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Messages - shoney

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / SP Graphics better
« on: March 22, 2003, 01:39:19 PM »
i like it except for one thing  the Dust under my protective screen

Nintendo Gaming / GBA SP problems
« on: March 22, 2003, 01:37:24 PM »
i got my SP a few days ago and i have been playing some pokemon but here is the problem when the light is on the dust also lights up and shows. i wiped off the dust but there is some underneath i cant get it out. is there any way to get the dust from under the protective screen?

Nintendo Gaming / SP early at Walmart?
« on: March 22, 2003, 01:34:53 PM »
which gamestop rick? the one at MoA? i got my SP on friday at the funcoland in richfield. i wonder why they have to keep it till sunday at gamestop.

General Chat / PGC is in mpls!?!?!?!?
« on: March 11, 2003, 01:54:35 PM »
so are all of you from mpls?
anyways, since i live in mpls and you guys are having the biggest nintendo fan contest could i come in and put on a show about being nintendos biggest fan?

Nintendo Gaming / GBA SP
« on: February 15, 2003, 12:25:49 PM »
i know how the platinum gba sp look but how does the other color look?  

got any links cuz i cant find it on PGC

Nintendo Gaming / No instructions and no box.... hmmmmm.
« on: February 15, 2003, 12:23:04 PM »
What does this have to do with GBA???

Nintendo Gaming / "Networking Gamecubes"
« on: February 14, 2003, 02:51:36 PM »
yes i'm still a "kid" and i really got a yelling when i suggested networking our house. see i just spent the last 6 months working on getting broadband at home and now i want to spread the love throughout the whole house and with all the comps. but all this LAN stuff sounds great but it is really hard . if nintendo sold a whole LAN set with 2 cables and a switch, hub or router it would be great.

they could sell the LAN setup and mari kart with it!

Pages: [1]