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Messages - michaelbaysuperfan616

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NWR Forums Discord / Re: Post one word and make a complete sentence game.
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:01:07 PM »

NWR Forums Discord / Is Beef vegan?
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:56:22 PM »
If cows eat grass that means beef is made of grass. Does that mean if a vegan eats beef they are eating grass? OR does it mean a veggie burger and beef burger are the same thing?
Food for thought.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Post one word and make a complete sentence game.
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:33:54 PM »
Pokepal is out he can't post any more. He broke the rule, your sentence must start with capital letter as per ENGLISH grammar rules.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Post one word and make a complete sentence game.
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:48:52 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is Zelda Wii U gonna suck?
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:36:58 PM »
I decided to revisit the Zelda games I have at my disposable to see if I can get excited for this. I am going to give Wind Waker HD a second chance and I am considering setting money aside for Twilight Princess HD. Quick question though, any news of Skyward Sword coming to Wii U, either a straight port on the e-shop or a proper Wii U HD remaster? Also are there Zelda DS games on VC or is that a realistic possibility they will release those prior to Zelda Wii U to build some hype? Or do they even need to build hype or will everyone just bet excited to see a screen shot after so long of hearing nothing?

Nintendo Gaming / Could e-reader make a comeback?
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:33:41 PM »
Okay so there are supposedly Amiibo cards now being released. They way I understand it is they work just like regular Amiibo you tap them to the NFC reader on the Wii U or 3DS and it unlocks content in the game. Now this is sort of reminiscent of the old e-reader in some ways. I was thinking is there a possibility for Nintendo to adapt the new Amiibo cards to be more like that where say they make a Pokemon Amiibo game that works just like the old Pokemon e-Reader game? Or is that basically what they are doing with these Amiibo cards or are they just a way to unlock the Amiibo content minus the toys?

I am wondering if the Amiibo card was Nintendo's plan all along and someone turned it into toys when they realized Skylanders and the other one were really popular. Personally I loved the e-Reader and the GBA connectivity, despite them not catching on ideals like that which are unique to Nintendo are one of the reasons I still care about them as a company. Saw what you will about their games or hardware but one thing is true, they ALWAYS find a way to try new ideas, even when everyone else is just chugging along doing the same old thing.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Post one word and make a complete sentence game.
« on: February 19, 2016, 11:20:04 AM »
Well I guess it was either a stupid game or people didn't understand the rules.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is 3DS Nintendo's best handheld?
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:56:51 PM »
I think Super Mario 3D World is the best 3D Mario they have ever made and I am glad they made something different than just a third Mario Galaxy.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is 3DS Nintendo's best handheld?
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:27:26 PM »
I actually prefer games from that period, I have a PS4 but I'll admit I don't play many of the really big titles because the scope is just too much for what I have time for.

Movies & TV / Re: All Things Netflix! Now With Original Programming!
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:13:52 AM »
Netflix has done away with preferences. Apparently the only way to teach it what you like now is based entirely on what you watch and what you rate. This wouldn't be so bad except for a couple of things. Now when you click on a title, show or movie, even just to rate it for preferences sake, it starts playing automatically. So in order to prevent Netflix from using movies you were just down rating as preferences you have to manually go into Recently Watched and delete the movies you were only rating. Very time consuming.

The second problem is without the taste preferences you can't get the custom rows as easily now. When you watch a show or movie it remembers what row you used to launch it, so for example you are trying to trick it into creating a row just for 80's now and you spend all day watching different movies from the 80's you have to find them in different rows, some comedies, some action, some horror, etc. Well under the old system you could just tell it Often under 80's in Decade preferences. Well If I launch an 80's title I found in teen comedies, it doesn't register I am trying for an 80's theme, it see I "like" teen comedies and creates a new row with more teen comedies, but it assumes I am a teen and shows me stuff released recently. Very annoying. It was always a pain in the ass to find what you wanted but with taste preferences it was easy to customize, not anymore.

I sat through Crocodile Dundee, Bill N Ted, Masters of the Universe, and about four or five other random 80's movies this past week trying to get that 80's row back I used to have under the old system. No luck. Now I am seeing stuff like Revenge of the Bridesmaids "because of your interest in Full Metal Jacket." what is the connection?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Post one word and make a complete sentence game.
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:27:02 AM »
(Lucario broke the rule. Porn is not a proper noun so shouldn't have been capitalized.)

