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Messages - ZF222

Pages: [1]
NWR Forums Discord / RE:The Students' Voice
« on: July 25, 2007, 02:02:36 PM »

Originally posted by: thatguy
When I was your age, school probably started at 9:00, then ran to 3:20.

Then, I got to college, had an 8:30 class and realized it took 45 minutes to get to it from where I lived from the campus bus system.  Grow up and deal with it.  It could be worse.  If you suffer in high school, you'll be better prepared for college and the working life.

Additionally, most users on these forums are at least of college age, several of them have regular jobs and maintain their households.  You should learn to respect and treat the people you are appealing to with kindness.  You haven't yet.  How old are you?  Twelve?

Also, you need to obey the rules.  Your picture banner stretches too far.  I think the limit is a width of 650 pixels, though it may be less than that.  Stop breaking the rules here.  Additionally, it is the responsibility of your own local school system to make the times and the rules for schools in your city or county.  Learn how the system works.  If you really wanted to get things done, you'd know that you would need to get the voting populace who elect those in power in your school system to sign your petition to have any effect what-so-ever.

You sound like a sage on Nsider... Damn generic happy go lucky sage answers...

I am older than much older than twelve, and also, I don't give a damn about this forum, its called advertising.

Surely all of you and your college buddies on these forums know what that means, right? I mean, with them having those regular jobs, and all those responsibilities...

NWR Forums Discord / RE:The Students' Voice
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:37:37 PM »

Originally posted by: MJRx9000
Do you want them to just grow up to be stupid?

Is that what you think will happen? With students rested and awake in class, they will retain more information than if they were tired. What would you know about it, I have first hand experience. You talk as if you were above 50 years old. What are you doing on these forums anyway, are you a pedophile?

NWR Forums Discord / RE:The Students' Voice
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:22:00 PM »

Originally posted by: Mashiro
I think a greater issue than start times is schools complete irrelevance to real life and obscene amounts of homework. .  . but that's another issue for another time.

If I ever have kids I will home school them with the aid of Nintendo DS and their wonderful non-game educational software. =D

TSV is also against the long hours, and homework load of school.

Check out the site! What have you got to lose?

NWR Forums Discord / RE:The Students' Voice
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:08:23 PM »

Originally posted by: MJRx9000
Kids are lucky they're not getting up at 6 to go to the coal mines or trafficking rings. They should be signing petitions of gratitude instead.

Whoa, how old are you? 70?

NWR Forums Discord / The Students' Voice
« on: July 25, 2007, 12:59:08 PM »

Welcome to the official TSV thread! Here I will introduce you to a movement that will shake the web very soon.

The site is ready, and now we need the members! Call this thread what you will, I will firmly say it is not spam, almost everyone on these forums can relate to this! So, here we go...

Our Purpose:

Is to change the early start of schools, pushing them to a later time in the day. 8 0 A.M to 2 0 P.M. Or perhaps even 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Foreign continents, Europe especially, run their school schedules in these later time frames with great success. Of course, one may say that pushing the start time later will result in getting released from school later.  However, if students are more attentive in classes, there will be no need for the extra hours. Shaving off a half hour or even an hour at the end of school would not hurt in the least.

Waking up at 6 A.M. every morning induces stress on students across the United States, and studies have shown that students with more sleep perform much better on tests and are more attentive in classes. We want to see how many students NATIONWIDE we can get to join this movement. Think about it... Almost every elementary, middle, and high schooler dislikes school in one way or another, no matter how important it may be. We want our voice to grow, and by using the power of the internet for the FIRST TIME EVER, thousands or even millions of students can help make this voice become louder. This petition will give an infinite amount of students a chance to finally voice their individual complaints!

On a curious note, imagine the attention we could receive with thousands of kids joining this movement/petition. Intriguing, no? Help out your fellow classmate, and do what's right. Make your voice be heard no

Well, thats about it in a nutshell. Check out our site for more information, and be sure to SIGN UP (and sign the petition!).

Hope you like the idea!

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