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Messages - thecubedcanuck

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Nintendo Gaming / TRSTS Sales Thread
« on: March 06, 2003, 05:15:18 AM »
After looking at these numbers, I know if I owned a 3rd party software development company I would NOT make any games for the Gamecube. It just isnt worth the risk, the cost or the time.

Nintendo Gaming / GTA: Would it sell?
« on: March 06, 2003, 04:56:17 AM »

Back to topic, its not like the US is the only place GTA sold like Hotcakes. Its really alarming how violent and stupid the western world is becoming. For all my friends GTA is the best game ever, and I always considered them intelligent people.

I dont see how what games someone enjoys playing can be used as a deciding factor in determining their intelligence level?
My brother in law is a doctor, his favorite movie is Happy Gilmore, does that make him stupid?
I golf with an accountant and lawyer every week and both collect comics, are they morons?

Get the point.

GTA is a good game, I find it to be fun to play, it lets me get out pent up aggresion in a safe and enjoyable way. Why is that so wrong?

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 06, 2003, 04:47:32 AM »

Nintendo just won't compete with their illegal tactics, and unfortunately it's hurting sales.

What is so illegal about it? Infact that statement is borderline libelous. No kidding its hurting sales, the public says it wants one thing and Nintendo insists on delivering another. Now why would that produce anything other than poor sales?


The attitude by the teens is just the kind of attitude that hurts the industry.

I suppose that is why the gaming industry is growing quicker than any other sector of entertainment. Why it has passed hollywood in $$$ made. Yep, the industry sure is hurting. Or could it be that it simply isnt going in the direction you want it to, meaning that YOU are in the MINORITY?


and denies the chance for games which would easily appeal to them (i.e. Metroid Prime) from achieving the popularity they deserve.

Please tell me why you think it DESERVES to be popular? Is it because YOU like it? It is a game, it doesnt deserve anything.


I hope that in other countries image does not matter as much. Perhaps then the next home console will get a chance to succeed.

Image matters everywhere and America is the main reason for this. As for the next console, give the MAJORITY of people what they want and it will sell, or continue to market your product to the MINORITY and wonder what went wrong. It is simple economics.

Nintendo Gaming / Dengeki Charts
« on: March 06, 2003, 01:36:41 AM »
It will be real interesting to see Zelda's numbers in the US when the time comes.
I know there are about 250k in pre orders because of the bonus disk, but will it sell to anyone else?
I would think that if you were going to buy it you would take advantage of the pre order offer, wouldnt you?
I have spoken to a few people I know who "were" Zelda fanatics who said they wont be buying it after seeing and playing the demos.
The month after it comes out should produce the most interesting sales charts in Cube history.

Nintendo Gaming / japanese metroid prime numbers
« on: March 06, 2003, 01:29:39 AM »
It is really difficult to make ANYTHING that appeals to both American and Japanese consumers. The cultures and tastes are so differant that it is hard to bridge the gap. I think this relates well to one of Nintendos biggest problems, that is they are trying to sell to many Japanese style products in an American market.
On a side note. I was in Nagano for the Olympics a few years back and I will tell you this, I couldnt wait to get the hell out of Japan. I just couldnt stand it there. It was nice to look at, but other than that, it sucked big time.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 05, 2003, 04:03:50 PM »
Did everyone read the new artical on PGC?

All I can say is ouch.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 05, 2003, 11:04:42 AM »

Do you play any other systems on a regular basis?

Can you really be objective if you dont?

Nintendo Gaming / Surprise new Nintendo game in March?
« on: March 05, 2003, 10:50:04 AM »
I hope its brand new. Not rehashed at all.

Blow me away like you did with Mario 64. CAn you?

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 05, 2003, 10:47:38 AM »

Give me a break. I shudder to think what the world of video games looks like through your eyes

too funny

I have all 3 systems and I honestly dont see Nintendo as having the better quality of games or system.

All 3 have great games, and all 3 systems have benifits and flaws.

Why is that so hard to comprehend?

Nintendo isnt the company it once was, Mario sunshine should be proof of that. I am hoping Zelda is the masterpiece I think it will be, however if it isnt I wont kid myself by pretending it is.

You keep saying my logic is flawed. How is it flawed? By looking at things objectively? By not looking at the name on the box and deciding right there and then.

I play games, I honestly could care less who makes them.

As for "the world of video games I live in" its called the real world, games are a hobbie, not real life.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 05, 2003, 10:30:59 AM »
dolphin, do you look at anything objectively, ever?
You are a fanboy, plain and simple. Nintendo is a shell of the great company they once were.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 05, 2003, 02:30:48 AM »

I fear the industry will have degraded to a level where image is everything, and quality and innovation are things of the past.

