class that they would get 10 extra credit points if any attended an anti-war march. this is obviously illegal and also a cheap attempt at recruiting more anti-war supporters. continuing with this idea, my 13 year old cousin claimed that he was anti-war. he told me of a class from his school that took a couple hours off to go march on the sidewalk for peace during school. again, an illegal and cheap way to recruit more anti-war supporters. we then discussed it very, very briefly. the 13 year old was all for war about 1 minute after claiming he was anti-war, greatly contradicting himself. this, i believe (even though he may be young), models the american public. the american people. eventually, we will all have to support this war and support bush in order to boost morale, but y not support it for the moral reasons going into it, not to mention our own safety (saddam has already threatened attack on america several times).
let's face it, we will all have to sacrifice, and i myself may have to do it too. i am currently 16 (soon to be 17), and may be drafted in the years to come(of course i can avoid the draft because of my academic achievements =]). however, we can not go into this war as a split nation, but rather united as one. war is the answer, we've been waiting for too long. we've waited for 12 years on saddam, and it's about time we did something about him.

General Chat / True Life : I'm a gamer
« on: March 19, 2003, 06:02:21 PM »
well, myself, i am really surprised and extremely disappointed that the show failed to mention counter-strike. it is one of the most popular, if not the most popular online game in the world. there are many professional gamers and tournaments alike. the summer cpl tournament itself has a prize money of $200,000 per clan (5 people). this just proves how ignorant the people on mtv are about these types of subjects. and who the hell would play doa:xbv for 6 hours. there's no way u'd catch me playing that game for 1/2 an hour.


Nintendo Gaming / Hits of 2003, Rumors, Big Guns, speculation
« on: March 01, 2003, 08:18:10 PM »
and about the new zeldas, count it, 2 NEW ZELDAS r coming to the cube. 1 following the toon-shaded format while the other will go back to its 3d roots of realism. don't believe me??


Nintendo Gaming / Metal Gear Solid Discussion
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:24:47 PM »
wtf... did i read konami bustin out a mg game and a few other games??? i thought i'd never live to see the day


Nintendo Gaming / Castlevania
« on: February 24, 2003, 03:35:33 PM »
now, now children. i agree w/ both of u. although M games are geared toward more "mature" players, the vast majority of those buyers are 16 and under. the fact can't be denied. kids and teenagers alike attempt to "act cool" and play mature games. i myself, am 16. don't get upset, i still kinda like u both.


Nintendo Gaming / Incoming SEGA GCN announcement!
« on: February 18, 2003, 07:01:21 PM »
a few games that i would definitely waste my money as well as many hours of my life on are:
Streets of Rage 4
Phantasy Star 5
Shining Force
SoA 2
Shenmue III

also, i have SoA on dreamcast. does legends have anything special that merits a purchase?


General Chat / A little remix of mine...
« on: February 01, 2003, 04:14:04 PM »
o wow, i thought i'd just say that i enjoyed listening to it. i have it saved on me comp just for future listenings. r u listening. no one is listening. no one saw the link to go to teh new forums for listening. whoever does listening to listening??


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