General Gaming / Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:32:31 PM »
It probably doesn't count but I completed classic towers in Mortal Kombat X for PS4 last night before bed. The ending was not very interesting at all. The character was Total Khan. I don't know why I chose him I just thought I would try someone different than the normal.

I didn't pay much attention to the story in 9 so I am not sure if this is a direct sequel, a reboot, or if it picks up somewhere else in the timeline or if they are ignoring the timeline but it didn't really seem to make much sense either way. I am still disappointed that the MK team doesn't try better at making quality end game cinemas when they put so much effort into the rest of the game. With the rich story, the background of the franchise and the capabilities of the technology at their disposal it just makes me sad they don't put in more effort where it actually counts. To be fair I didn't finish story mode yet so maybe that is where the effort went, but I am not sure when, or if, I will get around to going back to story mode.

NWR Forums Discord / Post one word and make a complete sentence game.
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:28:17 PM »
Here are the rules. You are allowed to post ONE word and one word only. The person below you can post ONE word that follows your post and the next person below that and so on. The thread must make a complete sentence, so that means spelling, punctuation, grammar (to some extent) and proper capitalization are mandatory. Example if you go first and are starting a new sentence you must start with a capital letter and since this is an English forum, the subject must come before the verb. If your post, or word, ends the sentence then you must follow your word with proper punctuation. If the sentence is a question, that means your word ends with a question mark, etc.

I will NOT post the first word since I am making the rules I will wait and see who takes me up on this. The game ENDS the first post that breaks one of the rules. Please do not break the rule on purpose Lucario. If you do not wish to play please respect the rest of us enough to stay out of the thread, thank you so very much. Let's all try to have fun and learn some English at the same time.

(if this game has been done before I apologize in advance I don't come to this sub-forum much.)

General Chat / Re: What's going on on Youtube?
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:21:54 PM »
There used to be a few, when I was doing Youtube I also had my videos on Daily Motion, Break, Google Videos, and at least one or two others for maximum exposure. Google shut down their other service to force people into Youtube and Google +. The others I am not so sure about I haven't checked it out in a very long time.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is 3DS Nintendo's best handheld?
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:20:43 AM »
Seriously question, outside of Pokemon what games are there on 3DS that don't have equivalents on Wii U that are worth playing? A Link Between Worlds has me considering one if I can find the extra money or sell some stuff.

I like animeboys version better.First one not his creepy second one.

I think this is where you are both missing a lot of what is going on, they are sticking mostly to G1 for their designs but story elements have pretty much all come from either the comics or Beast Wars. There was nothing resembling the fallen, sparks, bounty hunters, or the allspark in g1 that was ALL Beast Wars. The names and designs is all they have taken from G1. Unless you specifically want an actual Beast Wars live action movie which if you talk to transformers fans out there that is something we have been asking for since the first film. Personally man I would love it if they could do a tie in or branch off into the Beast stuff, that would be so cool. But I do think they have done a pretty good job incorporating elements from all the different material as they can. With as many sources as are out there, with G1, RiD, Beast Wars, the NEW RiD, Generations, Armada, Energon, DW comics, etc. how can they fit it all into one film franchise? I think they have done a good job considering what they have. In fact the only G1 stuff that has made it into these movies are a few names and the original truck in the 4th movie, everything else is latter. Or the g1 comics but its not all from the cartoons very little has been from the cartoons.

General Chat / Re: What's going on on Youtube?
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:09:21 AM »
I had a Youtube strike against a video that was flagged for copyright notice for a song I WROTE, PRODUCED AND RECORDED myself. I proved I owned all the copyrights to it and the person who flagged it was wrong, turns out it was a rival of mine just trying to ruin my channel. Well the video was put back and flagged again, by a different person this time. Anyways long story short the third time it got flagged they deleted my channel for "excessive abuses" even though I won my case because it was MY CONTENT. I have never been back to youtube since. This was following a similar incident years ago with a video that I had permission from the copyright holder, a letter signed by their lawyers and the license agreement, and it still got flagged by random nobodies who like to flag content for no good reason, same story three times it got flagged I won all three appeals but channel was deleted because of excessive abuses. Come on Youtube seriously.

