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Messages - thecubedcanuck

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Nintendo Gaming / A fine line to be number 1
« on: February 03, 2003, 06:09:22 AM »

Yes, which is why the Game Gear and its bigger color screen and vast game library totally crushed the puny black and white Game Boy when it came out.

Gimme a break, SEGA had no where near the market saturation that Sony does now. You are comparing apples to oranges.
Sony users would definately buy a linkable sony hand held. Why do I own a GBA, because I own a cube, it just makes sence.

Like I said this wont happen overnight, it might take 1, 2 even 5 years, but resting on the laurels of a big lead in a said market is very self destructive thinking.

Nintendo Gaming / A fine line to be number 1
« on: February 02, 2003, 06:55:28 PM »
windy man

Do you really think that if Sony made a hand held that connected to the PS2 and will connect to the PS3, marketed it hard, and  brought over games like Vice city and such that it wouldnt put a big dent in the GBA?
I may not happen in one month, but over a span of 2-3 years I think Sont could and would take over the hand held market.

I am Sure when the PS1 came out no one cared either.

Hindsight is always 20-20

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube's Appeal to the Teen Audience
« on: February 02, 2003, 02:45:17 PM »

How about getting the driver games exclusive and getting a kick @ss advertising campaign

I am not overly familiar with the driver series. I was thinking more along the lines of something new. Something GTA meets Bond meets TS2 meets Mafia.

I really dont know, but it has to ultra violent, ultra cool, and pushed as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Even then it will need a great follow up and then another to prove that the Cube means business.

Nintendo Gaming / A fine line to be number 1
« on: February 02, 2003, 02:41:59 PM »

the fact of the matter is that it's still making more money than everyone else is overall. The GBA does have a lot do to with this, but still, it's about the money more than it is about the market position

Like I said earlier this could change overnight when Sony enters the Handheld market.

Market position and making money always end up being related, maybe not in the immediate future but somewhere down the road a lack of market share will always translate into making less money.

I am not sure how MS will figure into all of this. I am not sure if them entering the market will help nintendo or hurt them in the long run.
At the moment they arent a real threat, even though there sales match nontendos.

Catching Sony, hell even coming close, is the real key here. How do you get Sony users to come to the cube before GBA users go to sony?

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube's Appeal to the Teen Audience
« on: February 02, 2003, 01:56:34 PM »
The big problem is not the lack of mature games, there are a some good ones and more coming. The problem is other than nintendo loyalists, nobody knows about them.

Nintendo needs a violent game, as sad as that it, that will get it noticed. They also need to market the living poop out of it with very strong commercials. Commercials that will leave people going "wow, cool, I need to have that game". I have never see a nintendo commercial that did this to me.

Nintendo Gaming / A fine line to be number 1
« on: February 02, 2003, 01:48:21 PM »

So while overtaking Sony would be great, it may not really be a goal

thats a good point, I honestly never once looked at it from that angle.

However I do find that train of thought disturbing. To not want to be the best at your givin field seems like a death wish.
Eventually that attitude would only further there competiters lead.

As for the handheld market.
I hate to see what will happen when Sony releases a handheld. From my personal buisiness experience, I would think that SOny having the Number 1 console would steal a lot of GBA users. Users would want their handheld to match there console especially is the handheld and console will link up, which it no doubt will.
This is a big reason why Nintendo has to see the importance of the console position because one day it will hughly affect there other and most profitable market.

Nintendo Gaming / A fine line to be number 1
« on: February 02, 2003, 12:11:33 PM »
After reading these boards for over a year, and seeing how everyone wants Nintendo to regain the number 1 position in the console race, I pose a few questions and give a few thoughts.

First of all, what was it that lost Nintendo the number 1 spot in the first place?
Was it refusing to go the CD format, or was it a bigger issue?

May here seem to want to 2 very differant things from what I have seen.
Everyone wants Nintendo to make new and innovative games and at the same time keep the old favorites alive and kicking while remaing true to their roots.
Can this be done? Can they be innovative and keep the feel of the past glory in these games?

Now one has to consider what it will really to tkae to overthrow a really powerful king in Sony.
Sony is succesfull because it appeals to the masses, this cannot be argued.
Can Nintendo appeal to the masses, while pleasing the difficult to please Nintendo loyalist?
How can they do both?
It seems to me like it it is a double edged sword. To overthrow the king one must first emulate the king at the same time convincing people that they will the same but better.

I am not sure how this can be done.
Will Zelda be a start, I really dont think so.
Metroid could have been, but needs more pushing still.

I  am looking for some real objective feedback here, not the standard "if people were smart they would just buy Nintendo" rhetoric.
How do you get a sony fanboy to take a look, and even more important, how do you make him like what he see's?


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