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Messages - THE Princess

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Shut up, I'm hitting on you vicariously through EasyCure.


Oh how I love to be the center of attention.

Not Really.

maybe sometimes

ha. Guys are so dirty.

Ya well whatever! I'm watching you! In a non-stalker but just suspicious way. :D

Hehe. Ok. I don't mind being watched.  :P

Oh and I dooooo use the logout feature, because like I mentioned before, I am at work, and other people do use my computer.

Hey I shouldn't get stalker points for that, it's not my fault I came about the knowledge to find people like that, I am not desperate enough to stalk anything.  I'm just saying imagine how quick someone with intent could find someone out.  How about this, do all the mods see your IP address?  If thats the case then they can pinpoint whatever computer your on within a couple of blocks!  But I don't think all the mods can see your IP.

LOL and this is why I think you are a dupe. Your already offline after responding within 2 minutes of my comment being created.  The only way you could be offline right now is if your using the log out feature.  And honestly most people don't use that.  If you were still online right now it could be semi believable because your session wouldn't have died yet, it would have taken 20 minutes, and it certainly hasn't been 20 minutes.

You can set it in the webserver how long you want it to take a session to die, most people keep it at the default, 20 minutes.

Well I have not changed anything so I don't know what I have it set to. Actually wait, I have it set to be logged on forever. So I'm not sure what you mean. And I am at work so I can't be on this site every minute of the day, so maybe that's why I show up offline?? Who knows. Anyway, I guess I'll take back what I said about your stalker points. Haha. No stalker points for you!!!! 

Hey, Pale next time you find a lead on who you think she is, try not to share it with the forums cause that would have told use her first and last name.  Plus her city of residence, Thats like 1 step away form me getting her home address.

Wow now you get some serious stalker points.

Princess, is this you??

as that person just started following me on Twitter and I like to try and figure out who people are when they do that.  :)  The avatar was strikingly similar....

Wow that is weird. She does look a little like me doesn't she. But not that is not me. Walkers is not my last name and I'm not from Seattle.

I think I just might be the one being stalked.  :o

And as for me not posting, I have no reason to since everyone will most likely just call me a dupe or stalker over and over. Instead I choose to just read everything. It can be quite entertaining when I'm absolutely bored.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Song Titles
« on: March 31, 2008, 03:33:34 PM »
ooo you beat me to it

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Song Titles
« on: March 31, 2008, 03:33:08 PM »
I Want Candy (The Strangeloves)

I am excited.

tears are running down my face.

don't get me wrong, role playing can be fun. I'm just talking about the fact that some people seem to be getting excited because of these pictures. That is sad. lol.

Lol. I hope this kind of stuff does not actually turn you guys on. That would just be sad.  :'(

Aw that must mean she really loves you!   :o

Because Star Wars sucks.

General Chat / Re: What is your dream?
« on: March 07, 2008, 10:35:09 AM »
i I'd also like to share my time with someoen special whom I could spend all my time with. Basically, I don't want to be with someone and worry if they're "the one" ya know?

Don't you already have this? I mean you said you have a girlfriend, one who you would think of giving your video games to if you died. That has got to be someone special, correct? hehe.

As for me, my dream is to become a famous actress. I have been interested in this field since I was about five. I have taken it up in school(and still do), been in acting classes all my life, and have played a couple of small parts here and there. So yes hopefully someday you will hear my name on "the big screen". =]

You're right I do have someone, and they're very special to me but with the way my life is now, I just sort of doubt myself and start to think it won't work out because of me. I love her to death but I don't think I could ever be what she deserves. Its complicated and I won't get into it in detail.

As for your dream its just picking on you at this point, I'm mean; i know :( its very cliche for a "girl"


caterkiller, thanks for the kind words. I know i need some sort of inspiration but what used to inspire me back when i was 16 was my dream of making great music and "hitting it big" so to speak. Now i'm older and just see it as less likely to really happen. I'm not giving up on music, or the dream for that matter, im just being more realistic about it i suppose. Even if it happened tomorrow; i get a huge record deal or whatever and embark on a tour.. i dont know if that would make me happy. I know I said i'd love to see the world but I'd really much rather see it on my own time. Touring life seems hard, plus i get sick really easy lol Why would i want that? Zero Confidence over here HA!