At this point I think all those involved need to boycott Youtube and band together to find an alternative. Web hosting isn't as expensive as it used to be nor is bandwidth these days so there is no excuse tying your content to such a restrictive platform anymore, especially someone as popular as NC.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:05:14 AM »
So Explodingfan, you going to see it now?

Well buddy I have decided that when it comes to Netflix I will put it in my queue that is the best I can offer.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: skittles
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:10:28 PM »
I can't see the rainbow. :(

They reference Beast Wars a lot in the movies. Not just the story elements but in the first movie they had Prime swinging around like a monkey with his Beast Wars ape face showing the whole film, he didn't get his G1 face plate until damn hear the end.

They are stupid movies but that is the point, they are mindless action. There is plenty of smart movies out there sometimes you just want to turn the brain off and enjoy some mindless entertainment. If that wasn't the case Hollywood wouldn't even exist.

General Gaming / Re: What's YOUR favorite game?
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:57:43 PM »
??? I took your post very seriously I gave a very thoughtful response and was treated with sarcasm so I responded with sarcasm in kind.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is Zelda Wii U gonna suck?
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:45:18 PM »
Apologies if I sounded at all harsh, Mikey. I know you're not a big handheld person, but I think you would truly enjoy A Link Between Worlds. It features the same overworld as A Link to the Past, but the transition into actual Zelda gameplay is very fast, and the game doesn't beat you over the head with story. Alas, you'll have to consider it once it comes out for a home virtual console.

Now, in terms of front-end padding and emphasis on dialogue, I think Skyward Sword was really the only instance of it becoming a nuisance. But, as I said, Ian's argument can go both ways. Do we excuse Zelda for its franchise power when the games aren't "as good as we hope"? Maybe, but I think we're so critical of Zelda because it has such a stellar track record, and that remains constant today. If you aren't fond of Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks, I understand your sentiment, but the touch controls in those games were not bad. They were polished and took mechanics from previous titles and made them work, and I hardly see issue with that. Skyward Sword set the bar for motion controls in video games. It's not likely someone will ever attempt to surpass that bar, which I personally think is a shame, but the integration proved that you could make a full game with motion control. Even if you dislike those games, its impossible to consider them poorly made. They feature steady performance, rarely broken gameplay, and the traditional elements of Zelda.

I know people want to play video games the way they want to. I personally think Skyward Sword is the only case where I felt some controls were integrated for the sake of having motion controls, and even then, I believe that it is still a fine game. In the DS titles, they felt largely unobtrusive to me, and I think that's an example of that sort of game design working. With Zelda Wii U, there is no gimmick. It seems to be taking what they have learned over the past several Zelda titles (touchscreen maps, gyro aiming, non-linear progression, travel management, etc) and integrating them into a larger world. That means they have more time to focus on what is compelling about open-world games and Zelda games. So I have high hopes for the game, but I'm also not ridiculously invested in it being the greatest video game or even Zelda game of all time. I try not to care that much.

No need to apologize Evan, I wasn't taking anything you said as suggesting that I needed to play the handheld. What I was suggesting was looking at the innovations in the handheld series is not proof they won't make mistakes with the console versions as the handhelds have been regarded as superior for a while now, and I was saying that I enjoyed all the handheld Zelda's that I played. I would love to get A Link Between Worlds, and I might have mislead on the whole 3DS XL thing, I will get one eventually but not until it comes down in price. Unless NX is a portable and fully b/c with 3DS and can hook up to a TV then I will just get that, assuming it's not over priced at launch.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:46:46 PM »
Deadpool is an amazing funny as movie, or does it not have enough explosions for you?

I like my action movies to have explosions sure, but I like my comedies to be a little goofy and I hated the Deadpool character from the comics, his last movie incarnation, the guy playing the character, so lame jab at my taste in films aside, I have no desire to see Deadpool. But despite the idiot I portray on this forum I promise you I am far more intelligent than you and probably one reason why you will never understand half of what I do.

But if dick and fart jokes are all it takes to make you giggle like a school girl then good for you ph@8.

General Chat / Re: What's going on on Youtube?
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:41:18 PM »
I wouldn't know I never heard of it before this thread, I was just taking a guess considering how protective of their stuff Google has gotten lately.

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