You guys give Nintendo way to much credit. Yes, most of their games are good, but surely not all of them are. If Nintendo died it definately wouldnt spell the end of the video game market.
Your statement is so biased it isnt even funny, you seem to think that nintendo is the only company making anything innovative and with quality. Get your head out of the big N's ass for a while and try new things.

Nintendo Gaming / GTA: Would it sell?
« on: March 03, 2003, 07:20:41 AM »

raising oil prices has little to do with iraq at this point.

LMAO, I am a bond trader pal, trust me when I say it has everything to with it. As for the economy getting better with a war, that to is laughable. This isnt ww2 where we will be building tanks and ammo and rubber plants. This will be a war that costs 1/2 a billion a day to fight, and that doesnt even include the cost of reprecutions that the US will feel.
This will be ugly.

Nintendo Gaming / GTA: Would it sell?
« on: March 03, 2003, 07:11:03 AM »

I have played it to the second part of the city, and it was there that I got really bored with it. All the missions start to look alike after a while,

and you didnt get bored scanning 3 billion items in Prime? Gimme a break.

Damn do I hate fanboys.

Nintendo Gaming / Win Zelda: TWW and meet Miyamato?
« on: March 03, 2003, 07:08:29 AM »

Florida residents can't sign up either.

After the election proved that Floridians are a little slower than the average folk they arent allowed in to many places.


Seem a little bit... uh... contradictory? If you're gonna brush away our opinions, then don't expect us to listen to yours. I hate hypocrites like you.

I am not brushing away your opinion. I am brushing away your blatent fanboyism.

Why didnt Metroid win? Hmmmm. I believe there was a thread with 30 pages worth of people bitching about the game freezing, could this be just 1 of the reasons?


Who says Halo deserved it more than GTA3? Other than you and AIAS?

GTA3 wasnt even nominated for some reason if I remember correctly. IMO It was as goood as HALO, and IMO is more fun to play than Prime.

Have you even played Metroid? Those two games are not in the same league. I play Splinter Cell to show off my Radeon. I play Metroid to have fun.

I have owned Metroid since the day it came out and I do like it. I find scanning every thing to be very redundant however other that I did enjoy it, I  just enjoyed Splinter cell much more, I also found GTA vice city to be more fun as well.

Nintendo Gaming / Disturbing comments-again
« on: March 03, 2003, 01:41:28 AM »

I'm sick of hearing GTA is for older gamers only. I do not know any older serious gamer over the age of 20. Everyone I know, even my little brother's 7 year old friends play GTA. It is not an adult only game, so stop saying that.

Do you hand around with many over 20 gamers?
I do.
I am 32 and love GTA3 and vice city, my brother in law who is an optomitrist also loves the games, so please can we try and be a little more subjective. Just because there are no 30 years olds in your junior high who play it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

Nintendo Gaming / Pilotwings!?
« on: March 03, 2003, 01:35:16 AM »
I would love a good flight simulator for the cube (or any console for that matter).
I have been flying single engine planes for 10 years now and always love the chance to fly the commercial jets (even if it is a simulator)


Halo should not have won GOTY in 2001...It did

You idiot. It deserved it hands down.  

and you wonder why Nintendo cant shake its kiddie image.

Nintendo Gaming / GTA: Would it sell?
« on: March 03, 2003, 01:15:01 AM »

come on u muppets do your research there is a little machine called a pc which 95 percen of the popluation have..

What about the people who cant stand playing games on a pC?
I would much rather play on a 36 inch tv than a freaking monitor, and I would much rather be sitting on my sofa.

So before you start calling people stupid, remember this. Not everyone is a 14 year old. I sit a PC from 7 am to 8 pm most days working, so the last thing I feel like doing is sitting at it while I relax.

i bet if hollywood wanted to they could make most americans think terrorism was a good idea and that we should just sit here and like being bombed......enough americans have accepted it already......damn i am sick of all the stupids walking around.

And you are sick of the STUPIDS? talk about irony.
Do you have a car, do you pay for gas? Do you know anything about the current situation in the Middle East? Do you know what a war will do to your counrties economy as well the effect it will have on world balance from a peace standpoint?
I doubt you know much of anything.
Go back and watch your Nascar.

Nintendo Gaming / Disturbing comments-again
« on: March 02, 2003, 01:48:10 PM »
Oh man, you people bitch about everything dont you?

The statement is 100% true, deal with it.

Heres a thought, just play the stupid games and forget about all the other crap.


