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Messages - PyroFenix

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Re: 360 and PS3 Gamer-tags
« on: May 19, 2008, 09:54:45 PM »
Xbox Live - PyroFenix08
PSN - Lucent97

Hello nintendo fans, currently residing in Virgina, USA and working as a retail slave. I love all consoles, but enjoying my DS and Wii the most. Mostly do the racing and shooter thing, have been known to pick up Mario Party as well.

I'm looking for some WFC friends and hopefully some offline buddies as well.

Hi Honey!!! 
I'm his gf, in case you were wondering.  LOL.

hello baby .... we have one of every console that isn't a playstation 3. 20 months and still going strong ...... SHINE GET!

General Gaming / Re: PS3 Friend Tags
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:58:13 PM »

currently using my dad's 80GB

General Gaming / Re: XBox Live Gamertag rollcall
« on: May 14, 2008, 03:21:30 PM »
GT is PyroFenix08

Mostly play Vegas 2 and some racers

Hello nintendo fans, currently residing in Virgina, USA and working as a retail slave. I love all consoles, but enjoying my DS and Wii the most. Mostly do the racing and shooter thing, have been known to pick up Mario Party as well.

I'm looking for some WFC friends and hopefully some offline buddies as well.

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