Haha. Now I'm intrigued. You cannot start a story and then stop in the middle(not that it was a story exactly). Besides I love all of those drama filled stories about relationships and whatever else. Why don't you think  you can be what she deserves? I'm sure she is with you because she loves you or is at least interested in you. What else matters? Unless of course she is one of those real b*tchy girls who tries to change you even though she tells you that she loves you for you. If that is the situation, get out fast! hehe. If not, then what's wrong? I'm usually great at helping people with their problems(also studied psychology), and I'm addicted to helping strangers. I know im odd, I can't help it. Of course you weren't asking for help or anything, hehe, so at least tell me the rest of your "story". Sigh I need a life. OK I'm done.

Oh and as for my dreams being cliche, for a "girl". I don't care. HA

General Chat / Re: What is your dream?
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:32:05 AM »
i I'd also like to share my time with someoen special whom I could spend all my time with. Basically, I don't want to be with someone and worry if they're "the one" ya know?

Don't you already have this? I mean you said you have a girlfriend, one who you would think of giving your video games to if you died. That has got to be someone special, correct? hehe.

As for me, my dream is to become a famous actress. I have been interested in this field since I was about five. I have taken it up in school(and still do), been in acting classes all my life, and have played a couple of small parts here and there. So yes hopefully someday you will hear my name on "the big screen". =]

NWR Forums Discord / Re: If I died tomorrow...
« on: March 05, 2008, 03:39:58 PM »
I say give it to your girlfriend. Oh wait, but you will be dead already. Ok, how about make a will right now, before you do die.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Judge your last meal
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:06:47 AM »
Mmmm. Some of you guys eat some really tasty food. I'm surprised. I was expecting answers like McDonalds, pizza, chips, wings, ya know the typical "guy foods". Fried, cheesy, fattening. Haha.

My last meal was probably more manly than any of yours'. hehe. I went out with a friend last night. I started with buffalo wings as an appetizer(shared of course), then had a salad, for my main course I ate stuffed chicken with mashed potatoes, then we had dessert: chocolate cheesecake. Yum. I know i know I'm a slob, oh well. haha. Food is too good not to be eaten. I give that meal 10 stars because 5 just isn't enough.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I love Nintendo games
« on: March 05, 2008, 08:55:08 AM »
Geez, Wandering I thought cyber-stalking was The Princess's racket.

Now that is just mean.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hey guys, let's be friends
« on: March 04, 2008, 07:25:26 PM »
Maybe it's the same person in different disguises... =O

If only. I'd much rather have to deal with one really crazy person than multiple. It can't be one person in disguise because once two of the 3 showed up to my old job at the same time while the 3rd happened to text me me close to the time that i was hiding from the other two.

Well I see your quite popular with the ladies. That must come in handy. And as for me, I'm definitely not stalking you.

How does that come in handy? the only way i can see that being useful is if i ask these stalkers to compete for me and BAM! instant catfight for me and my friends to enjoy. too bad i'd never want to make contact with any of them to ask for a catfight. and you ARE stalking me cuz Vudu is stalking you and he says so. I trust Vudu

Just playin

What I meant was having all the girls come after you must come in handy. You know, since you get your pick. I'm sure some of them aren't crazy. And as for you Vudu, he is wrong I tell you!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hey guys, let's be friends
« on: March 03, 2008, 02:37:17 PM »
i need less stalkers. I'm not joking either i've had too many in my short life.

first there was one that would send me nude pictures while i was with my last gf, then there was another whom i met at an event at the Nintendo World Store (before i worked there) thru some cools guys i was talking to while waiting on the line to get in. I maybe said 2 words to this girl and she became obsessed with me, getting my AIM screen-name and email off the two guys i met her thru, saying we should meet up in Jersey.

oh and theres the other one that latched on to me when the guy i worked with that she was originally stalking got fired back when i worked in the mall. It's been like two years and i thought i got rid of her until last week when i bumbed into her at that same mall Can't go back there during my lunch breaks anymore.

now i have The Princess/ Ssecnirp Eht stalking me on the forums where i thought i was safe.

Well I see your quite popular with the ladies. That must come in handy. And as for me, I'm definitely not stalking you.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hey guys, let's be friends
« on: March 02, 2008, 09:53:51 PM »
I find it so funny that I was once called a stalker, but now it seems the tables have turned and I have now become the one being stalked.  :o


NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hey guys, let's be friends
« on: March 02, 2008, 08:13:37 PM »
Wonderful. I'm shift key's favorite. Mission Accomplished.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hey guys, let's be friends
« on: March 01, 2008, 05:47:10 PM »
Why hello there. I am Ssecnirp Eht the dirty girl(or dude possibly since you all seem to think so) with myspacesque pictures. Fear me for I am your leader. I own all. Hear me roar.

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