In case you didn't get it, "don't play the jealousy card" means don't bother saying I'm jealous, because I'm not. I can play it on PC whenever I want. No, it's not the same version, it's an upgraded port. Might also interest you to know both the GC and PS2 are getting Splinter Cell too, if you didn't already.

I have all 3 systems, and yes I know it is coming for all 3. As for playing it on PC, no interest to me at all. I hate playing games on a PC.


No, I'm not bitter it went the OTHER way, because it's an okay game. I'm just suspicious that Microsoft won for the second year in a row over games that were generally more critically acclaimed. My suspicions were heightened when I looked at the panel of judges. Look at them first, then call me paranoid or bitter.

Yes I saw the panel, and I still think it is propaganda. Splintercell is a GREAT game, it is just as deserving as Prime, why is that so hard to believe?
Also HALO was hands down the best game of last year.


Now to turn the tables. Why are you defending them so vigorously? Seems you're bitter about Animal Crossing. [/

As fro Animal crossing, I am glad it won, I think it DESERVED it. I am not defending anyone, I just think all this paranoid fanboyism that goes on here is pathetic. So metroid didnt win, big F'in deal. Do you still like it as much? If so, who cares.


Oh, and before you put your foot in your mouth... I played Splinter Cell on my PC. Don't bother playing the jealousy card.

the jealousy card? Like I could care less what games you play or dont play.
Is splinter cell even out for PC, is it the same version as the console game? Just wondering on that one.

As for the GOTY award, it could have gone either way, you are just bitter because it went the OTHER way.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 02, 2003, 06:31:31 AM »
Dolphin, you need to take off the rose colored glasses for a while.


No, the Dreamcast was healthy from a games standpoint. They had all the major genres covered, perhaps the best library ever achieved in the first year of a console. What could kill a system with such great games? Hype. Hype, for the Playstation 2, stopped the Dreamcast dead in its tracks, to make room for a system whose games were, at the time, quite inferior to the titles the Dreamcast was recieving.

The PS2 is a great system, far supior to the dreamcast in my opinion. I didnt own a dreamcast because I cant stand most SEGA games. Also with Sony's success of the PS1 it was clear that the PS2 was going to have outstanding 3rd party support, and it also had backward capabilities enticing the PS1 owners,  making it the clear choice for people looking for a system.


And yes, I do use the term inferior, because I do think it applies. Now, your wife may love Super Mario Sunshine, but would she love a lower-quality platform game, say, Zapper, as much? You may not like platform games, but to someone who does, the difference can easily be told.

Actually since you bring it up, she does like Zapper, and actuallt her favorite platformer is Pac Mac worlds. I to love platformers, and would have taken a dolled up  Mario 64 over sunshine. Sly cooter is a much superior game.


And would you rather play Metroid Prime or Turok: Evolution? One could argue that since both are first-person and both have some focus on exploration, they are similar, and a person could be happy with either one.

I love Metroid, but dont think it is a good as many think. I also didnt mind Turok at all, I do think Timesplitters and splinter cell are better than both.


There is a difference between a quality game and a shoddy one. The industry is young enough that we can still be subjective about the value of a game, to a certain degree. A person can easily say that BMX XXX is a worse game than Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4, and not get any flak for it.

What about the people that prefer BMX XXX, are they wrong for having made that choice? I dont think so, it is all opinion. I personally cant stand either game.


The question comes down to, thecubedcanuck, would you rather have no Metroids and all Turok: Evolutions? No THPSs and all BMX XXX? There is a clear difference in quality between the games, regardless of personal opinion.

I dont see the differance in quality at all, its all about fun. If you like it, it is quality, simple as that.
You like way to many Nintendo lovers want to much, you seem to have forgotten how to have fun playing games, I dont care what anyone thinks about a game, I am not fussy on graphics or frame rate either, I play what I enjoy. What a novel approach isnt it.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Strategy is Paying Off
« on: March 02, 2003, 04:53:26 AM »

And you would rather play inferior games? Then why do you come here? (Sorry, I know it sounds harsh).

Inferior when it it comes to games is strictly a matter of taste and opinion.
Many people truly enjoy games you will call great and vice versa.
My wife thinks Metroid is the worst game she has ever played, however, she cant stop playing sunshine.
I think sunshine is brutal, in all honestly I would consider it one of my most hated games.

Its all opinion.

I could care less who makes the game, if I like it I play it, regardless of reviews, hype or any other influence.

As for the Dreamcast dying healthy. I dont get it? How the hell was it healthy?
You owned one and thought it was great? Is that it?

get it now?

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